Sunday’s election comes almost three-and-a-half years after the pro-independence regional government of the then president Carles Puigdemont pitched Spain into its worst political crisis in decades by defying repeated warnings from the Spanish government and courts to stage an illegal, unilateral independence referendum. Catalan regional elections will be held on Sunday. [9] On 28 September 2020, the TSJC's ruling was upheld by the Supreme Court of Spain, finally disqualifying Torra from office and paving the way for a regional election to be called for early 2021. First published on Sun 14 Feb 2021 05.07 EST. Catalan Elections Carry Risk for Premier Sanchez in Madrid By . [33][34] However, severe COVID-19 outbreaks in the Lleida/Segrià and Barcelona metropolitan areas in mid-July forced these plans to be delayed. [22] The 135 members of the Parliament of Catalonia were elected using the D'Hondt method and a closed list proportional representation, with an electoral threshold of three percent of valid votes—which included blank ballots—being applied in each constituency. According to a recent survey, 47.7% of Catalans are against independence and 44.5% in favour. The issue of Catalan independence has faded over the past two years as splits grew between separatist factions. Ni PDeCat, ni PNC", "Baròmetre d'Opinió Política. (*) Lists autonomous communities with a fixed election date for May 2023. 15 January: The election is postponed to 30 May as a result of the evolution of the. 2020-01-20T02:08:43.418Z. [6][7] A snap election loomed over the horizon for several months as Torra announced his will to call one after the court rulings,[8] but the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in Spain stalled these plans. [2][3] All 135 seats in the Parliament were up for election. [16][17] The PSC under Salvador Illa emerged as the largest political party in a Catalan regional election in both votes and seats for the first time in history. Local elections in the United Kingdom are due to be held on 6 May 2021 for English local councils, thirteen directly elected mayors in England, and 39 police and crime commissioners in England and Wales. Rodrigo Orihuela, January 29, 2020… The 2021 Catalan regional election was held on Sunday, 14 February 2021, to elect the 13th Parliament of the autonomous community of Catalonia. [110], In a surprise move on 30 December 2020, PSC leader Miquel Iceta announced that he would be stepping down as his party's leading candidate in the election, instead proposing incumbent Health minister Salvador Illa, who had borne the brunt of the Spanish government's management of the COVID-19 pandemic, for the post. 10 February: Deadline for postal and temporarily absent voters to issue their votes. [38] Eventually on 21 December, acting president Pere Aragonès signed the decree dissolving the Parliament of Catalonia, confirming 14 February as the election date. 12 February: Last day of official electoral campaigning and deadline for CERA citizens to vote in a ballot box in the relevant consular office or division. Vox entraría en el Parlament", "Encuesta: ERC vence y el PSC de Iceta "sorpassa" a Ciudadanos", "CatPanel (11S): o coalición 'estelada' (ERC+JxCat+CUP) o 'Macedonia del Norte' (ERC+PSC)", "Encuesta NC Report/Cataluña: ERC y PSC sumarían mayoría absoluta", "Más de 200.000 votantes huyen de Puigdemont", "CatPanel (20A): ERC ganaría las elecciones en Cataluña. 2021 election to elect the 13th Parliament of Catalonia. Catalan pro-independence parties have increased their parliamentary majority following a regional election in which the unionist Socialists took the largest share of the vote and the far-right Vox party outperformed its conservative rivals to win its first seats in the northeastern Spanish region. However, more than 270,000 people requested a postal vote – three times as many as at the last election. The election was required to be called no later than 6 December 2021, with it taking place up to the sixtieth day from the call, setting the latest possible election date for the Parliament on Friday, 4 February 2022. Subidón de Vox, el PP cae a la octava plaza", "Triple empate entre PSC, ERC y JxCat a cinco días de las elecciones catalanas", "Junts per Catalunya takes slight lead over rivals ERC and PSC five days ahead of the election", "ERC atrapa al PSC y Junts en la última encuesta legal del 14-F", "Sondeo final en Cataluña: Illa se consolida líder en votos y Vox ya disputa el cuarto puesto a Cs", "Habrá una abstención récord en Cataluña: la participación podría no llegar al 50%", "ERC será la fuerza más votada el 14F, superando por la mínima al PSC y empatando en escaños con JxCat", "El PSC ganaría las elecciones catalanas y Vox llegaría a obtener hasta 7 diputados, dando el sorpaso al PP", "Salvador Illa ganaría el 14-F y Oriol Junqueras elegiría quién gobierna Cataluña", "Encuesta elecciones catalanas 2021: El desplome de la participación acerca a ERC al PSC y castiga a Cs y PP", "CatPanel (5F): Junts alcanza el 20% y las distancias entre los tres primeros se reducen al mínimo", "El independentismo se impondría el 14-F ante el insuficiente avance de Illa", "Triple empate de Junts, ERC y PSC mientras Vox roza el sorpasso al PP a costa de Cs", "Mínim avantatge d'ERC sobre PSC i JxCat a set dies del 14-F", "Encuesta DYM. 2021", "CatPanel (15E): ERC y el PSC suben y Junts baja, pero siguen muy apretados los escaños", "CatPanel (8E): sorpasso de Junts a ERC en escaños, subidón del PSC", "ERC sigue en cabeza pero PSC y Junts se acercan y pugnan por la segunda plaza", "Encuesta elecciones en Catalunya 2021: El PSC ganaría el 14-F tras la irrupción de Illa", "Salvador Illa acerca a los socialistas al triple empate en Cataluña a la semana de ser elegido candidato", "El último sondeo explica la apuesta por Salvador Illa: los 'indepes' ampliarían hoy su ventaja en Cataluña", "CatPanel (20D): la CUP arrebata un escaño a Junts. [11][12] Concurrently, in a move widely seen as Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez's personal bet for his party to obtain a strong performance in the election,[13][14] the Socialists' Party of Catalonia (PSC) selected Health minister Salvador Illa, who had been at the helm of the Spanish government's response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, as its leading candidate. 16 January: Deadline for citizens entered in the Register of Absent Electors Residing Abroad (CERA) and for citizens temporarily absent from Spain to apply for voting. [4][5], While the budget's parliamentary transaction timetable was due to be over by 18 March, meaning that an election could be held as soon as Monday, 11 May, if called immediately—or 17 May if the long-term tradition of holding elections on a Sunday is kept[26][27]—members from both JuntsxCat and ERC hinted that the election could be delayed until after the summer, to be held in September–October 2020. Financial Market Volatility and the Catalan Elections The upturn in the IBEX 35 may falter. [21], On 29 January 2020, President Quim Torra announced that he would be calling a snap election at some point throughout 2020 once the parliamentary procedures for the budget's approval were finalized,[8] after a government crisis erupted between Together for Catalonia (JuntsxCat) and Republican Left of Catalonia (ERC) over Torra's being stripped of his status as legislator,[7][25] resulting from a court ruling condemning Torra for disobeying the Central Electoral Commission by not withdrawing partisan symbols from the Palau de la Generalitat's facade and not guaranteeing the institution's neutrality during the April 2019 Spanish general election campaign. 2a onada 2018", "ERC superaría a Cs y a JxCat y ganaría las elecciones", "Vuelco electoral: el PSC ganaría las generales y Esquerra, las catalanas", "ElectoPanel Cataluña: triple empate en cabeza con el PSC al alza", "Baròmetre d'Opinió Política. The possibility of forming a large constitutionalist platform for the next Catalan elections, which could be held in spring or summer given the degree of emphasis . The Catalan Socialist party (PSC) finished first, winning 33 seats – up from 17 last time – and 23% of the vote. The previous election was held on 21 December 2017, which meant that the legislature's term would have expired on 21 December 2021. [92] That same day, 9 out of the 14 remaining PDeCAT MPs in the Parliament of Catalonia left the party to join JxCat. Aragonès, who serves as Catalonia’s acting president, has dismissed Illa’s approach as “amnesia” and argued that his party will not “turn the page” while independence leaders remain in prison over their role in the doomed attempt at secession. "[102] By November 2020, Units, Lliures and LD were said to be favouring an electoral agreement with the PSC instead,[103][104] advocating for the establishment of a "broad Catalanist front". Catalan election has solved little on secession Future will remain unclear until after the coming national elections Jubilation: supporters of Junts pel Sí celebrate after the Catalan elections [44], The Parliament of Catalonia was officially dissolved on 21 December 2020, after the publication of the dissolution decree in the Official Journal of the Government of Catalonia. [45] The table below shows the status of the different parliamentary groups in the chamber at the time of dissolution. 2a onada 2019", "Encuesta elecciones Catalunya: ERC sigue al alza tras el juicio y el PSC se dispara", "Baròmetre d'Opinió Política. Sondeo septiembre 2018", "ElectoPanel Cataluña: ERC se destaca y los independentistas afianzan su mayoría", "ERC ganaría las elecciones catalanas y el separatismo conservaría la mayoría absoluta", "Baròmetre d'Opinió Política. [15], Pro-independence parties gained a majority of the votes for the first time in an election, though they lost over 600,000 votes from the previous elections amidst the lowest voter turnout in history. GatIlla pierde 1p tras el DeGat", "La bajada de los indecisos no rompe la igualdad a dos días de las elecciones catalanas", "Pro-independence Junts per Catalunya leading Catalan election race in poll", "CatsPanel (10F): SaGater arrebata un felino a GatIlla", "El PDECat se acerca al Parlament y sigue erosionando a Junts", "Tie at top of Catalan election race broken with just days until poll", "CatsPanel (9F): bajan ligeramente las adopciones de GatIlla y Catragonès", "El PSC recupera ventaja en cabeza y Vox sería la cuarta fuerza en Catalunya", "Two main Catalan pro-independence parties neck and neck in election poll", "CATALUÑA. Torra, a member of the Together for Catalonia party, was forced to resign by electoral authorities in early 2020 for refusing to remove a banner from the regional government palace in Barcelona during the last election that called for the release of nine separatist leaders from prison. The election came less than a month after Spain's Supreme Court handed out lengthy jail sentences to nine Catalan independence leaders, over their role … 1a onada 2019", "Encuesta elecciones Catalunya: El independentismo mantiene la mayoría antes del juicio", "El soberanismo retrocede por la debacle del PDeCAT y pierde la mayoría absoluta", "El cinturón rojo ya es naranja y el 20% del "voto PP" pasa a Vox", "Enquesta de l'ARA: ERC guanyaria a les urnes amb majoria independentista", "Baròmetre d'Opinió Política. 11 January: Deadline for parties, federations, coalitions, and groupings of electors to present lists of candidates to the relevant electoral commission. Vox, which is the third biggest party in the national parliament, won 11 seats, breaking into the Catalan parliament for the first time and taking more seats than its rivals in the conservative People’s party (PP) and the centre-right Citizens party combined. Elecciones catalanas (2 marzo)", "Sondeos: ERC superaría a JxC y los tres partidos independentistas sumarían más votos que los constitucionalistas", "ERC ganaría las elecciones catalanas al frente de una reforzada mayoría independentista", "El escenario electoral si concurriera CAT Suma", "ERC tendría mayoría absoluta con los partidos catalanes de Sánchez (PSC) e Iglesias (En Comú)", "Una coalición entre Cs y PP sumaría hoy poco más de la mitad de escaños que tuvieron en 2017", "El tripartito catalán no suma y complica la legislatura", "ERC podría elegir entre JxCat y la izquierda para gobernar", "CatPanel (29e): subidón de JxCat que alcanza a ERC y reconquista muchos municipios de Cataluña", "CatPanel 29e (II): Cataluña Suma, sumaría escaños y se colocaría como cuarta fuerza en el Parlament", "Un sondeo de los 'comuns' les sitúa a punto de alcanzar a Cs", "Baròmetre d'Opinió Política. This listing does not preclude these communities holding additional, earlier elections under their statutory provisions. Forward–Socialist Organization of National Liberation, Communist Party of the Workers of Catalonia, "Illa ganaría en votos y ERC en escaños, pero el independentismo reforzaría su mayoría absoluta", "Sondeig 14F: ERC guanyaria frec a frec amb el PSC i l'independentisme superaria el 50% dels vots", "Junts habría ganado las elecciones con leve ventaja sobre el PSC y ERC", "Enquesta El Nacional Catalunya: Junts i el PSC frec a frec amb ERC a tocar", "Triple empate entre PSC, ERC y JxCat con Vox como cuarta fuerza del Parlament", "Estimación resultados 14 de Febrero 2021 Cataluña. This is the biggest set of local elections in England's four-year electoral cycle, with more than 8,400 seats being contested. Around 90% of Catalan voters backed independence in the referendum on 1 October 2017, but the turnout was only 43%. [b] Voting for the Parliament was on the basis of universal suffrage, which comprised all nationals over eighteen, registered in Catalonia and in full enjoyment of their political rights. The administration's own opìnion polling body, the CEO, tips the Republican Left to win the elections to the Parliament of Catalonia, scheduled - pandemic permitting - for 14th February 2021. Back in 1999 and 2003 elections, when the PSC was the leading party in popular vote under Pasqual Maragall (CiU won more seats due to malapportionment), 30% of its base had a predominantly Catalan identity ("more Catalan than Spaniard") This time also with 51.22% of the votes, making it the majority among the voters. The Catalan European Democratic Party (Catalan: Partit Demòcrata Europeu Català, PDeCAT, sometimes stylized as PDECat), initially branded as the Catalan Democratic Party (Catalan: Partit Demòcrata Català, PDC), is a Catalan nationalist and liberal political party in Spain that supports Catalan independence. People line up outside a polling station, before casting their vote for the regional Catalan election in Barcelona, Spain, Sunday, Feb. 14, 2021. It was followed by the pro-independence Catalan Republican Left (ERC), which took 33 seats and 21.3% of the vote, and the centre-right, pro-independence Together for Catalonia party, which came third with 32 seats and 20% of the vote. [70][71] However, the heavy defeat of the PP+Cs formula in the 12 July Basque election sparked doubts within the regional PP's branch over the electoral viability of such an alliance in Catalonia. After the 2017 election, pro-Catalan independence parties secured a parliamentary majority, electing Quim Torra as new Catalan president after attempts to have Carles Puigdemont and Jordi Turull elected to the office were foiled by Spanish courts. In 2020, this figure was 10.3%, but having dropped down to 17% in the first half of the financial year. 13 February: Official 24-hour ban on political campaigning prior to the general election (. The PSC is back, but it's a different party. Elecciones autonómicas 2021 (Estudio nº 3306. [105][106] However, eventually, a global agreement was not reached and PSC and Units renewed their electoral alliance without Lliures and LD. Fecha y calendario electoral", "Quim Torra, condenado a un año y medio de inhabilitación por negarse a retirar los lazos amarillos", "El TSJC condena a Quim Torra a un año y medio de inhabilitación por no retirar la pancarta de Palau", "Torrent retira el escaño a Torra y la legislatura queda vista para sentencia", "El veto a Torra en el Parlament fractura el Govern", "Torra anuncia elecciones tras los presupuestos y carga contra ERC", "La pandemia congela los planes de los partidos y la agenda electoral en Cataluña", "El calendario tras la inhabilitación de Torra: elecciones a partir de febrero y gestión de la pandemia sin nuevos presupuestos", "Borràs tumba a Calvet e inicia la cohabitación con Puigdemont", "Puigdemont encabezará la lista de JxCat en las elecciones catalanas", "Illa sustituye a Iceta para impulsar un vuelco en Catalunya tras el 14-F", "Illa sacude la campaña electoral catalana", "Iceta cede a Illa la candidatura del PSC a la Generalitat", "El independentismo aumenta distancia con el constitucionalismo y da por superado el 50% de los votos", "La participación en Cataluña se hunde hasta el 53,6 %, el dato más bajo de su historia", "El PDECat, fuera del Parlament: los herederos de Convergència no llegan al 3% de los votos", "Els hereus de Convergència es queden fora del Parlament", Ley Orgánica 6/2006, de 19 de julio, de reforma del Estatuto de Autonomía de Cataluña, "Spanish elections: Begging for the right to vote", Ley Orgánica 4/1979, de 18 de diciembre, de Estatuto de Autonomía de Cataluña, "Effective threshold in electoral systems", "Torra empuja la legislatura catalana a un final acelerado tras perder el escaño", "¿Cuándo serán las elecciones en Catalunya? 0. Catalan … “We’ve always maintained that it’s better to agree on a referendum with Spain,” he told Reuters. Additionally, Catalans abroad were required to apply for voting before being permitted to vote, a system known as "begged" or expat vote (Spanish: Voto rogado). Illa has vowed to heal divisions and “stitch Catalonia back together” if elected, but pro-independence parties responded to the PSC’s strong showing in pre-election polls by agreeing not to make any deals that would help it into government. 20 February: Deadline for the general counting of votes to be carried out by the relevant electoral commission. [109] By October 2020, Valls was reportedly uninterested in Catalan politics and was said to be planning a return to French politics, to be officialized after the 14 February regional election.
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