Block and hit it to get a Boomerang Flower. Bossblob will bounce around and create shockwaves before slamming hard on the ground and losing its... blobs. This outstanding adventure also contains plenty of unique elements, starting with the Super Bell that transforms Mario and the gang into cats. Either bounce on their heads to reach the Green Star or have someone who is turned into a cat make their way to the top and grab it. Stamp: You'll see two red Hammer Bros. on the Bowser Train. Throw him at the grey Brick Block on the next tank on the right to unearth a Star. Get on top of the cloud just above it and then ground pound to retrieve it. Use these to make your way to the right. Star 3: Go to the far right of the beach and you'll see an opening in the wall. Jump right after a Dash Panel to fling yourself over a gap and grab the Stamp. Star 2: With the Cannon Box in tow, drop back into the water and go through the Coin Rings. Grab a Super Leaf from the first ? Move along the backside of the course near the kelp to prevent yourself from being forced into the spikes. Star 3: Continue moving right. Get on the blocks and Ground Pound the largest one on the right to have it bring you to the Green Star. Blocks to get a Mega Mushroom. Super Mario 3D World complete solution, including tips on all green stars, tips for beginners as well as a guide to collecting coins and more. You'll come to a large platform with several Dry Bones enemies walking around. You can also throw them at each other to get rid of them. Make your way up the platforms and to the left. You'll need to run through a gambit of enemies to get all five Stars here. Pick it up and carry it to the end of the procession. Star 2: Keep going and head into the library. Block in the distance. Defeat these enemies and the Star is yours. You'll see a moving Pow Block near another Pow Block embedded in the cliff (on the left side). When you're in the air, throw the baseball and hit the P Switch on the wall to make a Green Star appear. Hit the shifting Pow Block at the right moment to cause the other one to go off. Swim up above these boxes to get the third Green Star. Star 1: You'll need to be turned into a cat to get this first Green Star. Star 1: Run to the right and go behind the two tree. If it turns back into a Hop-Chop, you'll need to defeat it again to make it turn back into a springboard. Head left and grab the next Star. Star 2: Go through the pipe on the far end and you'll come to an area where Rammerheads are rotating around a wall of stone. Block to get a power-up. Grab your second Green Star when it appears. It takes place above the Sprixie Kingdom, and can only be accessed by completing World Bowser and taking the Rocket in World 1 which was built by the Sprixie Princesses. Activate these empty space panels and you'll unveil a Green Star, some Coins, and two Galoombas. Regardless of whether you're playing solo or with others, several of the Green Stars and Stamps are pretty tricky to find, but we're here to guide you to all of them. Key Coin 3: In the corner behind the top left Ring Burner. Ground Pound on it to reveal a Yellow Star. This will lead you to the Stamp. Now enter the pipe. You can return to the flagpole using the green pipe. Blocks to get another Double Cherry. After reaching the top of this first stretch, hit the Pow Block that Cat Bowser is sitting on. Block along the way. There's a Green Star on the raised platform to the far left. As always, powerups can make it a whole lot easier. Keep going and pass the checkpoint flag. A Green Star is sitting on a cloud platform after a double set of moving gates. Wait until the wooden raft is at both openings and then glide through to grab the first Green Star. Star 4: In 10 seconds or less, run across the bridge and then climb up the wall on the right with your cat powers to nab the Green Star. Wait for the Fizzlit to pull into a purple blob and then move past him on the right to get the first Green Star. Star 1: You'll only start off with 30 seconds on the count down. Instead of entering the green pipe, climb up the wall with your cat powers and jump into the Cloud Cannon. squares into Yellow ! As before, this includes the torch with the Fire Piranha Plant in it. The Green Star awaits you at the end. Star 6: With the help of the Dash Panel, run underneath the row of Thwomps and grab the Green Star within 10 seconds. Ground pound the ? Panels to open the door and continue on. Free shipping for many products! Now pick it up and carry it with you. Hit the right Pow Block to make steps appear up to a Key Coin. Continue to use the cannonballs to blast enemies and obstacles out of your way until you can get into the pipe on the end. You might want to play as Rosalina since her spin attack makes it easier to defeat enemies. When it gets close to the platform with the Green Star on it, jump off and snag your prize. Star 1: Head right and jump into the large Boo picture at the top of the stairs. Have him fall below. Super Mario 3D World was a must-play platformer on a console very few people owned. Star 2: Continue running through the course until you get to the area with the rotating spike rollers. Eventually you'll swim up a water block and find a Green Star Ring. It can also help you grab the Star faster. Time your self appropriately and then enter the pipe and snatch up the Green Star. The first hit knocks them over, so be sure to hit them again while they're upside down to get rid of them. You'll need to jump from one of the trees to grab the last Green Star. The third Green Star will be right in your path. It's easier if you have a powerup like the Super Bell, a Boomerang Flower, or a Fire Flower. Blocks on the left to get another. You'll eventually see a 2 Platform. Hit ? Star 3: Get back on the large cylinder and continue to move it to the right, dodging enemies and throwing Boomerangs as you go. When you get to the area with a + Clock, go left and jump on the Princess Peach button to reveal the Stamp. Once you beat World Bowser, you'll be able to unlock a special world, World Star. Next, you'll see a ramp with spike rollers coming down it. Dodge away from his spin attacks and wait for thim to get dizzy again. World 3-7 contains three Green Stars and a single Stamp to collect. Star 1: Being turned into a cat will make this first Star much easier to grab. Blocks above the first Clock will give you a Fire Flower. Star 1: Ground pound on both Chargin' Chuck enemies within the time limit to defeat them and get a Star. Star 2: See the Fire Bro on the left? Blocks and then when you come upon then next door, interact with it to slide it open. Try not to freeze as you make your way into the World 3 levels. Star 1: Make your way past the three Swim Ring Goombas and head down the green pipe. Block. In Super Mario 3D World, choose from Mario, Luigi, Peach, and Toad and set off to save the Sprixie Kingdom. You can also cat slash at these bricks with the help of a Super Bell. Key Coin 1: Behind the two Thwomps at the bottom center of the area. Star 3: Continue along the rotating platform until you see a Goomba surrounded by Mini Goombas. Stamp: There is a red sofa just to the left of the Boo picture. Star 1: Just like before, you need to pound Prince Bully into a clear pipe and then jump on him when he shoots out in cylindrical shape. If you shine it at a Boo enemies long enough, the ghostly specters will disappear for good. Star 3: Continue moving upward and follow the path of tiles as they attach to the current platform. You'll come to an area with a long set of orange spike platforms and a Fire Bro enemiy on some ? Now ring the gong to make hidden panels rotate. Star 3: Head to the far back left corner and enter the clear pipe near the center of the back wall. You'll need to beat all three and grab the Green Star within 10 seconds. Grab it and then head to the flagpole. This will take you to the path with the true flagpole. Jump to reveal a hidden block. You'll now have 10 seconds to catch the rabbit in this room to earn the second Green Star. Blocks along the way and get a Boomerang Flower. “Super Mario 3D All-Stars” didn’t live up to everyone's expectations. There's a hole in the ground underneath where they once circled. Once inside, you'll have 10 seconds to get the Green Star. Alternatively, you can use powerups to get rid of them. Dodge his attacks and follow the cloud platforms until you can activate the Green Star Ring. The first Green Star in this stage is in a hole in the wall - though you won’t be able to immediately... 3-2 Chain-Link Charge. Jump down on the side to return to the main level. Star 1: Defeat the three red Fire Bros. to earn this Star. Now make your way to the very end of these cloud platforms and snatch the final Green Star just before falling down to the ground. Be careful not to let it get away from you as this will make you fall. Head through the right cave, up the ramp, and past the Biddybuds. World Castle-6: Rammerhead Reef has a Green Star in a clear pipe sandwiched between 2 mines. Have the Piranha Plant you're holding eat the other one and then defeat it by either swiping at it with cat claws or jumping on its head at the right moment. Star 1: Move right until you see that stack of Goombas with a bunch of purple brick blocks behind them. Head into the water from this location and you'll find a pipe underwater. This will also cause you to reach the third Green Star. Now use the Jump Panel to get back up and enter the yellow Warp Box. Star 2: Run up the red and blue ramps on the right and you'll come to a checkerboard area. Head right as far as you can and make sure you pass the purple door at the end of the hall. Star 1: While you're still huge, continue right and you'll see a wall of pink Blurker enemies. Star 2: Defeat the two Koopas within 10 seconds to get this Star. You'll eventually see a green pipe. Jump at the right moments to guide them to both of the P Panels and a Green Star will appear. You'll see a Hammer Bro and spiked floor panels. You'll see an area where six Ant Troopers are walking around a block and a Stamp is floating above it. It helps if you have a Fire Flower or Super Bell so you can attack them and get them out of your way. If you want, you can walk along the top of the pipe first and defeat the Hammer Bro before getting the Star. As fast as you can, climb up the wall again and jump over the next wall to get the Green Star. Super Mario 3D World PC Download With Emulator Repacklab. Star 3: Keep going and you'll see a Magikoopa near another section of Blue ? Get on the platform below it and then wall jump to reach it. When you step on the blue P Switch in this room, a green ball will begin rolling down the platforms on the wall in front of you. Star 3: Hit the Cat Wheel to move the two wooden blocks on the right up. Star 13: While still a cat, climb up the hill and get the Green Star in the top left. Stamp: When you get to the room with three rows of Rammerheads swimming up and down, use the first opening to go up a little ways and grab the Stamp. Nab it and break the boxes on the right to hit the ? If you're turned into a cat, you can simply climb up the wall underneath it. Star 1: You need to defeat three Koopas. The Green Stars in this level are a little tricky. Use a Boomerang Flower power-up to hurl a Boomerang at it before continuing on. Walk along the grassy flooring to reach this Star. - Key Coin 3: When you see the two squares of Brick Blocks on the left with a blue ramp to the right, get on the bricks and jump to the left to get the second Key Coin. Now use your Boomerang to easily get rid of the Chargin' Chucks huddle together in front of the Bowser sand sculpture. - Key Coin 4: As you continue up the mountain, you'll eventually see two Spiky enemies back to back throwing spike rollers down their respective ramps. Now hit the three ? Travel from planet to planet on a gravity-defying adventure to stop Bowser from taking over the universe. Now jump on his head while he's down.
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