The Duke of Edinburgh's Award is the world's leading youth achievement award, with over 438,000 young people currently doing their DofE in the UK. I would not have even applied to do this if I had not done my DofE as it has reduced my nerves while talking to people I do not know and with assisting professionals or qualified staff members. How did doing your DofE help prepare you for University life? You’ll probably know it as the extra-curricular activity par excellence, that shows practical skills alongside your academic excellence. Remember, they are academic institutions – and their primary function is to educate academically. When considering applicants for admission, some university admissions staff start by looking at the 'official' UCAS score for each applicant and then add on additional points to take into account the candidate's achievements and experiences. The higher the grade you achieve, the higher the number of points. The main purpose of the UCAS Tariff is for universities to report data to government bodies. UCAS tariff points have changed for entry to Higher Education in 2017 and beyond. You have to complete all four parts to finally achieve the award. All qualifications have been reassessed by UCAS and had a new rating applied. UCAS points are changing for students going on to university and higher education from September 2017. They do everything from raising the initial share capital through to designing and making their product or service to selling directly to customers at specially organised trade fairs and ultimately winding up the firm and paying their taxes. school clubs that look good to universities, looks good on your university application. How many UCAS points are my A-level grades worth? Yes worth it. The reason why it is technically called an ‘adventurous journey’ is because it is not required for you to walk. They are one of the most challenging aspects as you are isolated from the outside world without mobiles or other devices. Not all qualifications are on the Tariff, so don’t worry if you can’t find your qualification, as a university, college, or conservatoire may still accept it. See our at-a-glance guide showing how the EPQ counts towards Performance Tables and UCAS points. UCAS points (also known as the UCAS Tariff) are a way of measuring the relative value of all post-16 qualifications in the UK. For students applying for courses starting in the 2017/18 academic year, or later, the following points … For Bronze, the expedition has to be two days and one night, with six hours of activity on each day. This doesn’t just mean your test scores or exam results. Helping there strengthened my passion for working with animals and, due to this, I decided to study Animal Management at university. DofE is split into three different levels, which you can take at different ages and which differ in intensity and material required. Especially good to get credit for things your already doing, and makes a busy person able to do it. However, perhaps not to the degree that you might expect. It does not serve any purpose on your UCAS form beyond the personal statement, where you are entitled to push it hard. You can look up your UCAS Tariff points by finding your qualifications in our Tariff tables (1.78 MB) or use our Tariff point calculator. (i.e. Do you feel like the achievement award taught you how to deal with challenge? They don’t care about it per se. Remember that for the next academic year when you’ve completed the Volunteering, Physical and Skills sections of your DofE programme you will receive your Certificate of Achievement. A set number of points are given to every grade it’s possible to get from each qualification, making it easier to evaluate and compare different types of qualifications from all over the UK. If you’ve taken exams from different syllabi, UCAS points can even be stacked to gain more points. Definitely the expeditions! In my personal statement, I wrote about how my experience during the Skill and Physical sections had increased my confidence and improved my fitness and swimming speed; for my physical activity, I swam at a local swimming club and gained Personal Bests. ASDAN offer community-based courses that can get you plenty of extra UCAS points, such as the CoPE (16 UCAS points) and Wider Key Skills (3 different qualifications available, 8 points each).. My Dd was like that. By continuing to use our website without changing the settings, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. Remember, DofE has over 400,000 entrants every year. For those of you doing the Duke of Edinburgh Award for the purposes of university admissions, Actually, it aims to get you improving yourself in a whole myriad of ways. Find out what else looks good on your university application! Are you still using the skills you gained during your DofE programme? This is known as the Residential element, and it involves you staying and working away for five days. I also have more confidence to help me succeed. How do you think achieving your Award and the skills gained will help you in your future? The Duke of Edinburgh, Prince Philip, presents the award – but that’s about the only role he has in the whole thing. However, some universities and colleges use UCAS points in their entry requirements, so you may need to know how many points your qualifications are worth. This means that if you pass those exams you can claim points to help you with university entry in the UK. Students with ABRSM qualifications at Grades 6 to 8 benefit from UCAS (University and Colleges Admission Service) points which can be used as part of a university or college application in the UK. What the DofE does show to universities, however, is that you are committed: committed to learning new skills, committed to developing yourself beyond the classroom. (i.e. Which parts of the UCAS application can you use your DofE experience in? UCAS have recently changed their tariff points for university entry from 2017. These are usually qualifications studied after the age of 16 like A Levels or the Scottish Higher. Aiming to ‘encourage a spirit of adventure and discovery’, you have to plan, train for, and complete an ‘adventurous journey’ somewhere in the UK or abroad. The expedition even at Bronze isn't easy, and teaches quite a lot (getting on with others, and for my dizzy DD map reading etc.). Silver is for people aged 15 and above and should take 52 weeks. for students making applications from September 2020 for full-time courses starting from September 2021). Duke of Edinburgh Award: Will it Boost My UCAS Application? Every young person can enter the award program. DOFE gives you ucas points. Along with the practical skills such qualifications instil, they also teach you the ability to work well with others – a useful skill to be able to talk about in job applications and interviews. When it is this popular among young people, you can assume that many of your fellow university applicants are going to have done the award too. So, whatever you can do, please join us, and support this wonderful charity.. What skills and experience did you mention? It usually takes around 1 year to complete, but can be done on a part-time basis over a few years to suit you. If you have done your DofE, I would definitely mention it. At the time of applying for university, I had achieved a Scouting equivalent to the DofE Silver Award and was working towards my Gold DofE and Queens Scout Award, so I covered everything I had done so far in these. Meanwhile, for Gold, you need to be 16 or above (i.e. You never know, it could make a difference in getting into your first-choice university and you never know where that could take you! But is this true? Students set up and run a real firm for a year under the guidance of a business volunteer. If you’ve got a CVQ, it will give you 16 UCAS points (an A-grade AS is worth 20). An EPQ is equivalent to half an A level, and is worth more than an AS. With an EPQ you are able to achieve an A* grade, unlike with an AS level, so it can be worth more tariff points. Did your volunteering or skill complement a particular part of your studies? Rather, it means what else you have done outside of your schooling. Of course, they would! No, I want to find out more, The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award. I therefore had the confidence to apply for and become a Course Representative and a Student Ambassador at university; this means I am often the person students or prospective students come to with questions about student life and our course. There are many different ways of achieving 136 UCAS Tariff points. Unfortunately, some illusions may be shattered along the way. If you need 144 points to do your dream university course, you’ll need three A-level A grades. As a Gold Award holder, I also recommend including details of your residential and explaining that you did not know anyone but still managed to complete the activities while challenging yourself, learning new skills and making new friends. The Award is designed to test and improve all sorts of different non-academic skills – and it is intended to get you contributing to your community through voluntary activities. UCAS Tariff tables Tariff points for entry to higher education from 2021 January 2021 . I would mention that you can succeed without outside help even in potentially harsh conditions, have the mental and physical power to overcome challenges and can work well as a team. They set the entry requirements for each course to ensure you have the right skills and knowledge to successfully complete the course. You can also use the DofE if you get invited for an interview. Yes, the skills are invaluable! Your gold award in DofE isn’t a golden ticket to any higher education institution that you fancy. Please see the new points system below. Development and regular progress must be shown and all activities must be completed by the participant’s 25th birthday. Since then, it has been growing and growing – and, these days, there are over 450,000 participants at any one time in the UK. The expedition is the most exciting element of the Duke of Edinburgh Award by a country mile. Rather, your school will tell you the time and date (usually a bank holiday weekend) and you will plot the route. You can go on horse, on boat, on bike, or anything that isn’t motorised. The DofE has most definitely built my self-esteem to be able to apply for things I would otherwise not have done. It shows them too that you are an independent person who can look after themselves – and who isn’t just their exam results. 3 genius ways to get extra UCAS points 1. Starting university in September 2017. We need the POWER of FUNNY to turn laughs into lasting changes. So, yes, universities do like to see a Duke of Edinburgh Award on your UCAS form, but only insofar as it tells them something about you. However, it’s more about what you have learned from it than the fact that you have done it. The stakes are high – because an answer other than ‘of course!’ could shatter some of the most central beliefs held by young people across the UK. In ninety percent of schools, it is not like you are going to be setting off to sub-Saharan Africa or to the Himalayas. It is commonly said that the Duke of Edinburgh Award can really help your university application. You’ll find out more below. These are known as bronze, silver, and gold level. Would they be interested in the fact that you volunteered during senior school? in sixth form) and it will take you 78 weeks if you start from scratch. The Duke of Edinburgh's Award Scheme does not feature in the UCAS tariff. If you have done the Silver award, you can do it in 52 weeks. Anything else you’d like to add? Sure, it matters that you did something outside of the mainstream school system. With the UCAS application process now open for 2020 entry to universities and colleges, Kira Jarvis, one of our Gold Award holders, shares her personal experience and advice on using your DofE experience to enhance your submission. I mentioned that I had been part of Scouting since the age of 6 and had completed many challenges including trips to Germany, Estonia and Poland and hiking in the Peak District. UCAS Points Available: 144. They get practical experience of the joys and pitfalls of creating a truly functioning enterprise. With the UCAS application process now open for 2020 entry to universities and colleges, Kira Jarvis, one of our Gold Award holders, shares her personal experience and advice on using your DofE experience to enhance your submission. It also gives you something to talk about on your personal statement (eg confidence). They want to see that you are interested in the subject to which you are applying. UCAS, a company limited by guarantee, is registered in England and Wales number: 2839815 Registered charity number: 1024741 (England and Wales) and SC038598 (Scotland) Publication reference: 130227 We have made all reasonable efforts to ensure that the information in this publication was correct at time of publication. What matters much more to universities is your academic commitment. UCAS tariff points: Music. Universities don’t really care whether you went to a grammar school, a standard state school, or any other type of school. I also explained how doing this allowed me to become a Cub Scout Young leader and then a Leader and how I used this for the Volunteering section of my Silver DofE programme. I have also gained more understanding of others, as during my Residential I worked at a respite holiday care home for people with disabilities which helped me to become more aware of others in need. We are using cookies to give you the best experience on our site. Getting to Gold still stands out on CVs. Activities for each DofE section take a minimum of one hour a week over a set period of time, so they can be fitted in around academic study, hobbies and social lives. The thing about these timings is that if only one of the three sections has to be this long. A new UCAS tariff has been introduced for HE courses starting in 2017. The UCAS Tariff is used to assign a points value to certain qualifications in the UK. We will not, however, Achieving my DofE Award has helped me to have more courage to apply for jobs and be more confident in interviews, which I would not have done so easily before doing my DofE. The DofE also helped me when applying for summer placements; I was successful getting placements at a local wildlife trust, two veterinary clinics and an internship in South Africa, all of which would not have been possible without the DofE giving me the confidence to give things a go. So, do universities care about the Duke of Edinburgh? Gold demands four days and three nights, with eight hours. Whatever you mention, just make sure you explain how it helped you develop and how you would adapt this to study to succeed. For Silver, this extends to three days and two nights, with seven hours on each day. But we’ll save that question for a little while later. If you have done your Silver or Gold DofE, mention the skills, physical and volunteering sections too, as they indicate that you will follow commitments through even if it takes up your time which you may need for other activities. Personal development is the name of the game. That’s key stage 4. CVQs aren’t available any more, but the organisation that offered them, ASDAN, does offer other qualifications which will give you UCAS points – and part of the work you’ll need to do can be taken from volunteering. DofE and COVID-19 This will indicate to universities that you can adapt to new surroundings and thus fit in well. However, NCS is UCAS recognised and there is a drop down option on your application where you can tick that you have participated in the NCS programme. Unfortunately, this doesn’t answer the question of whether it will get you into university. For the Skills section, I worked at my local stables, assisting with the day to day tasks and lessons; this included manual labour of mucking out and grooming the horses. The other two need only be half that length of time. Did any of your DofE activities inspire you to pursue a particular field of study? Do I need any extra money on phases 1 and 2? These Tariff points are used for applications submitted for the 2021 admissions cycle onwards (i.e. The Duke of Edinburgh Award started in 1956 as a project to attract schoolboys who were not enrolled in Scouts or a similar group, but it was soon extended to young women in the following year. Red Nose Day is back on Friday 19 th March – this Friday!! These are the sorts of questions that you are going to have to ask yourself in relation to your DofE. For those of you doing the Duke of Edinburgh Award for the purposes of university admissions, you should know that it doesn’t actually give you UCAS points. UCAS tariff points are awarded to students attaining LCM Advanced Level music qualifications (grades 6, 7 and 8), in both practical and theory subjects. The Duke of Edinburgh's Award Scheme does not feature in the UCAS tariff. An Access to HE Diploma is a great way to earn UCAS Points if you don’t have the typical qualifications that Universities may be looking for (such as A-Levels or BTECs). Universities and colleges set their own entry requirements for higher education courses, and these vary widely depending on the subject, the specific course, and the course provider. The Duke of Edinburgh Award is split into four parts. Ask your school or college about undertaking these courses to up your UCAS points! Performance table points Doing my DofE also gave me the skills to adapt to the less structural way of life at university, allowed me to feel confident that I had made the right choice, and made me realise that, no matter what, there is no harm in applying for new opportunities, as you never know where or what they may lead to. The UCAS tariff-points for the BTEC Nationals are aligned with A levels in exactly the same way as they were previously on the old tariff. Bronze is open to anyone aged 14 and above. Did it teach you a new way of looking at the world? They’re not employers, Scouts leaders, or your mother – so they might not be hugely impressed by your ability to read a map. The UCAS Tariff assigns a numerical score to the possible grades that can be achieved in each type of qualification. In your personal statement, saying that you have completed your DofE demonstrates commitment and motivation to succeed, which universities will look at, especially as at times it can be challenging and completing your DofE demonstrates you can cope and thrive. The bronze award should take participants 26 weeks. Duke of Edinburgh is the initiative that takes place in secondary school across schools in England and the rest of the UK. So, no, you can’t just do the expedition. You do not receive UCAS points. Some of the most common ways are: 3 A-levels – Grades AAB, or A*AC; 2 A-levels plus 2 AS – Grades A*A+bb, or AA+aa; 2 A-levels plus 1 AS plus Extended Project – Grades AA+a+B, or AB+a+A*; I have become more of a team player and will make sure everyone’s voice is heard as Course Representative. The programme has been running since 1963 and since then more than a million 15-19-year-olds … If you explain how it helped or changed you, such as boosting confidence and skills while showing commitment to a task, it could increase your chances of getting a place. All qualifications in the new system carry far fewer points than was previously the case. It has already helped me in applying for work experience and taking part in reception duties, talking to clients and assisting in consultations at veterinary surgeries. It has never felt more important to have some fun and raise money to support people living incredibly tough lives. Let’s take a closer look at how the Duke of Edinburgh Award can help your university admissions. Is there anything that the award shows that you can contribute to university life? officially, there are no UCAS points given for holding a DoE award). Volunteer. officially, there are no UCAS points given for holding a DoE award). It helped me to be confident and go for things I would have only dreamed of before doing the DofE. However, if you are in primary school or just not yet in the right stage of secondary education, you are going to have to wait. But let’s just say that the Duke of Edinburgh Award – or DofE, as it is known – perhaps doesn’t help in the way that you think it does. Rather, as we discussed in our piece on the school clubs that look good to universities, it’s much more about what you do with it. At the same time, you’ll have to track your progress and check in with DofE leaders, who will be helping you along the way. What skills and experience from the DofE would you recommend mentioning? This is one of the best decisions I have ever made; the skills I gained at the stables are adaptable to other animals and my studies, and the course has given me so many opportunities I would not have had if I had not applied to university or taken up my offer. Is it actually going to help to get you into some of the best universities in the country? They want proof of that. The tables show the number of UCAS tariff-points Level 3 BTEC Nationals that will be awarded on applications for 2017 submissions onwards. When considering applicants for admission, some university admissions staff start by looking at the 'official' UCAS score for each applicant and then add on additional points to take into account the candidate's achievements and experiences. How many UCAS points do you get for an EPQ? The maximum UCAS points you can gain this way is 65 points for a Distinction at Grade 8 (as with the music and drama exams, points are awarded from Grade 6 upwards). For people who complete the Gold award (which, by the way, is the only one in which any universities are going to be interested), you will have to do the fifth element. UCAS points. Our Level Three qualifications (that’s Grades 6 and up) are included in the UCAS Tariff.
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