Back to Home Page Press to Begin Online Juror Login Phone Number. (b) The district judges shall order that the number of names of prospective jurors that they determine are reasonably necessary for each week's general panel be drawn from the jury wheel. (c) The voter registrar of the county shall maintain a current register indicating the name of each person who has claimed and is entitled to a permanent exemption from jury service because the person is over 70 years of age. (a) When a justice of the peace or a county or district judge requires a jury for a particular week, the judge, within a reasonable time before the prospective jurors are summoned, shall notify the county clerk, for a county court jury, or the district clerk, for a justice or district court jury, to open the next consecutively numbered envelope containing a jury list that is in the clerk's possession and has not been opened. (a) On written application of a party in a case that is pending on the docket of a justice, county, or district court for which a jury is required, the party or his authorized representative may be present and observe the drawing of the names of prospective jurors from the jury wheel and the placement of the names on the jury lists for the time period in which the party's case is set for trial. 1, eff. 442, Sec. Sec. The secretary of state may waive this requirement on application for a waiver submitted by the clerk. 1271), Sec. Sept. 1, 1985. This subsection applies regardless of whether the person served on a jury as a result of the summons. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1989; Acts 1991, 72nd Leg., ch. 62.1031. (a) This section applies only to a county that has: (1) a council of judges composed of the judges of the district courts and county courts at law; and. 2, eff. Added by Acts 2005, 79th Leg., Ch. (h) The name and address of a person exempted from jury service under this section shall be added to or deleted from the list or register at any time permitted by law and when the names and addresses of eligible jurors are regularly deleted or added to the list or register. 1, eff. I hope that you find your experience as a Texas juror to be rewarding, educational, and of the highest quality. (d) A person commits an offense if the person violates Subsection (c). New Braunfels, Texas 78130 Phone: 830-221-1250 Fax: 830-608-2006 Office Hours: 8am - 5pm Passports: appointments only District Clerk: Heather Keller Office Manager: Diana Alaniz Online Forms; Standing Orders; Passports; Jury and Juror Information; Jury Duty Report Schedule; Fees; Courtroom Attire; Local Rules for District Court . 480, Sec. Acts 2009, 81st Leg., R.S., Ch. 2342), Sec. They may notify prospective jurors whose names are drawn from the jury wheel or selected by other means provided by law to appear for jury service and may serve notices on absent jurors as directed by the district judge having control of the general jury panel. (k) In reconstituting the jury wheel, the county or district clerk shall update jury wheel cards to reflect addresses that have been changed as provided by Section 62.0146. Arkansas: No specific exemptions for seniors. For example: nurses, doctors, teachers and police officers are not automatically exempt or disqualified because of their profession. The district clerk or bailiff designated as the officer in charge of the jury selection process for a county that has adopted a plan under Section 62.011 shall give the secretary of state notice not later than the 90th day before the date the list is required. Sept. 1, 1995. (2) lack of residence in the county, the person might no longer be eligible to vote in the county. Sec. Sept. 1, 1995. Sec. (d) The name of a person on the register of persons permanently exempt from jury service may not be placed in the jury wheel or otherwise used in preparing the record of names from which a jury is selected. JURY SERVICE. The secretary of state shall send the list furnished by the Department of Public Safety as provided by Subsection (f) to the voter registrar, who shall combine the lists as described in this section for use as the juror source and certify the combined list as required of the secretary of state under Subsection (g). The assigned deputy has general control of the persons on the panel when they are not in actual service as jurors. The district clerk and the sheriff or any constable of the county shall draw the names of the prospective jurors for a justice court, county court at law, or district court from the jury wheel in the presence and under the direction of the district judge. 838, Sec. Sec. Jury Duty. 609 (S.B. (c) At all times that it is not in use as provided by this subchapter, the jury wheel shall be locked by using two separate locks. 7, Sec. (b) On the third business day of each month, the clerk shall send to the voter registrar of the county a copy of the list of persons excused or disqualified in the previous month because the persons do not reside in the county. 2, eff. If you need to reschedule your jury service, you must notify the court in writing 7 days prior to your scheduled day to appear. … This exemption is also available on a permanent basis. Sept. 1, 1985. (b) Each certified jury list must be sealed in a separate envelope that is endorsed, "List No. Sec. A bill that would have required employers to pay $40 of jury duty pay for the first day of jury service did not pass during the 81st general session of the Texas Legislature in 2009. This is not true for all states, and there are other exemptions to consider. MEALS DURING JURY DELIBERATION. Sec. 62.019. (2) files a false claim of exemption from jury service. 609 (S.B. The secretary of state shall furnish the list free of charge. (g) If it becomes necessary to reduce the number of persons on the general panel for the week of its selection because of a lack of work in a court or for other cause, the judge having control of the general jury panel shall cause the clerk to draw from the general panel the number of names that the judge determines is required for the week. SELECTION OF JURY PANEL. (d) The content of an oral or written summons to appear for jury service is sufficient if it includes the time and place for the appearance of the prospective juror for jury service, the purpose for which he is to appear, and the penalty for his failure to appear as required. Sept. 1, 1991; Acts 1993, 73rd Leg., ch. (a) The commissioners court shall provide a jury wheel in which to deposit the jury wheel cards. 22 (S.B. OBSERVATION OF DRAWING OF NAMES. Statutory Exemptions. If practical, each list must contain any other information useful in determining if the person is qualified to serve as a juror. A person called for jury service may be excused from jury duty in certain circumstances. Amended by Acts 1993, 73rd Leg., ch. 62.013. September 1, 2005. (h) If the secretary of state is unable to furnish the list as provided in this section because of the failure of the voter registrar to furnish the county voter registration list to the secretary of state, the county tax assessor-collector, sheriff, county clerk, and district clerk in the county shall meet at the county courthouse between January 1 and January 15 of the following year and shall reconstitute the jury wheel for the county, except as provided under a plan adopted under Section 62.011. If you wish to claim an exemption, you must send proof of your reason to the Municipal Court at P.O. Sept. 1, 1999; Acts 2003, 78th Leg., ch. 1, eff. (c) The county or district clerk or the clerk's deputy who draws the names shall write his name across the seal of each envelope and deliver the envelopes to the judge in whose presence the names were drawn. You may claim exemption from jury duty if: … ON CALL JURORS – JURY INFORMATION LINE … a work excuse for time you spend serving on Jury Duty. Sec. Sept. 1, 1985. Amended by Acts 1997, 75th Leg., ch. A person is disqualified to serve as a petit juror in a particular case if he: (2) is interested, directly or indirectly, in the subject matter of the case; (3) is related by consanguinity or affinity within the third degree, as determined under Chapter 573, to a party in the case; (4) has a bias or prejudice in favor of or against a party in the case; or. COMPILATION OF LIST OF NONCITIZENS. (b) A plan adopted under Subsection (a) may allow for a prospective juror to provide information to the county officer responsible for summoning jurors or for the county officer to provide information to the prospective juror by computer or automated telephone system, including: (1) information that permits the court to determine whether the prospective juror is qualified for jury service under Section 62.102; (2) information that permits the court to determine whether the prospective juror is exempt from jury service under Section 62.106; (3) submission of a request by the prospective juror for a postponement of or excuse from jury service under Section 62.110; (4) information for jury assignment under Section 62.016, including: (A) the prospective juror's postponement status; (B) if the prospective juror could potentially serve on a jury in a justice court, the residency of the prospective juror; and. (b) In a county with a population of 140,000 or more, the commissioners court shall employ typists who shall type the names and addresses of qualified prospective jurors on separate jury wheel cards of uniform size and color under the direction and control of the district clerk. 62.109. 4, eff. 1, eff. Acts 2015, 84th Leg., R.S., Ch. Sept. 1, 1985. Sept. 1, 1991; Acts 1997, 75th Leg., ch. 683 (H.B. 85), Sec. 1, eff. 568 (H.B. The clerk of the court or the court's designee may approve a subsequent postponement if the clerk or the court's designee determines that the person has a legitimate reason for requesting the postponement. 2, eff. If the district and criminal district judges of a county adopt a plan for an electronic jury selection method under Section 62.011, the county may allow a person to complete and submit a jury summons questionnaire on the court's Internet website as authorized under Section 62.0111(b)(5). District Clerk Case Index Search. 174), Sec. 62.021. 62.010. The additional jurors act only as special jurors and shall be discharged as soon as their services are no longer required. 2, eff. The judge shall also notify the clerk of the date that the prospective jurors are to be summoned to appear for jury service. (d) The list required by Subsection (a)(1) must exclude the names of persons on the suspense list maintained under Section 15.081, Election Code. 1, eff. Acts 2015, 84th Leg., R.S., Ch. The salary of each is set by the commissioners court on the recommendation of the district judges. (c) Delivery of a written summons is sufficient if the mail containing the summons is received by a person authorized by the United States Postal Service to receive it. 2, eff. They shall order the drawing of names of prospective jurors for as many weeks in advance as they consider proper and may increase or decrease the number of names drawn for any week. 62.003. Not more than $3 per meal may be spent for a juror serving on a jury in a civil case. Sec. Amended by Acts 1989, 71st Leg., ch. Added by Acts 1999, 76th Leg., ch. State Bar of Texas Juror Information Guide A public education resource Welcome to the State Bar of Texas Juror Information Guide The U.S. and Texas Constitutions both guarantee the right to an impartial trial by a jury of one’s peers. The affidavit must state: (1) the name and address of the physician whose statement accompanies the affidavit; (2) whether the request is for a permanent or temporary exemption; (3) the period of time for which a temporary exemption is requested; and. The blanks in the endorsement on an envelope must be properly filled. (e) When impaneled, the prospective jurors constitute a general panel for service as jurors in both courts and shall be used interchangeably in those courts. NUMBER OF JURORS. The current period began September 14, 2018. (d) The sheriff shall notify the persons whose names are drawn from the jury wheel to appear before the district judge for jury service. Fax to: (830) 774-7608. 62.104. Online Jury Rescheduling & Exemptions Current Juror Schedule . (g) An affidavit accompanying a request for an exemption from jury service because of an inability to comprehend or communicate in the English language must be presented by the affiant in person. Acts 2005, 79th Leg., Ch. Acts 2015, 84th Leg., R.S., Ch. Sept. 1, 1985. Potential jurors are randomly chosen from the voter register's list that the court orders from the Hays County Election Office every two years. Juror Information. DISMISSAL OF JUROR REMOVED FROM PANEL. You may choose to request to be excused from jury service if: you are 70 years of age or older you have legal custody of a child or children younger than 12 years of age and service on the jury would require leaving the child or children without adequate supervision you are a … 62.015. Sept. 1, 1985. Sept. 1, 1997. September 1, 2011. (h) Except as modified by this section and Section 62.011, the law governing jury wheels applies in the counties that use general jury panels interchangeably in their courts. September 1, 2005. (c) The questionnaire must require a person to provide biographical and demographic information that is relevant to service as a jury member, including the person's: (2) residence address and mailing address; (3) education level, occupation, and place of employment; (4) marital status and the name, occupation, and place of employment of the person's spouse; and. (2) a designated jury duty court that addresses administrative matters related to jury service paid for by the county. 1360 (S.B. 89 (S.B. Amended by Acts 1991, 72nd Leg., ch. September 1, 2015. 7, Sec. If you did not get selected once inside the court, that exemption … 1, eff. (2) be subscribed with a statement by a third party that the affidavit was read to the affiant before signing and that the affiant stated that it was his request to be permanently exempted from jury service in the county. (5) has served as a petit juror in a former trial of the same case or in another case involving the same questions of fact. EXEMPTION FOR PHYSICAL OR MENTAL IMPAIRMENT OR INABILITY TO COMPREHEND ENGLISH. (b) A written jury summons must include: (1) a copy of the questionnaire developed under this section; or. Sec. (a) The commissioners court of a county that uses an interchangeable general jury panel shall provide a comfortable place in or near the county courthouse for the use and convenience of the persons on the panel. DRAWING NAMES FOR JURY SERVICE IN CERTAIN COUNTY COURTS. In a county with a population of two million or more, a prospective juror removed from a jury panel for cause, by peremptory challenge or for any other reason, must be dismissed from jury service. 7, Sec. REUSE OF JURY WHEEL CARDS. 1, eff. Whether you have served on a Texas jury in the past or have been summoned to jury duty for the first time, this web site will provide you with an array of useful information that addresses your concerns about Texas' jury system. 62.202. 609 (S.B. 1, eff. Sec. Amended by Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. Sept. 1, 1997. 62.0111. 4034), Sec. Aug. 28, 1989; Acts 1991, 72nd Leg., ch. Sept. 1, 2003. 686, Sec. Eligibility & Compensation. (5) citizenship status and county of residence. (b) A plan authorized by this section for the selection of names of prospective jurors must: (1) be proposed in writing to the commissioners court by a majority of the district and criminal district judges of the county at a meeting of the judges called for that purpose; (2) specify that the source of names of persons for jury service is the same as that provided by Section 62.001 and that the names of persons listed in a register of persons exempt from jury service may not be used in preparing the record of names from which a jury list is selected, as provided by Sections 62.108 and 62.109; (3) provide a fair, impartial, and objective method of selecting names of persons for jury service with the aid of electronic or mechanical equipment; (4) designate the district clerk, or in a county with a population of at least 1.7 million and in which more than 75 percent of the population resides in a single municipality, a bailiff appointed as provided under Section 62.019, as the officer in charge of the selection process and define the officer's duties; and. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1993. They may order the drawing of names of prospective jurors for as many weeks in advance as they consider proper and may increase or decrease the number of names drawn for any week. 571, Sec. (g) The information contained in a completed questionnaire may be disclosed to: (1) a judge assigned to hear a cause of action in which the respondent to the questionnaire is a potential juror; (3) a litigant and a litigant's attorney in a cause of action in which the respondent to the questionnaire is a potential juror; and. 1665), Sec. A member of a fire or police department. Sept. 1, 1991. Added by Acts 2005, 79th Leg., Ch. Sept. 1, 1991. Acts 1985, 69th Leg., ch. 683 (H.B. Sept. 1, 1993. (a) After jurors are impaneled and serve at least four days, the clerk or his deputy shall open the envelope containing the jury wheel cards with names that correspond to those on a jury list from which the impaneled jurors were selected for jury service. June 11, 2001. 7, eff. Sec. 1114 (H.B. 819, Sec. Acts 2005, 79th Leg., Ch. (b) On opening the envelope, the clerk or his deputy shall immediately return to the jury wheel each card in the envelope with the name of a person who was not impaneled or who did not serve at least four days and shall place in a box, for use by the next officials selecting names of persons for the jury wheel, each jury wheel card in the envelope with the name of a person who served at least four days. Acts 2011, 82nd Leg., R.S., Ch. 3, eff. Rescheduling & Exemption Information. Sec. 62.0145. 480, Sec. 640, Sec. 4, eff. June 11, 2001. 905 (H.B. Added by Acts 2007, 80th Leg., R.S., Ch. Aug. 31, 1987; Acts 1989, 71st Leg., ch. 5, eff. The additional peremptory challenges may be used against an alternate juror only, and the other peremptory challenges allowed by law or by rule may not be used against an alternate juror. Jail List. 1010 (H.B. (e) A person who has claimed a permanent exemption from jury service because the person is over 70 years of age may rescind the exemption at any time by filing a signed request for the rescission with the voter registrar of the county. (b) A deaf or hard of hearing person is disqualified to serve as a juror if, in the opinion of the court, his hearing loss renders him unfit to serve as a juror in that particular case. You are summoned for service and have served as a petit juror in Harris County during the current jury wheel reconstitution period. Acts 2011, 82nd Leg., R.S., Ch. The 24 month exemption does not keep jurors from being summoned. (a) In this section: (1) "Religious organization" means an organization that meets the standards for qualification as a religious organization under Section 11.20, Tax Code. 1, eff. Other persons may be present only as provided by this subchapter. Most jurors read on the summons that there is a 24 month exemption and incorrectly believe they won't be summoned for 24 months. 62.0175. 174), Sec. May 23, 2009. Renumbered from Government Code, Section 62.0142 by Acts 2007, 80th Leg., R.S., Ch. Order of Events. (b) A person summoned for jury service may request a postponement of the person's initial appearance for jury service. Acts 2011, 82nd Leg., R.S., Ch. (a) A person who is legally blind is not disqualified to serve as a juror in a civil case solely because of his legal blindness except as provided by this section. (b) In a county with at least nine district courts, a majority of the district judges, with the approval of the commissioners court, may appoint a bailiff, and the assistant or deputy bailiffs that the judges consider necessary, to be in charge of the central jury room and the general panel. Subsections (c) through (h) do not apply to a county in which the commissioners court has contracted with another governmental unit or a private person under this subsection. (f) In the event of a deficiency of jurors to satisfy the jury requirements of any of the courts, the judge having control of the general jury panel shall order sufficient additional names drawn to meet the emergency. However, you may choose to be excused if you: Are over 70 years of age … 62.005. June 16, 2015. (b) The justice of the peace of the justice court to which prospective jurors are summoned for jury service under this section shall hear the excuses of the prospective jurors and swear them in for jury service. (e) When impaneled, the prospective jurors constitute a general jury panel for service as jurors in both district courts in the county and shall be used interchangeably in those courts. (c) The district judges shall designate from time to time the judge to whom the general panels report for jury service. (b) A summons under this section to appear for jury service may be made verbally in person, by registered mail, by ordinary mail, or by any other method as determined by the district judges of the county. 1, eff. 2, eff. MEANS OF POSTPONEMENT OF JURY SERVICE IN CERTAIN COUNTIES. Amended by Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. Acts 1985, 69th Leg., ch. Acts 1985, 69th Leg., ch. (b) The sheriff or constable shall notify each prospective juror to appear for jury service: (2) if the judge ordering the summons so directs, by a written summons sent by registered mail or certified mail, return receipt requested, or by first class mail to the address on the jury wheel card or the address on the current voter registration list of the county. 1, eff. 140 (S.B. Agendas & Minutes. Sec. 1, eff. Acts 2017, 85th Leg., R.S., Ch. June 15, 1989; Acts 1991, 72nd Leg., ch. (a) In a county with two district courts, the judges of the two courts may meet at a time fixed by them and determine the approximate number of prospective jurors that are reasonably necessary for each week of the year for a general panel of jurors for service in both district courts. Sept. 1, 1997. Acts 1985, 69th Leg., ch. Jury Trials are held every other month in the City of Victoria Municipal Court. 4, eff. You will be summoned to the Courtroom to hear a single Class C Misdemeanor case, punishable by fine only. The council of judges' designee may grant an additional postponement if the designee and the person determine that the person has a legitimate reason for the postponement. 1, eff. (e) In developing and maintaining the questionnaire required by this section, the Office of Court Administration of the Texas Judicial System shall solicit and consider the opinions of the members of the judiciary, district clerks, and attorneys. (c) A person who files a statement with a clerk of the court, as provided by Subsection (a), claiming an exemption because the person is over 70 years of age, may also claim the permanent exemption on that ground authorized by Section 62.108 by including in the statement filed with the clerk a declaration that the person desires the permanent exemption. (c) The judge may order all or part of a panel of jurors to stand adjourned from jury service until a subsequent date in the term, but a juror may not be paid for the time that he stands adjourned from jury service. A majority of the district judges may act to carry out the provisions of this section. 550, Sec. The judge for the designated period shall organize, control, and supervise the members of the general jury panel. (2) the information under Chapter 122, Civil Practice and Remedies Code, relating to the duties of an employer with regard to an employee who is summoned for jury service. (2) the person and the clerk or the court's designee determine a substitute date on which the person will appear for jury service that is not later than six months after the date on which the person was originally summoned to appear. You will sign-in with a court clerk at the Municipal Court window in the lobby. 7, Sec. Create an Account - Increase your productivity, customize your experience, and engage in information you care about. ENVELOPES CONTAINING JURY LISTS; OATH. Before the clerk may grant the subsequent postponement, the person and the clerk must determine a substitute date on which the person will appear for jury service that is not later than six months after the date on which the person was to appear after the postponement under Subsection (b). 85), Sec. Sec. 1, eff. 62.302. 480, Sec. (d) The bailiffs and assistant and deputy bailiffs appointed by the district judges shall take care of the general panel and perform the duties in connection with the supervision of the central jury room and the general panel that are required by the district judges. (b) A person summoned for jury service may request a postponement of the person's initial appearance for jury service. September 1, 2007. Rescission of a permanent exemption does not affect the right of a person who is over 70 years of age to claim permanent exemption at a later time. (c) A general panel shall report to the district judge for jury service, and the district judge shall organize, control, and supervise the members of the general panel.
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