“Alexa, set a 10 minute [pizza] timer.” (If using multiple timers, Alexa will tell you your "pizza is ready". ", Amazon has also built on this a multiple commands feature by allowing you to string two related commands into one. “Alexa, what is your favorite color?” ", Change the color temperature of the lights: "Alexa, make the kitchen lights a little warmer. ", Ask about Santa's reindeer: "Alexa, who's your favorite reindeer?" ", Message another Echo user: "Alexa, message [name]" or "Alexa, send [name] a message. If you do, try these: "Alexa, switch accounts" [to change profiles], “Alexa, bedtime” (Start's bedtime routine – check out our Alexa Routines guide), "Alexa, discover my devices". ", Ask when the next alarm is: "Alexa, when's my next alarm? Whether you have the Amazon Echo, Echo Show or even the Echo Dot, knowing what to say is everything. If a digital voice assistant is going to be that ubiquitous, you'd hope it comes in more than just a little bit handy, right? Alexa has hundreds of built-in easter eggs, as the designers correctly assumed that the first thing people will do is ask silly questions. ", Turn on or off the TV: "Alexa, turn on Fire TV" or "Alexa, turn off Fire TV. "Alexa… Here is a list of 35 fun things kids can ask Amazon Alexa . ", Set a music alarm: "Alexa, wake me up to [artist, song, genre, playlist or album] at 8 a.m.," "Alexa, set an alarm to Band of Horses" or "Alexa, wake me up to Kiss FM on TuneIn. Saying "Alexa, run Away Mode" produces conversations to scare off any potential burglars. ", Sing a Christmas carol: "Alexa, sing a Christmas carol. Many commands work when worded several different ways or even with words omitted. ", Get a recipe: "Alexa, how do you make chocolate chip cookies? or "Alexa, what reminders do I have tomorrow? If you haven’t seen that show I highly recommend it. Just say "Alexa, open Amex," and look at your account. Buy Alexa: 1000 best Things To Ask Alexa: Helpful and amusing questions you can’t do without. ", Lock your doors: "Alexa, lock my back door. ", Get the names of band members: "Who is in the band [name]? ", Turn off the video during an ongoing call (only works with Echo Show): "Alexa, turn video off. or "Alexa, where does Santa Claus live? You can ask Alexa to look up any info you’re curious about, like sports schedules and scores; who won the Golden Globe for best actor in 2020; or which year Cleopatra was born. If you ask Alexa to "play Spotify," it'll play the last thing you were playing, picking up where you left off. You can even say “Show me films with Clint Eastwood,” leveraging the universal search feature. ", Find popular music from an artist: "Alexa, what's popular from [artist]? ", Get operating hours or a phone number for local businesses: "Alexa, find the address for Bank of America" or "Alexa, find business hours for Harris Teeter.". 70+ Best Questions to Ask Alexa 2021 (Funny & Interesting) Alexa is a popular name now. ", While listening to music in Amazon Music: "Alexa, buy this song" or "Alexa, buy this album. If you are struggling to utilize your Amazon Echo for more than just the basics, look no further. “Alexa, ask Ghost Detector to catch a ghost.” If you are around when Alexa detects a ghost, ask her to catch it. If you have an Android, you can send text messages with Alexa. Alexa Echo Auto allows you to connect your phone to Alexa in your car. It takes about 5-10 minutes to complete. ", Set a repeating alarm: "Alexa, set a repeating alarm for weekdays at 7 a.m.", Set a timer: "Alexa, timer" or "Alexa, set a timer for 15 minutes. ‍ Curiosity: Fun, easy way to learn about new topics. ", Convert units: "Alexa, how many [units] are in 2 [units]? To turn on notifications, open the Alexa app and select to Settings, then Notifications, then Shopping Notifications and toggle it on. “Alexa, how tall are you?” 11. ", Create a playlist in Amazon Music: "Alexa, create a new playlist," or "Alexa, create a 'Friday Chill' playlist. If you click through using links on the site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Her answers are very entertaining. Alexa will show you how to properly chop up different fruits and veggies. Amazon also builds its Fire TV operating system into televisions like the Element EL4KAMZ17 series. ", Play YouTube videos: "Alexa, show me travel videos on YouTube. "Alexa, what can you tell me about Santa's reindeer?" ", Pick a number: "Alexa, pick a number between 1 and 50. ‍ Guided Meditation: This particular app has been downloaded over 2 million times on the app store for mobile devices. ", Check your shopping list: "Alexa, what's on my shopping list? Try these out: 1. ", Tell Alexa to continue reading a Wikipedia entry: "Alexa, tell me more. Commands enable the voice assistant living inside your smart speaker to bring music, control smart home gadgets and bring daily weather and news updates. Once you've added the skill, enabled permissions and connected your Microsoft and Amazon accounts, just say, "Alexa, open Cortana." ", Change the color of the lights: "Alexa, make the living room lights red" or " Alexa, turn the lights to soft white. Have Alexa remember information so you don’t have to . ", Display recipes: "Alexa, show me a slow cooker recipe from Allrecipes. For now, the Cortana skill is limited because it's a public preview of what the full integration will be in the future. (Dad jokes included.) Best Alexa tips Alexa, what song is playing?’ . "Alexa, add 'Barbecue at Ben's house' to my calendar for Saturday", "Alexa, add features meeting to my calendar on Thursday at 4.30", "Alexa, what will the weather be like tomorrow? Some require you to enable skills, and some don't. ", Basic math: "Alexa, what's 5 plus 7?" or "Alexa, what do you know about Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer? ", Find out who an actor is: "Alexa, who plays [character] in [movie or TV show]? You can download all the Alexa skills you want – but if you don't know what to say, the whole thing is useless. ", Cancel a timer: "Alexa, cancel the pizza timer" or "Alexa, cancel the 15-minute timer. ", Mute Fire TV: "Alexa, [mute/unmute] Fire TV. ", Create a shopping list: "Alexa, add eggs to my shopping list" or "Alexa, I need to buy laundry detergent. ", Reorder essentials from Amazon: "Alexa, buy more deodorant" or "Alexa, reorder deodorant. For example, here are some things that you can ask Alexa about Halloween and New Year’s Eve. We're here to help you learn about Amazon devices, so you’ll be able to guide your customers with confidence. ", Learn about a holiday: "Alexa, why do we celebrate [holiday]? "Hey, Siri" or "Hey, Google" won't work while you have the Alexa app open). ", Get casting for a movie or show: "Alexa, who plays in [movie or TV show]? ", "Alexa, play the latest [artist name] [album/song]", “Alexa, play [song] by [artist] from [service] in the [Sonos room name]” - check out our guide to using Sonos with Alexa, "Alexa, play that song that goes 'xxxxxx". ", Get information on movies playing: "Alexa, tell me about the movie [title]. You can keep issuing more commands until you're done or you say "stop. Alexa isn't perfect, but it's pretty great at understanding natural language, so you don't always have to speak the commands exactly as you see them below. For adult entertaining purposes, you can turn Alexa quizzes into a drinking game. ", Check weather: "Alexa, what's the weather like?" ", Find movies in nearby theaters: "Alexa, what movies are playing?" ", Make an announcement: "Alexa, announce it's dinner time," "Alexa, broadcast it's time to go" or "Alexa, tell everyone good night. Let us know if we missed any good ones in the comments below. Add music news to your Flash Briefing: "Alexa, enable Today in Music. ", Play Spotify music: "Alexa, play [playlist] on Spotify. Alexa, tell me a Christmas story. You can catch one ghost a day. Alexa, Ask Tweet Reader: This skill prompts Alexa to read the tweets in your timeline, from newest to oldest. The Alexa adventure is set in the world of one of my favorite TV shows, Mr. ", Sample music from an artist: "Alexa, sample songs by [artist]. ", Add a song to a playlist in Amazon Music: "Alexa, add this song to my playlist," or "Alexa, add this to my [playlist name] playlist. To queue up a request, just say, "Alexa." ", Get the definition of a word: "Alexa, what's the definition of [word]? Alexa can do so many things to help you around the home, but she can also just amuse you during moments of extreme boredom. Alexa: 1000 best Things To Ask Alexa: Helpful and amusing questions you can’t do without. Simple. You could say “Alexa open Hulu” or Alexa “show me comedy films” for example. Alexa 1000 best Things To Ask Alexa: Helpful and amusing questions you can’t do without You’ve had your Amazon Echo or Amazon Echo Dot for some time and now you’re wondering what you can do to make it not only helpful but amusing. “Alexa, start Zoo Walk.” (Alexa will make cool animal noises) “Alexa, open Curiosity.” (A fun way to learn about various topics.) Check missed notifications: "Alexa, what did I miss?" ", Cancel an alarm: "Alexa, cancel my alarm for 2 p.m.", Check dates: "Alexa, when is [holiday] this year? ", Ask for holiday movies? or "Alexa, what are the top holiday movies? For example, you can ask Alexa to order you some toilet paper or batteries or anything else in the house that you use up regularly. ", See your timers: "Alexa, show me my timers. ", Switch profiles: "Alexa, switch accounts. "Alexa, announce that [message]" – plays on all home network Echo devices. Read more: The best Alexa commands for exercise, better sleep and stress relief. '", Play the song of the day: "Alexa, play the song of the day. ", Music controls: "Alexa, play" or "Alexa, next. ", Ask for coronavirus news updates: "Alexa, what's the latest with the coronavirus? Alexa isn’t a real lady, so it’s perfectly fine to ask her some personal questions. [to track order]. Now we know Alexa as our beloved voice assistant who does a lot for us and helps you go get through our daily lives. ", Activate a scene (limited to Control4, Insteon, Lutron Caséta Wireless, Philips Hue, SmartThings and Wink): "Alexa, turn on Movie Time" or "Alexa, turn on Bedtime.". For good recommendations on products, Alexa has you covered. “Alexa, what is the IMDb rating for [show/movie]?”, “Alexa, tell me about the movie [whatever it’s called]”, "Alexa, show me movies with [actor's name]", "Alexa, wake me up at [time] to [music or radio station].". While the most obvious or natural way to use Alexa may be through an Echo speaker from Amazon, it's not the only way you can call up Amazon's digital assistant. Get traffic information: "Alexa, what's my commute look like?" “Alexa, bedtime” (Start's bedtime routine – check out our Alexa Routines guide) "Alexa, discover my devices". ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Get a weather forecast: "Alexa, what's the weather going to be like this weekend? ", Queue specific song or artist: "Alexa, play music by [artist]. “Alexa, what’s your favorite color?” 7. ", Play a bedtime story: "Alexa, open Storytime", Listen to Alexa read you a Kindle book: "Alexa, read my Kindle book. © 2021 CNET, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. : "Alexa, what's your favorite holiday movie?" Here are all the things you can ask Alexa to do. Questions to ask Alexa When you do, Alexa will continue to listen for another command after it's completed your first request. Saying "Alexa, open Wine Finder" lets Alexa help you match the best vino with your meal. Ask Alexa About Other Holidays. ", Set temperature: "Alexa, set the temperature to 72. All of the commands above work on those too, in addition to a few TV-specific commands below. To change it, in the Alexa app go to Settings then Device Settings then select the Echo device you'd like to change the wake word on (you have to change each device's settings individually). ", Get album information: "What year did [band] release [song or album]? ", Spin the dreidel: "Alexa, spin the dreidel. Then there's the oddball devices, those products where you wouldn't expect a voice assistant to be hiding: Echo Auto for your car, Echo Buds headphones, Echo Frames eyeglasses, the Echo Loop ring that puts Alexa on your finger, the Amazon Smart Oven microwave and Eero mesh Wi-Fi devices. ", Ask Quora a question: "Alexa, ask Quora if Crustaceans feel pain when you boil them.". “Alexa, are you weird?” 10. Originally, they had to be enabled before you could use them, but Amazon has since made that process automatic (just ask for the Skill and it will enable when it's used). Discussion threads can be closed at any time at our discretion. "Alexa, give me a chocolate brownie recipe" – This uses the Allrecipes skill to provide detailed cooking instructions for chocolate brownies. There's also a feature called Follow-Up Mode that makes it easier and faster to issue multiple commands to Alexa without having to keep repeating the wake word, if you enable it. ", Ask for what the Echo Show can display: "Alexa, what can you show me? ", "Alexa, what's yesterday's [team name] score? Alexa, why did the chicken cross the road? or "Alexa, will it rain today?" ", Open apps: "Alexa, open [app name] on Fire TV" or "Alexa, launch [app name] on Fire TV. ", Check the results of a finished game: "Alexa, what was the score of the [team] game? ", Order an Amazon Alexa device: "Alexa, order an Echo," "Alexa, order an Echo Dot" or "Alexa, order an Amazon Tap. “Alexa, how old are you?” 8. ", Add an event to a calendar: "Alexa, add [event] to my calendar for [day] at [time]" or "Alexa, add an event to my calendar. ", Create a new to-do item: "Alexa, create a to-do. We cover the strange world of Alexa Easter eggs here, noting some of the more popular or prominent commands that prompt a snarky or humorous response. "Alexa, wake me up every day at 8 am to music" allows users to set their mornings off right with music from Pandora, Spotify, TuneIn, iHeartRadio and Vevo. Alexa, Set an Alarm for [Time]: Prompts Alexa to sound an alarm at a specified time. ", Add an item to your cart: "Alexa, add garbage bags to my cart. The only wake word available to the Amazon Tap is Alexa. Name 10 famous movie cats. ", Change volume: "Alexa, set the volume to 5," "Alexa, louder" or "Alexa, turn up/down the volume. Mar 17, 2018 - Explore Tammy Rollins's board "Things to ask Alexa", followed by 599 people on Pinterest. Alexa, I am your father. (Works with display devices - Echo Show, Show 5 and Spot). "Alexa, play [podcast name] from Spotify" – check out our guide to listening to podcasts with your Alexa speaker. "Alexa, read my notifications" or "Alexa, what are my notifications? ", Play Pandora station: "Alexa, play [artist] station on Pandora. ", Check timer status: "Alexa, how much time is left on the pizza timer?" ", Start Amazon Music Unlimited trial: "Alexa, start my free trial of Amazon Music Unlimited.". *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Here is a selection of the commands you can use for controlling your smart home, although there are dozens more. ", Set multiple timers: "Alexa, set a second timer for 5 minutes. Funny Things You Must Ask Alexa Now!In this video, we ask Alexa several questions. or "Alexa, what's 56 times 33? So, whether you're just learning to talk or you're a smart home veteran in need of a refresher, here's 80 of the best Alexa commands to try. You can also trigger your smart assistant with Amazon, Echo or Computer. Want to check your American Express balance? Skills are third-party applications for Alexa speakers. Alexa, set timer for 10 minutes. Not only can Alexa create shopping lists, search for recipes and set timers, it can convert units of measurements: you can ask it to convert two cups to milliliters, or how much a … ", Adjust temperature: "Alexa, raise the temperature 1 degree. When you consider the possible third-party commands through Skills -- essentially the apps of Amazon's Alexa -- the list goes on even further. Lets ask 101 Questions To Ask Alexa; Alexa, how old is Santa Claus?, can I tell you a secret?, what’s the magic word?, do you smoke?, are you smoking?, what is your favorite food?, what is your favorite drink?, are you hungry/thirsty?, what is your feature?, do you have any pets?, who is your best friend? The Echo Show and Echo Spot are the only Echo speakers with touchscreen displays. ), Roll a die: "Alexa, roll a die" or, "Alexa, roll a 26-sided die. ", Set a sleep timer: "Alexa set a sleep timer for 45 minutes" or "Alexa, stop playing in 45 minutes. “Alexa, how much do you weigh?” 2. Sonos Roam versus Sonos Move: What Bluetooth Sonos speaker is right for you? Site powered by Upfeat Inc. Sonos Move v Sonos One: The indoor and outdoor speakers do battle, The Apple HomePod is dead - long live the HomePod Mini. Echo Auto is capable of carrying out many of the same commands and features as your home device, but with some restrictions (it won't unlock your doors, for example). Case in point: Name 10 is a simple skill that has Alexa hit you with a random query. “Alexa, where do you live?” 6. Mapping things is one of the most useful things a smartphone can do and luckily Siri makes it even more useful. Amazon updated the Tap with a hands-free mode that you must enable in the settings. Catching one earns you Ghost Bux which you can use to unlock in-game features. ", Find new music to purchase: "Alexa, shop for new music by [artist]. Configure this alert to go off regularly by saying, "Alexa, set a … Every time you ask her to open this skill she'll ask you to choose from two random topics. If you tell Alexa your eating shrimp, it will tell you the best wine. Name 10 spells used in Harry Potter. The scaled-down Amazon Echo Dot was the first of such offspring, but it was followed in time by the Echo Dot with Clock, the even more compact Echo Flex, the chonky Echo Studio and smart displays such as the Echo Show 10, Show 8 and Show 5 (plus the cute little round-faced Echo Spot). ", Check which profile is active: "Alexa, which profile is this?". ", Hang up: "Alexa, hang up" or "Alexa, end the call. Alexa, Open Stopwatch: A basic yet useful skill that turns Alexa into a stopwatch, allowing you to check duration status and stop at any time. ", Search movies or TV: "Alexa, search for [movie to TV show title] on Fire TV" or "Alexa, find [movie or TV show title] on Fire TV. Alexa, my name is Inigo Montoya. ", Play music on other (or multiple) Alexa devices: "Alexa, play [artist/album/song/genre] in the living room" or "Alexa, play [music] everywhere. Alexa is baked into Amazon's Fire Tablets and Fire TV, plus a whole myriad of third-party products -- from Bose to Samsung and more. ", Purchase a song or album from an artist: "Alexa, buy [song or album] by [artist]. ", Create a reminder: "Alexa, reminder" or "Alexa, remind me to check the oven in 5 minutes. “Alexa, are you pretty? “Alexa, do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?” 5. This will all depend on your having a house full of Alexa compatible smart home tech. ", Check calendar events: "Alexa, what's on my calendar for tomorrow? ", Add a song to your Prime Music library: "Alexa, add this song. Alexa… You can ask Siri to show you how to get from point A to point B, or simply how far away a destination is. This is just a small example of the useful and useless, stuff that fills Alexa’s brain. “Alexa, catch a ghost.” Keep asking her and you’ll get one. or "Alexa, what's traffic like? For even more, check out this Reddit thread dedicated to Alexa Easter eggs. Alexa, sing Snacking Santa. Alexa, sing a Christmas song. ", Send an SMS: "Alexa, send an SMS to [contact name]," or "Alexa, send an SMS. ", "Alexa, what's the first (or second) rule of Fight Club? ", Stop or pause: "Alexa, stop" or, "Alexa, shut up. The Ambient is reader-powered. ", View your Flash Briefing: "Alexa, play my video Flash Briefing. From scheduling your lights to monitoring your home's security, Alexa's got you covered. 3. ". ", View your cameras or other rooms: "Alexa, show the living room camera. Alexa, do you know Siri? ", Ask for help timing your handwashing for 20 seconds: "Alexa, help me wash my hands.
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