After my first attempt at the island, I interpreted the game flow as "amass as many resources as you can to create the most advantageous situation going into the big fight"—taking a cue from conserving missiles in Metroid, or the game that Eventide … I only have one Divine Beast power, the elephant thingy, but I did manage to beat this one last night without dying. All the enemies except for the Hinox have metal weapons, and there are pretty frequent thunderstorms, so I just let nature do the selecting while I casually stood by. — Adventure Log description Stranded on Eventide is a Shrine quest in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Throw your ball in the ocean, then build a platform below it. If you haven't found this island yet, leave here at once until you've found it. Grab the orb from the base (there's a second Soldier's Bow in the chest and some Shock Arrows in the barrel, too) and return to the north beach and its pedestal. The island strips Link of all of his armor, weapons, and food, and forces him to scavenge across a small space to collect what he needs. I remember one time, the orb came loose from his neck once. At least put a warning! But I agree and had found that fighting the Hilox is not recommended. Also, another method of getting to the island is simply abusing the ice power and building pillars all the way from either the west mainland or the northern shrine. Hardest shrine? Sure you lose what you bring with you after you complete the challenge but makes it a whole lot easier. So on my next attempt I salvage the two boxes on the beach, along with the two boxes near the altar and used them to take him down. All you need is that raft and a Korok Leaf and you're on your way! You don't need a weapon, and you don't need food. One third complete! Also, beating the Hinox with metal boxes using Magnesis is super effective! Get the ball to reset by getting it away from the island: Stasis the orb and knock it far off the island. Once you arrive, try to sneak around and use stealth attacks when possible, but once you're noticed prepare for a fight. Feature: 30 Upcoming Nintendo Switch Games To Look Forwar... Review: Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning - RPG Action Tha... Where To Buy Game & Watch: Super Mario Bros. Join 1,130,085 people following Nintendo Life: © 2021 Nlife Media, partner of Gamer Network. Second try: I killed it with weapons. There are three tasks to complete on the island, and dying before you complete them means that you'll need to start again. Took me 2 days of play. As if this isn't challenging enough, you can't save your game during this quest - if you die, you return to the mainland have to start all over again. For the Hilox. Makes you put yer thinking cap on. To get the orb bomb the camp with it. You'll be put back on the island to continue. From the hill paraglide down and land on the Hinox's chest, grab the orb and then run before it has chance to get to its feet. Blow up the camp on the beach and grab a few spears and a litle bit of food. We did the same thing XD. Just superb. I killed the troll with bombs as well the first try, and after basically finishing the entire island, I blew "myself" up by accident. NOOICE! What really helped me was sailing off a cliff, landing on the chest of the sleeping dude, grabbing the special ball and running away. Once the coast is clear, use Statis on the slab and hit it to remove it and reveal the pedestal. This fire will not go out, no matter the weather. Soldier's Claymore- Underwater in the small poisonous pond. I did this ridiculously early, even beat the Hinox (not that hard, it's so slow it's easy to dodge and whittle it down). I thought this one was pretty easy actually. and rolloff bombs. I was wondering if anyone else did the same haha. I did do it fairly late and had the zora and goron divine abilities though. Hey, this article should be marked as spoiler. You must find and return them to three circular holsters. Same, I went directly after visiting Hateno Village for the first time.Got my butt handed to me. You can fight them with your sledgehammer, but you'll have a much easier time (especially with the electrified chuchus) if you use your magnesis powers to smack them around with the boxes up here. At some point, he continues to stay in one place which made it easier to deal with. Cook up your fish if it's not raining. You're putting way too much effort into getting to the island. Those are the most important ones. Three steel balls have been tucked like Easter eggs onto the island. If it is the hardest shrine, ill be a little disappointed. I did die a couple times but given how early in the game I was it was expected. It was a fun time, kind of like Survivor: Hyrule. I love that there's more than one way to approach this and so many other parts of this game. I loved this one, it was a throwback to the beginning of the game (except for the vast amount of hearts I had at the time). This guide has been written with the benefit of hindsight, which is why the screenshots are not in strictly chronological order – this is the order I should have done things in, rather than the order I actually did them in. Once the others are alerted sprint north to the pedestal - it has a large slab resting on top of it which makes the ideal defensive base as the enemies can't climb it. Sneak off, put the ball down somewhere safe, and head to the water to the south of the island (to your right if you're approaching the Hinox from the beach). Also, you don't even need to fight the Hinox, just glide onto his belly while he's sleeping and grab the orb + two weapons. (SPOILERS, I guess...) The easy way to beat the Hinox is to lure him over to the tree house. Hardest!! Hold on there, you need to login to post a comment... Soapbox: It's Time To Normalise Giving Up On Games Early, Feature: The Brilliance Of Zelda: Oracle Of Ages & Seasons Forced Nintendo To Up Its Game. That island has a shrine, as well as a raft. I took down the Hinox. Pro tip: when using stasis to hit the slab off of the final sphere platform, be careful to NOT send it flying into the final sphere, because it will launch the sphere off of the cliff, where it will land next to the Hinox, and then when you go to pick it up the Hinox will wake up and chase you into the woods, where an Octorok will shoot you, at which point you will stumble and drop the sphere into a bubbling mud pit, from whence it is impossible to retrieve. @RedMageLanakyn Oh, I know. Head back to the pedestal on the hilltop and deposit the orb. edit: it didn't take long at all either. Eventide Island is located at the bottom right of the map, well off the coast. I killed it too. He gives you rupees for your efforts. So I’ve looked up multiple ways to do this (beating the Hinox) and every single method I’ve found is bunk. I grabbed it and RAN! I just threw bomb after bomb at him until he died. It's a blood moon!" I'll visit it soon. Other wise just drop down.Place a balloon on the slab., climb the tower to get the orb. Treehouse orb was easy, but when I tried to get to the spot in the water, didn't think of freezing. Start out from Cape Cales (next to the Muwo Jeem Shrine) and you'll find there's a steady wind which will help you. I'm kinda stupid and actually fought the hinox which was really "fun". Hey @Damo, it isn't actually necessary to fly over there. So I had to start the mission over. Traveler's Sword- Near the Bokoblin camp at the northwest part of the island. You will then be able to bring those items with you. There's no need to swim from the west; an island north from the island is more accessible, and more importantly has a raft you can use to get to the island, provided you have a Korok Leaf.As for the Hinox, I was in no way prepared to face him head on, so I climbed the nearby cliff and threw bombs at it instead, making sure I did so from a position where he couldn't see me. Just a use the exploit and bring heavy weapons, shields and byes with you. I had a lot of fun with this one, but hardest? But afterwards i feel i cheated myself, i would rather have the more difficult challenge and sense of accomplishment, then a quick victory. Though most of my deaths on the island was because I kept accidentally bombing myself. Getting his orb isn't as challenging as it might seem. He hadn't done any of the Divine Beasts yet or a lot of shrines so he found it really hard and he told me to stay away. Soldier's … The Hinox is the hardest to beat, but if you can sneak to the top of the island and rain bombs on the gang of moblins below, their weapons make the Hinox much easier to beat. It was annoying and I was afraid of knocking/blowing it into the ocean. I loved the back to basics appraoch tho, it forces you to think. It was fun and I had to be creative but it definitely wasn't the hardest shrine quest. In the water near this hill is a wooden raft which had a rusty weapon right next to it. What? Here's a quick tutorial to increase your chances of survival on Eventide Island in Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. There is a hill to the south overlooking the Hinox with a couple of perfectly placed boulders ready for a nudging. @Englishpsycho87 I tried this a couple of times, but the boulders kept missing the extremely large target asleep on the ground. In the chest there's a Traveler's Sword. You'll still have access to the rune abilities you gained at the beginning of the game (although you cannot summon weapons with amiibo), as well the powers you've collected from the Divine Beasts, and the heart containers and stamina you've built up. I've posted a few questions and my responses. Just done this... utterly hilarious.An insanely easy way of doing it... wait for a thunder storm... a lot of the tougher enemies are holding metal weapons, so they get hit by lightning and are killed instantly... then the others pick up their dropped weapons and the same thing happens. I manned up and took down the big cyclopes guy with the dinky island weapons. Soldier's Shield- Buried in the sand at the south part of Toronbo Beach. The only frustrating thing was that if you die, you'll have to do the other two pedestals all over again. You'll want to go here next for a few reasons – you can collect a bow and arrow down here, and there's a fire that does not go out. The combat training shrine was way harder for me. Then before you drop your bows make sure you fire 10 arrows into the sand and then drop the bows. You'll be stripped of everything apart from your runes and your paraglider. Have we found a way to Reset Eventide Island yet? So I than used freezing to knock the orb back, which took a while and finally completed the challenge. If I swam that far out, I would've exited the challenge. -Meowpheel. The Hinox has the ball around its neck, and while there are a few ways to quietly get up there, the easiest is to stand in the creature's hand and wait for it to reach up and scratch itself. Good question….. To get there, first of all, you need to use the game’s para - glider and step off from Cape Cales’s Muwo Jeem Shrine, in a carefully calculated leap of faith that you will, in fact, land safely there. I mainly read this guide to compare it to how I managed it. I got the blood moon when I did Eventide. On the surface this seems like the hardest orb to get, but unless you've very confident - or you have Urbosa's Fury - then don't try to fight this monster, which makes things much easier. I haven't done this shrine yet but I have listened to my friend do it over Discord as we played together and the funniest part was when he said, "You know, it would really suck to get a blood moon while I'm out here," and then not five minutes later he went, "Oh crap! Basically this was the Murhpy's Law run. It wasn't hard, it just needs more patience and planning. Soldier's Bow- In the Bokoblin tree house at the east side of the island. Anything you had prior is returned upon completing or failing the quest. This exploit I would guess was not intended by the developers but it sure works well. Now just go back to the sand, pick up the arrows, then go back to the raft and pick up the bows, swords and shields. Also gliding to the island? Took me quite a few tries. Raft is the best way to come in. As soon as your raft comes to the shore make sure you do the following- open up your inventory and drop all your best swords, and shields. If you find yourself getting overwhelmed run away from the pedestal to pull the enemies away, then return and continue picking them off. You can just use a raft to reach the island if you lack stamina. Try to aim for the far left or far right side of the beach, as there’s a camp of enemies in the center that you want to wait to deal with unti… Eventually, you'll be close enough to throw the ball into the hole. Place the ball in the pedestal. When the quest finishes it takes everything you picked up o the island away from you before giving you your original gear back. If you glide from there, you’ll land on the beach, which is the recommended place to start from. I somehow glitched/stuck the Hinox on the rocks near the plateau with the electric chuchus were and lobbed bombs down. There are four enemies here (two red bokoblins, a blue, and a fire chuchu), along with a bow in a chest, and a ball. I think this island would be really enjoyable if I hadn't spent the past few hours trying to get a dumb ball up a steep mountain. Would kinda ruin the fun I guess however. I actually did that first. The fastest way to get there is to jump off the cliff facing it and glide. To get to Eventide Island you’re going to need either to have upgraded your stamina substantially or a couple of stamina boosting elixer’s or meals. You'll find several weapons here, as well as some meat cooking on the fire and a few fruits. Conditions may conspire against you. And before anyone jumps on me for cheating- I only did it that way after I did ALMOST the entire mission the "right way" and then lost the third and final sphere to the bubbling mud pit, from whence it is impossible to retrieve. @BAN You can also attach octo balloons to those slabs instead of using stasis on them, saves weapon durability and time. I've died half a dozen times now mainly because of a stray hit from an enemy I didn't anticipate. i died about 20 times and almost completed the island, except i mixed up the orbs, taking the one from koholit and dropping down the side to a bottom platform, which meant i couldn't get any other orb back up onto the rock :/ Then i tried the dropping a few weapons whilst in the water glitch, so i was able to start the island with a few good weapons and finally got through. I shot it with a couple arrows and only succeeded in waking him up. The bokoblins crowd around it trying to figure out what it is and you can easily clear the camp by just throwing more bombs. Yeah, as has already been said earlier there's a much easier way to beat this. If you're brave, let the archers fire at you several times before you take them out, so that you can grab the arrows they leave behind. I could be wrong though, as I never tried the whole exploit method. Just yesterday I refrained from telling to a friend about it (I want him to discover this by himself), and here I find it splashed on the front page! Every stick, food item and weapon should be collected without fail, as you never know quite how much you're going to need to survive the tasks ahead. @Evenmoresteven Didn't even use that power at the time I did the shrine. The Hinox got me mostly. You'll get all your equipment back, and a shrine will sprout on top of Koholit Rock. This one was a little harder for me since I only had one champion power. Because you're starting with nothing, the most basic rule of Eventime Island is collect everything. I want the old dungeons back! And here I thought that labyrinth in the north was the hardest one (not the Labyrinth itself, but finding the entrance). 3. @RidoKilos Good to know. Try to roll the bomb between its toes. Hardest Shrine? Make your way to the Muwo Jeem Shrine which is located just north of Soka Point and east of Cape Cales. Take shelter by the fire under the rocky overhang close to the Hinox at night and skip to morning to avoid the incessant thunderstorms. No profanity, thanks. I had to watch a video to see how to do it because at first, I was pressing the buttons but getting nowhere. Cleared the super early on with one extra heart and one stamina upgrade. @AlexOlney Really? After beginning, I picked up these weapons and had them help me greatly during the shrine quest. Head back that way, and feel free to slaughter any enemies you let go before – you don't need to, but catharsis is a great reward. You'll get the chance to cook items at several points so try not to eat food raw unless you're desperate. There is a raft and leaf you can use to sail to the island directly from the mainland (I forget north/south, but it's directly in a straight line from the island). Repeat! Eat them if you need a quick health boost, or hold onto them –cooking them up will give you a temporary defense boost. If you've visited the Muwo Jeem Shrine, which is on a plateau near the coast, it's a perfect point to warp to. It can appear as a discussion of a typical shrine (albeit a difficult one), when in reality it is a BIG surprise, one of the best of the game! I tend to get hit by lightning even without metal on, like every single storm. Clear out the enemies and you'll be awarded with multiple weapons, a hunk of meat, and a campfire –ideal for cooking any items you might encounter while on the island. A way around this is to leave all of your stuff on your raft (weapons, materials, etc) and then step ashore. Might take awhile as well as finding the perfect place to throw them (Plus the upgrade helps tons), but its more then doable. It also crunched me on the head and I almost died. Head sound from the swamp and you'll arrive at the first Bokoblin camp. I was hoping for more like it. I just threw weapons on the island and dropped some shields before I activated the trial. I took out the higher Bokoblin encampment before I fought the Hinox. Oh, yeah. This is a fairly powerful weapon, but be wary of thunderstorms, which occur frequently on the island. I need to remember to use cryonis and stasis more often! Thought we could use a central place to discuss and share our reactions regarding the exquisite challenge of Eventide Island, since the OT moves quickly with a plethora of topics. It took awhile, and I ended up killing the hinox by getting him stuck on the cliff and repeatedly bashing him in the head with a metal box! I had 3 hearts (sunk every upgrade into stamina) and had no idea this was a trial when I set foot on the island. Eventide Island is located at the far southeast end of the map, out in the Necluda Sea.In order to reach Eventide Island, Link will need to use a Raft or create a series of ice blocks using Cryonis.Alternatively, if Link has two full Stamina Wheels, Stamina Elixirs or Meals, he can use the Paraglider from Cape Cales to reach the island. Hey, So, I've read posts from a week ago where people experienced the same problem as me. SPOILERY CONTEXT: Eventide Island takes away all your gear when you step foot on the sand, and you don't get it back until you complete the challenge. 1. I thought it was simple. I did that island pretty early, before I did any divine beasts. Just before you finish the mission drop all your good weapons etc and once you've been given your items back you'll be able to go pick up your things as you did when you started the area! There's plenty available on the island. Put a nice dent in his health for me. I figured you could just drop the stuff on the ground again before the final orb. But, in order to farm for these unlimited arrows, you have to complete first the Shrine Quests Stranded on Eventide . TAKE HEED - If you use the "cheat" to drop a bunch of weapons on the raft before the challenge starts, you will LOSE ALL OF THOSE WEAPONS WHEN YOU'RE DONE. If you have all 4 divine beast abilities, it's really not too hard. Did you even play the game? Though, this comes with a price of the game removing any gear you used/found during the trial. For real? There's a Rusty Shield lying nearby and several Boko Spears. Should be pretty easy. You just need to think outside the box and not rely too much on your equipment. Go back down and head past the Hinox again, heading to the left this time. Just spammed the heck out of the Bombs. With that in mind, we present to you a guide on how to survive Evertide Island and uncover its elusive shrine. Swim out a little way and the creature will give up to go back to sleep. This may take some adjustment, but once you're here, you're safe, so feel free to take your time. I looked over and the moblin skeletons were throwing the orb at me. Plan for a morning arrival – skeletal bokoblins come out at night, making the island even more dangerous. I tried landing on the Hinox and stealing the orb but the pick up option never showed for me, so I assumed you couldnt take it. The paraglider is way too involved. Those shrines looks terrible. The goal of Eventide Island is, on its surface, undemanding. If you are worried about dying stop at the rock on the way in. I guess I sort of cheated? Theres literally a boat and a korok leaf on the island with a shrine north of Eventide. Also, make sure you collect all of the fruit lying on beach, too. I figured I could glide down and just swipe it, but I wanted the loot. Ignore it, but lift the rocks along the beach to grab some tasty crabs (if possible, hold onto your produce rather than eating it right away – you'll have access to a cooking fire soon enough). Eventide Island is located in the Necluda Sea. @A01 I killed it with bombs too. It is all about patience. @A01 - Just noticed your comment. I succeeded on my third attempt. Load up the amiibo rune and scan a ton of figures in. Next, you'll want to head to Koholit Rock and start climbing it. H2Pro's dollar-a-kilo green hydrogen: a 20-year leap in clean energy? I'm just gonna put it out there and say that when I was trying to get to Eventide Island I used Cryonis to get across the sea instead of paragliding or using a boat or anything like that..yeah, lol, On the plus side though, I caught a lot of fish on the way. Your objective is to find the three balls scattered around the oval, and take them to their pedestals. @Smegmapoo69 Welcome to the site. There are over a dozen treasure chests to collect on Eventide Island and these will help Link in tackling the rest of the island. Or instead of standing on the hinox's hand you can paraglide onto its stomach. A golden rupee goes a long way, and the shadow orb you collect will definitely feel well-earned. Hinox I used bombs with too. It will throw things at you but can't reach. Instead of gliding in, I came in on a raft and blew up the first camp on the beach with arrows before landing. It would most likely make this a cake walk though. But when you obtain hearts, stamina, other powers, the game becomes easier and easier! A good place to start is Luerlin Vilage. Don't fight the Hinox but just glide onto his belly and grab the orb. I found this shrine pretty early on, before any divine beasts, I think I had 4 hearts and a Stamina upgrade. If all else fails, just die inside the Island and everything will most likely reset. I really enjoyed this challenge, but I've enjoyed reading all these different strategies even more. I didn't intentionally kill anything lol, I just ran around and grabbed the orbs and dropped them where they went. This was one of my favorite trials thus far in the game (and I've done most of them). Very very hard, but doable. This challenge wasn't that hard at all. However it was my last orb and I was determined to get it back. The hardest?! The moment you land, chances are that an Octorok will start attacking you from the water. I feel awesome. Eventide Island is located at the bottom right of the map, well off the coast. Otherwise, if you haven't found any shrines in this area, Hateno Village is the closest point. But it was storming and the wind drove the slab back, and when the balloons finally popped, the slab landed basically right where it had previously been, right on top of the ball receptacle. Once you reach the end of the beach you'll see a small island with a glowing pedestal on it - make a mental note of this and head to the right and up the slope - there are several banana trees you can pillage here. I'll do it in a few days, I guess. That took at least 15 minutes to orchestrate. It is notable for being the site of the Stranded on Eventide Side Questwhich begins once Link reaches the island. Camp on the beach This is one of the easiest shrines. From my understanding, you can also bypass the weapon/armour requirement if you just drop your stuff before starting the island trial, since your equipment doesn't disappear. Took a while to chip away at the Hinox... just stood on an out-of-reach rock and repeatedly bombed him for 15 mins, more of a chore than anything! Took a few tries. nuff said, i used bombs for the hinox too... it took me a while though lol. How to Get to Eventide Island Eventime Island lies far away from the mainland of Hyrule so you'll need to paraglide over the sea to get to it. The Octork up on the rocky cliff near (right side when approaching hinox) will suck up a rusty weapon if you time a throw correctly. Next camb, climb up and bomb it. The island practically throws weapons at you, so the bokoblins aren't much harder than usual. I spent several hours attempting in vain to beat this only after completing 19 or 20 shrines and I had very few hearts and stamina wheels. Use the ice pillars to get out to it and another to lift it out of the water. That or I'm just good at this because only a few shrines have stumped me. Please use English in all your posts. If Link tells Rozel he's been there after reaching the island at least once (the … Holy crap! Just swinging the boxes around with your magnet ability, and hitting your enemies with them, does massive damage. This will deposit you on the Hinox's belly, making for an easy grab. Next, head to the middle of the island towards the slumbering Hinox - but don't go too close yet. Drop the items you want to take with you (swords, bows, shields, ingredients) in the water, then set foot on the actual island. I wouldn't have wanted to have it spoiled, luckily I had already found it by myself. Every Shrine with forced motion controls is WAY harder for obvious reasons. Use Magnesis on the metal boxes nearby and you can use them to smash these enemies. I actually just beat it this morning. Just one pedestal to go now! I didn't even have to sneak to get that orb from the Hinox. If it's the latter, I don't think you get those back. It does take a while so make a game. Did the third listed in this guide first, blasting near everything with bombs. It was a nice surprise.But they should've gone one step further and disabled the Paraglider as well as the Runes for the duration of the Island visit! This Shrine was way too fun than difficult, I had a Blast (the only difficult part for me was getting there, i paraglided there like an idiot.). If you take a raft, you can even cheat a bit. From a high place, I threw both Square and Round bombs, switching between the two. I was sooooo close last night, but the Hinox got me. Head to this island for an alternate route. Took multiple attempts. You don't need to explore the whole island to find the balls and pedestals. Now, there is a new way of getting infinite arrow this is by getting it in a treasure chest located in the remote portion Island in the Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild map. I had more trouble with the various labyrinths and the combat trials than with this one. I wouldn't call this the hardest shrine quest at all. There's a better way I hear, just drop some of your gear as soon as you land then after your equipment is taken from you, just run back there and pick them up. Still have a ways to go through the game but if this was the hardest it had to offer then I'm already disappointed. The orb on top of the cliff fell off, and I placed it in the pedestal found in the water. Eventide Island GLITCH in Zelda Breath of the Wild - YouTube Having said that, there's no perfect, "right" way to do this island. I may try throwing a couple things in the water next time, but you can get everything you need on the island, so this seems like an unnecessary cheat/hack even if it works. There are three orbs total on Eventide Island, and three pedestals to place them on. Although I did it with a lot of hearts. This was the hardest? If you don't have this power, it's just going to come down to fighting well. Then you just glide down, hack away until he gets up, then you run back up on the platform.
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