But in reality, Linkedin is also beneficial to students. Part 4: What Else to Put in Your LinkedIn Profile. Even if you’ve only worked part-time at Dominos Pizza for a few months, put it in your profile: You never know when someone is looking for talent that has experience in the restaurant industry, right? Watch video . Here is a checklist of 17 must-have items that can help you build a good profile. Neal resides in Irvine, California but also frequently travels to Japan. Following relevant influencers on LinkedIn helps to put a range of interesting content in your feed, which you can then share with others when you think it adds value. Interested in Sales Position in B2B E-Commerce.”  As you can see, the more narrow a title you put down, the more you will get noticed for your ideal position. Customize your connection requests. Keep your writing readable but specific to your industry. LinkedIn Help - Add Sections to Your Profile - How do I show more of my professional accomplishments and interests on my profile? Thanks for this article. It also makes you more “real” of a person in this world of increasing fake profiles. Law Student LinkedIn Summary Example. Try to contact former alumni. Just getting started on LinkedIn or looking for ways to improve your presence? 2 minutes. You can check these LinkedIn profile tips and 10 mistakes to avoid. To help students showcase the skills and experience they’ve achieved during their school years, we’re pleased to announce the launch of new LinkedIn profile sections. The 17 Most Useful WordPress Tips and Tricks to Blog Like a Pro! Put simply: real life and online life are converging. Obviously if you plan to live elsewhere after graduation, that city should be the one you put down. This will help you stand out from other candidates. Your professional headline and summary are the “branding” you will show in your profile. You may have been part of a college group that provides evidence of your capabilities. I also tried to break things up to make it more readable, placing the most important thing up top, and also using bullet points and symbols as decorative items to make the writing look more attractive to the human eye. It also helps to give context to your LinkedIn profile, demonstrating your passion for what you do. I know this is an old post, but I have a question regarding the updated “Education” section and the possibility to add specific courses. Sales? But don't worry! I had found it a while back, then started WorldsBestTips on Twitter, and have now RT your article, so it has become a permanent fixture on the list of Free Tips. A professional LinkedIn profile should include the basics such as your real name, professional profile photo, and headline, location, and the industry you work in. 5. I’m a second-year student at Yale with dreams of attending Yale Law after I … LinkedIn’s new profile sections give you the opportunity to highlight achievements to potential employers and industry experts who can help shape your career. How Do Influencers Make Money from Social Media? Accounting? 2. I also believe that any college student that is on LinkedIn is to be commended for staying “ahead of the curve,” so here is my advice on LinkedIn for students. And if you are not sure, that is OK as you can always change it later. Whenever you write an essay or a paper in school, you start with what you want to discuss and then mention how you plan to back it up, right? The more “branding” that you can create, the more distinct your LinkedIn profile will look and the higher your chances will be that you may get contacted as a passive candidate. Also in that summary, create a bulleted list of skills: soft, technical and professional (don’t just say it, … The new section will appear on your profile – and you can adjust your profile settings to control who can see these sections. Ask your family. In this case, your well-written LinkedIn summary is a good way to attract the attention of your prospective employer and encourage him to read your profile.The first paragraph may describe your personality and potential. Go to your LinkedIn profile page in edit mode, and click the blue “Add sections” bar under your profile summary. However, if you are utilizing LinkedIn for your future career management, you have come to the right place! Directly link each project to your website and include team members when applicable. In Name, enter the name of the course or program. Engineering? Use a four-colored, high-resolution background photo on your profile. Search for other students on LinkedIn or alumni that you know and see what they used. 7 KPIs To Measure Your Content Marketing Performance, 9 Types of Blogs That Can Make You Money Today. You talk about who you are, what you want to do, and what you bring to the table, all of this that you hinted at in your Professional Headline. But getting your brand and initial profile together, although it will require some time, will put you ahead of the game in terms of using LinkedIn to forward your career objective. While there is a LOT you can put into your LinkedIn profile, this podcast summary will focus on the bare minimum of things that you should have set up if you want to begin using LinkedIn as a powerful branding and networking vehicle. For instance, I am an engineering student, but I also want to add a leadership course and show that I have studied abroad. That’s a great question that you have. So while you can post videos on LinkedIn, you will find that fewer people do this on LinkedIn, and when they do, the subject matter on average is more professional than what you would see on TikTok! If you are joining LinkedIn to communicate with classmates, you are obviously in the wrong place as you will find very few of them on LinkedIn in comparison to Instagram, SnapChat, or TikTok. So to leverage the power of LinkedIn as a student, you must have a compelling LinkedIn profile that can grab the attention of professionals available on the platform. This really comes down to an exercise in branding. If you would like to see my profile, it’s http://linkedin.com/in/michaelmmorrison but if you’d like to answer in more general terms for future readers that would be great as well! For anyone reading this blog who feels stuck in creating a profile as effectively written as Neal’s, please consider working with me. Log in to your LinkedIn account, then go to your profile. There are certain sections that I cover in my podcast, so make sure you listen to it and subscribe to all past and future episodes in your favorite podcast listening app! Top LinkedIn tips for students • Get LinkedIn in your first year at university. As you already know, there is no industry for “college student”, so you have to make a choice. A UT student posted a photo on Twitter that showed a professor standing in front of a whiteboard that displays a racial slur, targeting Black people. Then make sure you grab a copy of my free LinkedIn ebook Maximizing LinkedIn for Business. ORGANIZATIONS: Have you joined any clubs at school or outside? Note that when asking for a recommendation, mention your branding and make sure that those things you want showcased are. Ask your professors for a recommendation and get them to sign up for LinkedIn as well. If they aren’t have a talk with them and forward them to my blog where I mention the value that any professional has when they join LinkedIn and participate. One smart tip a user gave me and I remarked upon to them was putting their “Past Employment” as Waterski Coach, as opposed to “Banker” or “Engineer”. In addition, pick a high-quality and professional-looking photo and list down your education details including your minors, major, courses, and even your GPA. Letting Companies Find You Today, a large number of organizations look for talented candidates on social networking platforms like LinkedIn. This is a great opportunity to make sure your image reflects your talents and experience and stands out to potential employers. New York City. He is also the author of 3 books on social media, including Maximize Your Social (Wiley), and in late 2019 will publish his 4th book, The Business of Influence (HarperCollins), on educating the market on the why and how every business should leverage the potential of influencer marketing. Lonny Dunn, Director of Operations Smart People Marketing http://www.twitter.com/WorldsBestTips. President of the social media agency PDCA Social, Neal also teaches digital media to executives at Rutgers University, the Irish Management Institute (Ireland), and the University of Jyvaskyla (Finland). The summary section is almost overlooked while the person is logging in. As you can see, I have my Asia and even Art History experience which I use to differentiate myself even though they aren’t directly related to industry (technology) or position (sales). Your summary should be the same. VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE & CAUSES: Even if you weren't paid for a job, be sure to list it. And please keep coming back to my blog as I will try to offer you all advice for your future! I think you get the picture. I believe that everyone has some experience that can help both differentiate you as well as back up your career objective. Remind the contact you are reaching out to where you met, or explain why you want to connect. But I didn't know the LinkedIn can help marketing strategy. I should note that, outside of the targeted advice for college students, I have a lot of free advice in my ebook Maximizing LinkedIn for Business that you can download by clicking here. Currently holding a 3.6 GPA, I have excelled in the studies of Asian cultures and languages and has already acquired proficiency in Mandarin Chinese and am currently studying Japanese. Neal Schaffer is a leading authority on helping businesses through their digital transformation of sales and marketing through consulting, training, and helping enterprises large and small develop and execute on social media marketing strategy, influencer marketing, and social selling initiatives. Once you have decided on a location and industry, it would be ideal if you can think of the type of work that you want to do. Go ahead and start by putting down a location and industry where there are a lot of jobs that you might be interested in. 21 LinkedIn Best Practices for Business Professionals to Follow for Success. I hope this helps college students get more involved in LinkedIn, and other people too. By capturing accomplishments in real time and publishing them on the LinkedIn network, members catch the eyes of other professionals - colleagues, recruiters, and hiring managers - and find one another for networking opportunities. It’s a great way to come together with like-minded individuals for discussions around shared interests. LinkedIn allows you … This may actually be easier than thinking of the industry. Start adding student sections to your profile now. Find your school’s page and click the “See alumni” button. What it’s Not. The Most Important White Space On Your Entire LinkedIn Profile “Your LinkedIn Summary is the most important white space on your entire LinkedIn Profile”. These are benefits that no resume on a hard drive can ever deliver. The site functions as an online directory of individual professionals and organizations, and facilitates the process of professional networking without having to leave your office. is as applicable for students as it is for any professional. But at some point, as you suggest, you want to be able to paint your own picture. I am a Yale graduate and an expert resume writer and I’m offering 25 LinkedIn profile reviews for $25 each. Actually I just revised the post a few months ago … what made you feel it was old? Even if you are still a student, try your best to create a professional-looking profile. Within a LinkedIn Group, members post and comment on discussions. The 7 Components of Email Marketing Cost, What is a Fractional CMO and Why You Might Consider Hiring One, Copyright © 2021 Social Media & Influencer Marketing Speaker, Consultant & Author - Powered by Creative Themes. High Tech? As for industry, this is a toughie. All of this profile data allows you to best find other people who work at certain companies or for certain organizations, and equally allows YOU to be found by those that might be interested in working with you. Students are different from typical LinkedIn professionals - with less work experience to add to their profiles. that I go into in the podcast. There are many other things you can do on LinkedIn, like joining LinkedIn Groups, utilizing their publishing platforms, adding volunteer experience, certificates you hold, etc. When editing the section, include examples and specifics about your contributions, and how the experience added to your skills and abilities. It was the addition of that Accounting class which actually got me my first job. Here’s a classic video of how LinkedIn describes their own social network: First of all, as with anyone else I consult with, you have to ask yourself what your LinkedIn objective is. Strategies for Using LinkedIn As a High School Student Linkedin is a professional business social media network. Then, browse the available sections and select a section to add to your profile. Sharing your scholastic achievements can help guide relevant people to your profile, and may even help you land that dream summer internship or job opportunity right out of college. LinkedIn Profile Checklist: LinkedIn Tips for University Students 1. Here are some sections you may want to add to your profile: How-to: Add new student sections to your profile. My LinkedIn profile is here: http://www.linkedin.com/in/brendabernstein, Address304 North Cardinal St.Dorchester Center, MA 02124, Work HoursMonday to Friday: 7AM - 7PMWeekend: 10AM - 5PM. • Make sure your LinkedIn profile is complete. First, there are a few things you might want to take into consideration. ; In Issuing Organization, enter "edX". A college student's go-to guide on what to post on LinkedIn, and how to establish yourself as an emerging talent in your industry. Having a LinkedIn recommendation will further differentiate you from the rest of the crowd who don’t have recommendations. Thus, you need to make them look appealing. One of our favorite LinkedIn summary examples, perhaps not surprisingly, is from Jeff Weiner, CEO of the company: Internet executive with over 20 years of experience, including general management of mid to large size organizations, corporate development, product development, business operations, and … Here’s the quick list of sections: Volunteer Experience, Work Experience, Summary, Projects, Organizations and Interests. Buy a copy of What Color is Your Parachute? KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (WVLT) - Numerous student organizations at the University of Tennessee have called on school officials to fire a professor who wrote a racial slur on a classroom whiteboard. So, let’s move on to the million dollar question: How do you advertise your profile amongst so many professionals while you are still only a student? Doing this will help you build your LinkedIn profile appropriately. There are lots of places to show your volunteer work on your LinkedIn profile. Should I get LinkedIn as a student? LinkedIn is the top online site for professional, social and career networking. Fill it up with keywords that not only show off what you did but also provide evidence of what you are capable of that aligns with your objective. I believe that the Professional Headline and Summary are the most important things you can add to your profile for LinkedIn for students. You may then become the “go-to” person in your college for LinkedIn, which may further add to your brand! That being said, I still think that there aren’t enough resources out there for soon-to-be-professionals to look for in terms of creating an optimal LinkedIn profile. Needless to say that is a great resource, but it’s not always easy to find but easy to get lost in the content. Future lawyer and lifelong humanitarian. Check it out here). Sr. Software Engineer "LinkedIn works really hard to invest in their employees as both people and professionals. However, you do not want to list your LinkedIn Groups within the Organizations section, as LinkedIn Groups automatically appear at the bottom of your profile. *** I am currently looking for an entry-level Sales & Marketing Position in the International Sales or Marketing division of a Technology Manufacturer in Japan. Have you ever thought exactly what LinkedIn is? You can show you are a student on LinkedIn by writing a short and informative headline related to your industry. Finally, LinkedIn allows you to see who is connected to who, so as you begin to build your own network, you will get more visibility into who in your network you can ask for LinkedIn introductions to whom. Michael Vander Lugt . Quick Tip:  You can rearrange the sections of the profile to highlight your strongest sections. While most non-profits realize the benefits of Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter, far fewer organizations fully realize the inherent power of LinkedIn. Legal jargon and keywords are helpful for law students creating a LinkedIn profile. Is TikTok the Next Big Thing in Social Media Marketing? Be sure to describe what you did with each organization. Instead of using the generic “I’d like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn” message, tailor each request. And if you aren’t sure if you can afford to live on your own, your home zip code should be your location. SA-1, Student Rights and Responsibilities. Creating a LinkedIn account helps students connect with professionals, other students, and their professors. But what about students just starting out who may not have extensive work history? You headline is the first thing that people will notice in your profile. If you still don’t know the answers to either of these questions, that is fine. Here’s how you can avoid disaster and create a LinkedIn profile that gets you results, whether you’re a student or you’ve been working full-time for years: Why Do Your LinkedIn Profile and Social Media Presence Matter? Looking for Sales & Marketing Entry-Level Position in Japan in International Sales or Marketing Division of Technology Manufacturer. You may have done a part-time job. I think your pricing is very reasonable and hope I can help you find a few new customers! Potentially interested in the Financial Market? Influencer Marketing Services Provided by Neal Schaffer, my free LinkedIn ebook Maximizing LinkedIn for Business, LinkedIn profile tips and 10 mistakes to avoid, http://www.linkedin.com/in/brendabernstein, Digital and Social Media Marketing Speaker, How AI is Revolutionizing Influencer Marketing [Free Ebook], Maximizing LinkedIn for Business [Free Ebook], A Complete List of Recommended Marketing Resources, Your profile photo (keep it as professional as possible), Your Professional Headline (see below for advice), Your Zip code / Location (see below for advice), The Industry in Which You Work (see below for advice), excel in communicating with and the understanding of different cultures, take initiative in pursuing activities and internships, possess an energetic and passionate personality that recognizes no boundaries, hold an interest in Business through recent studies of Accounting & Finance. Fluent in Japanese and Mandarin Chinese, Neal is a popular keynote speaker and has been invited to speak about digital media on four continents in a dozen countries. LinkedIn is no different. I get asked a lot about LinkedIn for students use-case scenarios, and although this post is originally based on how I would have responded sometime ago, my college-age niece recently asking me this question reminded me that I should have an answer revised for the times. So, my advice would be, leave off anything that distracts from the personal brand you are trying to build. Customer testimonials "One of the most rewarding parts of using LinkedIn is stumbling across other people's hidden gems of skills and experiences, and seeing a more holistic picture of who they are as individuals." Some of these may actually be industries in themselves. LinkedIn for Students: Overview. I think it’s a great idea so employers can get a better sense of what a student does and doesn’t know (beyond just seeing how many years they’ve been in school), but I was wondering how many courses you would suggest adding? This really is great advice Neal! I have also been involved on campus in a number of activities that showcase my initiative and passion for community, including being a DJ at my college radio station 89.3 WAMH, a contributing writer to the college newspaper Amherst Student, and organizing a photo exhibit on the Beijing Tianmen Demonstrations that I witnessed while studying abroad this Junior-year in China. Emphasize your professional skills in the Skills section. LinkedIn is also where you create a more robust profile and paint a picture of who you are more than any other social network. San Francisco. List Your Skills. #2: Promote Your Projects. Go to your LinkedIn profile page in edit mode, and click the blue “Add sections” bar under your profile summary. LinkedIn Headline Examples for Students If you're a student or recent graduate, you might have little experience and are wondering what to include in your LinkedIn headline. Either way, you have to at least temporarily put down an industry that you might be at least initially interested in pursuing a career in. Hopefully your former boss or supervisor is already on LinkedIn and can write the recommendation for you. After you add your experience, you can plug in a few key skills. You can put it in the “Education” section and also in the "Experience" section if you participated in some form of hands-on, experiential learning like an internship abroad. On the right, in the Add profile section dropdown, choose Background and then select the + next to Licenses & Certifications. (Back in October, my teammate Erin shared another great resource for background images. But the Summary on LinkedIn is what people see and read more of, as the “job description” is below the page fold on most monitors. Be sure to check out How to Get More LinkedIn Recommendations as well. LinkedIn offers sections for all of these. Become an employee advocate Therefore, the person doing the hiring is compelled to read the summary first. To start off, here are seven LinkedIn tips for university students to perfect your LinkedIn profile and land a great job. For instance, in my resume (before there was LinkedIn this was all that we had…) I mentioned that I was looking for an entry position in Sales & Marketing but that I had also studied Accounting. My rule of thumb is that the sections that LinkedIn adds only gives recruiters a better control to find out more about you. List those things that may appeal to future employers that back up your Professional Headline. It is in deciding which adjectives describe your brand and then backing them up with specific studies or activities that will lend to a more powerful profile summary. RECOMMENDATIONS: Ask managers, Thanks for stopping by and providing a discounted service to readers of this blog! Beyond that you still have several sections that you can and should flesh out that I go into more detail on in the podcast. 19. First of all you will see that I created this using first-person perspective, which I recommend you do as well. A Professional Photo. As illustrated in the 2015 B2B Content Marketing report, put out by the Content Marketing Institute and MarketingProfs, 94% of B2B content marketers are using LinkedIn to distribute their content. If … I am currently a Junior at Amherst College where I am majoring in Asia Studies and plan to graduate in May, 2020. Thank you for this article. Creating a LinkedIn account helps students connect with professionals, other students, and their professors. However, I utilize my experience to showcase my branding adjectives: “passionate” and “taking initiative”. When I had first received this question, it was before LinkedIn invested time and money into creating resources for colleges students, including their LinkedIn for Higher Education content. As one of the original social networking platforms geared primarily toward professionals and businesspeople, LinkedIn can provide your organization with networking and marketing benefits, no matter the size of your non-profit. Most people thought that only professionals/employees should join LinkedIn. Great Going. Through LinkedIn, you can connect with teachers, employers, mentors, family members, and even alumni from your high school working in your desired field.
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