Property master Alan Sims observed that the Hirogen were slightly similar to but ultimately distinct from the Kazon: "As barbaric as the Hirogen were, they were different from the Kazon because the Hirogen were trophy hunters who, although they competed with one another [like the various Kazon sects], were nevertheless rule-driven. Why. (VOY: "Message in a Bottle") This alien network was over 100,000 years old and extended to within communication range of the Alpha Quadrant. In mid-2373, the Borg Collective learned of the existence of a species whose physiology they believed represented the "apex of biological evolution." Year of Hell. He remained a forced participant in the blood sport until the Federation starship USS Voyager rescued him in 2376. The relays were powered by artificial quantum singularities, similar to Romulan warp drives. 100 & 102). So who cares. (VOY: "Message in a Bottle") The Hirogen also captured and attempted to kill Lieutenant Commander Tuvok and Seven, and the Federation vessel forcefully disabled their relay network. They do it based on commands from the hive mind. They lived as nomads and had dispersed themselves throughout the quadrant, becoming a solitary and isolated race. (VOY: "Hunters"), While hunting a particularly resilient prey, a member of Species 8472, a Hirogen hunter was forced to accept help from the Voyager crew when the prey boarded the Starfleet vessel. (VOY: "Hunters", "Prey", "Flesh and Blood") Standard Hirogen vessels were capable of overpowering an Intrepid-class starship in groups. They never fought one another. (VOY: "Tsunkatse"), In 2374, Voyager had several rough encounters with members of the Hirogen species. One such instance is in the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Gateways novel Demons of Air and Darkness, where a Hirogen fights against Taran'atar, a Jem'Hadar assigned by Odo to Deep Space 9. The Hirogen way of life had not changed for a thousand years. Great importance was placed upon the moment of the kill and it was believed that the way a creature behaved when it was wounded was the key to its destruction. In-game tetryon-based hand weapons used by players and enemies share design traits with Hirogen weapons as seen in the show. Ultimately, Braga was hopeful that the aliens in the two-parter turned out to be clearly more than one-dimensional caricatures. 30, No. (VOY: "The Killing Game"), In 2357, a Hirogen hunter was captured on his son's first hunt and forced to participate in Tsunkatse matches. This entire topic is pointless. The Hirogen possessed an impressive immune system that made them exceptionally resilient to sedation. It was thereafter that the Hirogen's nomadic and hunting natures were devised. Since the Jem'Hadar are clones, not individuals, cooked up with only as much intelligence and instinct as so determined by the founders, then the Hirogen would likely go after the founders and not waste their time on the Jem'Hadar who can be replicated easier than a box of rocks. (Star Trek Monthly issue 39, p. 13), The fact that the Hirogen were originally imagined as having a larger build than the typical Human influenced the casting of the alien roles, making the task of finding suitable actors problematic. She gave the new Alpha the data necessary to make holographic technology, in the hopes that it would calm Hirogen society and stop them from hunting sentient beings. The Hirogen became a nomadic race of hunters, devoting their culture towards the hunt and the theory of "a strong offense is the best defense". (Cinefantastique, Vol. The Collective sought to stop humans' first successful warp flight and assimilate humankind if at all possible. The Hirogen possessed an impressive immune system tha… (VOY: "Hunters") Hirogen vessels were also able to mask their engines by operating in stealth mode when they wished to track a vessel without alerting it to their presence. These items couldn't be taken before the moment of the kill. "There were parallels between Germany and the Hirogen [in the duology] [....] The Hirogen were not just the 'hunter' villains. (VOY: "Prey"), One of the rituals surrounding the hunt involved hunters applying paint to their faces and helmets for both the hunt and the kill. If you look at all these episodes, you'll see a couple of these big guys, but mostly they're not." Plus the Borg never individually attack anything. (VOY: "Flesh and Blood") The command center of the Hirogen vessel had a large metallic sphere with deep intersecting grooves. share. FederationHistorian likes this. But the head was all pre-made." This was more common if they were hunting a challenging and resilient prey. They also possessed greater physical strength than most humanoids afforded to them by their advanced muscle and nervous system. This has been a much requested video and while I think that there were some things I could improve on, I stand by my decision. They never fought one another. (Star Trek: The Magazine Volume 1, Issue 1, p. 66) Indeed, the fourth season arc in which the Hirogen were introduced was another factor that influenced their evolution. Towards the end of the year 2377, the USS Voyager under the command of Captain Kathryn Janeway, with the aid of Admiral Kathryn Janeway from the future, destroyed the Borg Collective's Transwarp Hub and also infected Unimatrix One with a virus that killed the Borg Queen and severely damaged the Unicomplex. Designated Species 8472 by the Collective, this newly discovered race was the sole occupant of an extra-dimensional realm known as fluidic space. I have seen it many times and no they don't. The Borg don't engage in h2h combat. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. They obviously make it personal. Joe Menosky admitted that the Predator aliens were an influence on the Hirogen, saying of the latter species, "They were our little way of emulating Predator and so forth." I like the Hirogen, but I also liked the Jem Hidar but without their "masters". With any luck we managed to dimensionalize them a little bit more and say something about culture. Anyway, I usually play a turtle isolationist (but not Xenophobic) empire who doesn't really get out much. Let's pretend, for now, that the Hirogen are the Hur'q. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The Borg are cybernetic organisms linked in a hive mind called "the Collective". When they were reactivated for another hunt, they would remember the last one. The Hirogen body armor had internal life support, with a breathing apparatus over the mouth and nose, and it can protect a Hirogen hunter while seeking prey in most hostile environments, including the surface of a collapsed star. Manipulating the rods set into the unit could alter the vessel's speed and attitude. The Borg got saved by an element entirely separate from the Collective: Janeway and Voyager. The hunt was the most important part of Hirogen life, and absorbed most of Hirogen activity. One hundred and ten thousand years ago they were assimilated by an early version of the Borg. First Contact is one of my favorite Star Trek films. Their ships also had monotanium armor plating. The Hirogen would probably be entertained by the idea of hunting telepaths. I guess Borg vs. Voth can go in both dircetions with luck being a major factor. (VOY: "Flesh and Blood"), By 2399, there was at least one Hirogen xB present on the Artifact. Hirogen are often seen wearing a silvery blue colored full body armor, sometimes with a helmet and/or mask that covers their mouth… They and their ships are completely organic based and are viewed by the Collective as the "apex of biological evolution". Posted by 7 years ago. In the case of skulls, they were often mounted as a wall display. This is a list of fictional sentient life forms from the fictional universe of the Star Trek media franchise. Close. This was not always the case however. Hirogen would win, maybe not by a mile- … Either one would kick their butt in hand to hand. I assumed this was a straight up 1 to 1 match up between The Borg and 8472, not The Borg and the lone Federation ship actually responsible for any headway made against 8472, which subsequently bailed their Collective asses out vs 8472. save. When ordered to stop, Seven of Nine initiated an electrical pulse, shocking a Hirogen male into submission through his interface. And the Queen wasn't acting out of a need for vengeance. (VOY: "Hunters", "Flesh and Blood") They also have a device that seems to function much like a tricorder, which reveals bio-data on the captured prey. Type: Locutus showing up was simply a bonus for the Queen. Most Hirogen have forgotten this fact of their history. To get food, it was speculated that the Hirogen ate their prey. In Star Trek Online, bands of Hirogen have spread into the Beta Quadrant and contacted various powers there, including the Romulan Star Empire under Empress Sela. It's only the Hirogen's hubris that kept them from taking Voyager. They are closer in resemblance to a reptilian than a human, given their scaled skin, lack of any lips, lack of any hair or facial hair and flat nose (similar to a Saurian). (VOY: "Prey") This had caused Hirogen society to put nearly all of its energy into increasingly unproductive hunts in increasingly exhausted territories, bringing cultural and scientific advancement to a near standstill. The Borg don't engage in h2h combat. According to the novella Places of Exile, the Hirogen were known to the Borg as Species 478. Species 8472 are basically the most Advanced Organic intelligent life, they use living biomatter and grow their technology composed of a perfect infused synergy and telepathic relationship. 166 & 177), The invention of the Hirogen enabled "The Killing Game" and "The Killing Game, Part II", whose story had a long gestation period, to finally be produced. They were wimps. Voyager destroyed one of the relays and the energy from the quantum singularity created a massive discharge that disabled the stations on the relay network. Kill one or 100,000 Borg and it doesn’t matter. (Star Trek Monthly issue 46, p. 82) The size of the actors playing the Hirogen meant that the heads for the aliens, as created by the makeup department of Star Trek: Voyager, were required to be oversized. (VOY: "Hunters"), Hirogen philosophy and lifestyle was almost totally based around one major activity: hunting. Joe Menosky remembered, "Brannon [Braga] and Bryan Fuller were watching NFL one night, and Brannon came into the office the next day and said, 'I think we should have some big, scary aliens.' Hirogen The Hirogen are nomadic and seem to live in space. Then the Hirogen came along." The Hirogen had gone on to make holographic prey in huge space stations, fitted with holoemitters. Ideas for a new series are probably better reserved for the Future Star Trek sub forum or the fan fiction sub forum, but if I were allowed to produce a new series I would probably go with complete new adversaries, how much I would like to see the Borg, Species 8472, and the Hirogen … Borg vs Species 8472 The Hirogen’s Hunt Encounters with the Borg & the Borg Queen cosmic mouse, Jul 14, 2020 #6. Unusual relics brought envy from other Hirogen males, and Hirogen females desired a male who had such unusual relics. They are typically very tall and have an enlarged dual-lobed cranium in comparison to Humans. Borg have boarded and fought hand to hand on several occasions as seen in STFC. "In contrast, the Hirogen are far more mobile, because unlike the Gorn's wet suit the Hirogen did not wear a full bodysuit," he explained. It would be better to ask which of the 3 enemies do people like the most. The writers realized that the largeness of such an alien species would set them apart from the aliens normally featured in Star Trek, which were of typical Human size. Ok, so I know that technically DA's don't have to be the Borg, but since one of the Stellaris devs seems to be a Star Trek fan (seriously, we have Klingon and Vulcans as humanoid choices, among other pieces of evidence), I am going to call it that. Due to this time pressure, the makeup team didn't have enough time to wait for any of the actors to be cast before proceeding with the assignment. The result was truly worthy prey. (VOY: "Hunters"), The entire Hirogen society, from social rituals, to art, to religious beliefs, centered around "the hunt". Since the Borg go about assimilating whole races, not just a few notable individuals and some tech, it is surprising (possibly due to bad writing) that any highly advanced species exist in the DQ, for example Hirogen, Devore and 'The Hierarchy' and had not been wiped out. (VOY: "Prey"), A truce, with the gift of holographic technology, Later, a pack of Hirogen ships successfully claimed the starship Voyager and forced the crew to participate in vast holodeck hunting simulations, brainwashing the crew to believe they were genuine characters in the holodecks while leaving a select minority outside to treat the crew and create additional holobuffers throughout the ship. These prizes, called "trophies" or "relics", were displayed in nets hanging from the ceilings or walls of their vessels. The Hirogen were a nomadic species of hunters who roamed huge distances in the Delta Quadrant during the late-24th century. 30, No. 30, No. When the USS Voyager made contact with them, Species 8472 were engaged in a war with one of Star Trek's perennial antagonists, the Borg. The Hirogen were nomadic. The Hirogen thought that these prey made better trophies. Their sensory perception was acute, a feature that served well as the Hirogen were an aggressive hunting species. You need to watch First Contact. The Hirogen could care less about the politics of their prey, and wouldn't engage unless there was a value to finishing the hunt. The ancient ancestors of the Voth were the Hadrosaurids, which were a species of large herbivore dinosaurs that inhabited prehistoric Earth. However, being the first to hunt a certain kind of prey in itself caused some envy. (VOY: "Hunters", "Prey", "Flesh and Blood"), The Hirogen used an enzyme to break down the bones and muscle tissue of their prey, which was speculated by Chakotay to be for consumption as food, but this was not confirmed. The Hirogen could care less about the politics of their prey, and wouldn't engage unless there was a value to finishing the hunt. The Hirogen also abandoned their homeworld so they could search and hunt for challenging prey. "They were fascinating characters," Russ commented, "and very dangerous [....] The Hirogen stuff I liked a great deal." 9/10, p. 98), The Hirogen resemble the race of hunter aliens known as Yautja from the Predator franchise, which may have inspired such aspects as the design of the Hirogen's culture, their veneration of "the hunt", the collection and public display of relics, and the use of a breathing apparatus for alien atmospheres. The Borg are an alien group that appear as recurring antagonists in the Star Trek fictional universe. Its common ground, even by the Hirogen's basic sense of diplomacy, and may offer a few tips with catching the Devore's prey. Sworn enemies of the Borg Collective after an unsuccessful invasion by the Collective in-to their realm known as fluidic space. (VOY: "Hunters"), The initial inspiration for the Hirogen was the considerable size of football players. It was more than just aliens in Nazi uniforms, I hope." (VOY: "The Voyager Conspiracy"), In 2377, the results of this attempt at cultural manipulation were discovered. There is no personal vendetta they act upon. 9/10, p. 98), Make-Up Supervisor Michael Westmore, who found the Hirogen "interesting," based the look of their mottled skin on a gila monster. Humanoid (VOY: "Hunters", "Tsunkatse"), Hirogen culture required a hunter to study his prey to understand its abilities, believing that such study was essential to prevent a hunter from becoming the hunted. However, the Voth also might be able to quickly shut down the whole collective. 9/10, pp. Alan Sims recalled, "These guys couldn't wield props built for [commonly-sized] humans; they had to be oversized props, large weapons the size of bazookas that would take two normal-sized humans to deploy." (VOY: "Prey"), The Hirogen have an arsenal of various formidable weapons, including a tetryon rifle with a sensor display that helps a hunter to track his prey. As a result, being called "worthy prey" by a Hirogen was meant as a great compliment. Hirogen (Star Trek: Aliens & Artifacts, p. 166) Brannon Braga, who usually allowed Westmore two or three weeks' notice for significant makeup tasks, gave Westmore only a week to contemplate the design of the Hirogen. Hirogen are very distinct in appearance. They viewed other lifeforms as prey and treated them as such, showing little evidence of compassion or empathy for other intelligent species. ... and taking a pretty blonde lady and forcing her to become a Borg drone before stranding her in the Delta quadrant forever. (VOY: "The Killing Game", "The Killing Game, Part II") On stardate 51762, Janeway negotiated a cease-fire with the Hirogen, suspending hostilities. Prey which put up a struggle before they were killed in the hunt were considered "worthy prey". Even with no face paint available, one specific Hirogen fighter who was forced to fight in the Tsunkatse matches still went through the ritual of running his finger over his face, as if applying paint. Species 8472 is a fictional extraterrestrial species in the science fiction television series Star Trek: Voyager.Species 8472 is a designation given to them by the Borg.The multiplayer game Star Trek Online gives their proper name as Undine.. They attack en masse. the race of hunter aliens known as Yautja, Star Trek: The Official Starships Collection, Don't have an account? However, the Federation crew eventually fought back, The Doctor and Harry Kim managing to 'deprogram' Seven of Nine – as she was participating in a Nazi program – and give her the key to free other members of the crew. Species 8472 is shown to be technologically superior to the Borg. "This gave the actors far more mobility, which is why the very overpowering Hirogen in Voyager move more easily and can do more in a scene than the lumbering Gorn, even though the Gorn was a very advanced creation for his time." hide. (VOY: "The Killing Game, Part II") These training facilities combined Hirogen technology with Federation technology, as components such as LCARS-style controls were present. They also possessed greater physical strength than most humanoids afforded to them by their advanced muscle and nervous system. Donik, a Hirogen male (2377) He just went on and on about how these football players are humongous." The rest followed her commands like good little drones. 1. On the look for one species 8472, the Voyager crew lets a Hirogan help them hunt it down. It had even been stated by one Hirogen, Karr, that in another thousand years, no one would remember the name Hirogen, as they were hunting themselves to extinction. In addition, many of the face appliances had to be made larger to fit some of the gigantic actors who portrayed the members of the species. Status was determined by possession of prizes from hunts, often body parts or technology obtained from their prey. However, there are a few things worth considering. However, Species 8472 proved immune to assimilation and the invasion of their realm provoked a war; according to Seven of Nine, Species 8472 was the first species to offer \"true resistance to the Borg\" in their long history. 997. Joe Menosky, who co-wrote the pair of episodes with Brannon Braga, reflected, "Brannon said, 'Wouldn't it be cool to have aliens in German uniforms?' The Borg encountered Species 8472 in 2373, after finding their way into fluidic space to search for more species worthy of assimilation. report. When other Hirogen ships arrived, the hunter and his prey were returned to the Hirogen people by Seven of Nine, despite the fact that she had specifically been ordered by Captain Janeway that the Starfleet crew would not sacrifice another sentient lifeform to save themselves. How are they similar other than.. both are warlike? They were known to be capable of surviving in Y-class environments for a short time. Last edited: Dec 10, 2020. Iden's Rebellion began; the holograms fought back, resulting in many Hirogen deaths.
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