Read on. I am not new to this lifestyle and am interested in making new friends I can relate too. I know I should be grateful I can see him but everytime I am with him..I get reminded of the pain. It’s comforting to know I’m not alone. I don’t have any friends going through this situation and am very scared I will be lonely after he leaves. Here’s What Military Families Should Know, How Military Spouses Should React During Bugle Calls, Why Virtual Assistant May Be the Perfect Job for a Military Spouse, Military Family Desperate for Return of Son's Ashes After They're Stolen During Move, A New Retreat Offers Seasoned Spouses a Chance to Focus on Themselves Before Transition, Volunteers of America Celebrates 125 Years of Service, Struggling Military Families Given Food Ahead of Spring Break, Sendoff Ceremony Held for Arizona National Guard, National Guard Couple Prepares for Middle East Deployment, Blue Angels Provide Ultimate Photo Opp for Couple's Wedding. To get some knowledges ,,of what i need to learn and do,,honestly i still didnt meet him.personally,,, at first i have doubt,, of him,,but always convince me that he is real,, i fell in love with him,, and i’ve decided to tied up my self on him coz i really love him,, i’m looking forward of being with him for the rest of my life,,but sometimes ,, being away from him is giving a super stress,, specially when he is sending pictures of what happening over there,,but as his future wife as we consider,, i will try to be strong like a rock,, just to make him happy ,,so hard to think that sometimes his situation is not really good, specially when they loose one man,, and thanks God he was not there when it happened,, the only thing i know now is to always let him feel how much ilove him, and i will wait ,with the faithfullness until we meet,, Frank! It won’t happen for at least another year but I’m concerned he might take it. Don't overthink this, just try to be available when they are and make your plans flexible. I’m in kansas an he is stationed in Alaska. I am terrified for what will happen when he leaves, and yes I know im young but I also know what we have is nothing but pure true love. Above all that i wish i was doing some of these things with him. I am a military girlfriend… Saved by Mazi Gilchriest. The challenges are amplified for someone who is "just" a girlfriend as the military does not provide the same treatment of a girlfriend as they would a wife. My boyfriend is quite a closed book too when it comes to emotions and that doesn’t help. We talk alot then he gets distant. I never dated a milarty man but I know I can do this. I want to connect with others that are going through the same situation so I won’t feel so alone. Although I have my mother who was a military spouse for 13 years, I feel I cannot exactly talk to her about it. We were really good friends long before we ever got together & we had only been together for three months before he left . My … Does my number have to get approved to text him? Military Quotes .. It is true that you will not be allowed to live on post as an Army girlfriend. The military will dictate many parts of your life and allowing yourself to remit control will prepare you for the unexpected. I’m currently in college and am struggling to figure out what to do. He’s tried his best to keep in touch, but I can see he is getting frustrated and even sound depressed. My dad had just retired from the Army last year and from observing my parents I know how much strain being in a military relationship can be put on the significant other. I feel you also that I don’t get to see my boyfriend that often . I’m currently an 18 year old army girlfriend with my boyfriend on his first deployment. After that he was stationed in Denver. I haven’t heard from her in 2 weeks besides a letter she sent. I miss him so much! I don’t know what you decided to do, but be careful. weeks passing by, He like’s me too and he admits that he wanted me to be his girlfriend but he was really scared, he was really scared for the “barriers” a lot of barriers into a relationship he said, deep inside I cried a lot and I dont know why, we’re not even a couple and why i am really affected that much. Hi Desirae, it’s nice to know I’m not the only one feeling this way. He is kind of shutting me out and won’t talk to me about whats wrong. Hi my name is Keyona, my boyfriend James is in the Army currently in South Korea. After the first month he should be able to get you an address and have a little more time to write you back. That is to say that if two people are cohabiting and one is active duty military and receives orders to PCS, while they can lawfully break the lease, the significant other cannot. I’m just unsure of where to go from here. My boyfriend is stationed in Pearl Harbor, and so far it has been the toughest thing I have ever been through in my life. I am happy that he will. Think rationally, logically and wisely about marrying into military life. I have now decided to compile some of it together and I hope that it will… I’m trying to find some guidance through this process. Hi Aline! A x, This is a great article and will love to learn more. My fear is that when he comes home things might be different like what if he gets depressed or he has hard time adjusting. My dad served in the Navy for 31 years, so until the age of 12, I lived the average “Military Brat” lifestyle. Be the person he fell in love with It may be scary but the journey is all worth it. Because i know that he is going to be gone a lot and it makes me sad yes, but I am not angry about it. I just really would love your thoughts on what i should do if I’m still in college. Over the past six months, he has offered things and said he would do several things but he never comes through on any of it….He told me when we first met that their weren’t any other women and that his life revolved around his job….I can deal with him being gone but I can’t deal with someone who doesn’t follow through on their word. I am Airforce girlfriend. Im nervous about what the future holds because i have no idea whats in store. The article was great thought and very encouraging. Sometimes I feel as though he isn’t as committed as I am and that is what is hard for me. My boyfriend was at boot while I was in college, so that made time go by faster for sure. I hope one day we will. You’re much stronger than you tell yourself. Being so young, it didn’t seem hard then. I text, call, or go see his family all the time, they miss him just as much as I do and it helps being around the people he loves. I’d love to connect with other military girlfriends. The past 5 or 6 days have been really weird. I am in relationship with a soldier in the army he is deployed we have been talking for a few months I am also in ks. I feel you. Your boyfriend is facing so many mental, physical, and emotional challenges, so believe me when I say that when he receives your letter(s), it will mean the world to him to have a piece of you with him. I love him! Hey ladies, my name is Jasmine. I love my boyfriend so freaking much, he means the world to me and cheating is something I would never do. I don’t want to feeling stupid myself, is that normal in love quickly? I am not positive how to let him see that i’m not going anywhere and that i will be here when he gets back. Ugh I feel torn. My boyfriend is Navy, we were together before he joined and have been together for two years, already past a deployment. Right now he’s stationed in California and I’m in Tennessee. Not only the military but sometimes i’ve found its hard to fit in with the wives/other service members because we aren’t married, hes an officer and people with his rank tend to be older than I and i’m new to the lifestyle all together. How do I find out for sure he is who he said he is ( I read all about military scams)? You can always email me talk to me if you’d like. I understand how hard his job can be and I understand how it takes a toll on a couple, seeing it through my parents. Why do i need to pay 730 pound to be registered as a militery girlfriend. You need to ask yourself if that’s something you could do xx. If you decide to follow him and it impacts your education you may resent him for it one day. Military life tends to take over a bit from time to time, but remember your individuality. I dont want him talking someone online.Im really afraid I will lose him. When we first met he talked about joining the navy, but over the years I heard less and less of it. It was hard, my heart hurt, but I know it was worst on him. I am a new military girlfriend as well. I love him so much and we are committed to each other, but him leaving and me going to college has not been an easy transition. It’s nice to find someone who understands the distance and time differences ❤️. I don’t say anything to him about it because I know he’s unhappy and don’t want to make things worse on him, but he only had 10 months left until he gets out. I met and started dating my current boyfriend three months before he was deployed. since I am 17 I can not move to where he is for about a year so other than letters, packages of goodies, and occasional phone calls is there any way he and I can keep in touch with whats going on with each other. Contact info I should ask for? Idk too. Each time he has been away for an extended period of time it is hard. I could really use some girls who understand and support one another through this! Shake things up so you can keep your own life interesting. Everyone thinks I’m crazy for waiting but I know it will be worth it in the end. i really just dont know how to go about all this i just know its what he is passionate about and thats all i care about so i want to support him as much as i can. There’s so much to be gained through positive friendships with other military spouses! Until he realize that he is willing to face all the barriers in life as long we love each other. He still has two more months till he comes back .. I kept a journal and every time I would want to tell him something, I would write it down in that journal. Daughter of a Marine here- I’m dating a Marine and I totally get the feeling of not realizing how hard this would be. Learn to grow and establish trust with your significant other. Anyone have advice on what I could expect? Is he alright, waiting for his homecoming. And i knew that he loves me through thick or thin, and he loves my daughter so much. It’s important to remember what your fighting for. Can anyone offer any advice? What can I do to help her understand that?? I am a military girlfriend going through my first deployment and it’s so hard. But I feel horrible currently not working and struggling to find a job, I feel like I’m not as much as he needs me to be and there is no support around me and just negativity about the distance and risk of our relationship it’s quite depressing. I guess it was worth it I had written some quotes and tips for the army girlfriend but they definitely apply to navy girlfriends and all military girlfriends. I live in Bahrain and this is where I met him. It’s been a whirlwind of emotions and anxiety watching him depart for Georgia then Texas knowing that I’m not going to be able to see him. They will keep you out of trouble and stop you from wasting a lot of time. Right now, he doesn't have any answers yet about where he will be stationed. His mom, especially. — Judy. I also am trying to get into some hobbies I may have put to the side to occupy myself. lol my boyfriend is on a mission right now at the border in Texas i’m from there too, i just don’t know how to help him when he’s stressed out being that work is a big stress factor. I was just curious, because sometimes I feel it makes a difference that I’m not American myself… Like I wouldn’t be allowed to be proud of what he does.. Everyone says stay busy, I will I have 5 smaller children. I posted before that I wasnt sure how my roommates and those at my university would react to me dating someone in the military. We’ve been together for almost a year now, and I really have to say it’s been the best year of my life…that’ is, until last week. Don't rush it. We didn’t know what to say to each other when we caught eyes again for the first time it was like our first date all over again. You can email me at: If anyone has any tips/advice to offer for the long distance, I would truly appreciate it!! It’s always hard going to St. Louis without him because I just think of all our amazing memories. Test your knowledge about the Bulletproof Boy Scouts now! Maybe we could help each other get through this. I'm a freshman in college, but I want to transfer to a school near where he will be stationed. And it sucks . We talk on facebook and instagram. It made me think back to my days as a military girlfriend and how small the military community made me feel at times. I can’t explain how strong are my feelings for him, we connected even before we met, it’s something special My name is Erin and I am extremely thankful for everyone’s service and/or your family member’s service! Thanks!! I met my boyfriend Ian, who is a MP in the army, 2 weeks before he left for his first tour in South Korea. Right now we’re facing financial difficulties with him not getting pay and me making barely enough to make rent. I am starting to majorly understand all of those quick courthouse weddings before separations. I always used to say I could never be a military gf/wife but I fell in love. Keep yourself busy, it makes the time go by so much faster. You can just as easily rent an apartment in the same city as you can where you currently live. Totally here for you! On Saturday 25th June, Ryan took part in his very first Armed Forces Day parade. Thank you so much!!! Take your time to know whether this is the life that is right for both of you. I’m afraid that our relationship is already falling apart before he has even left… These thoughts have been circling in my head for a while now and have been stressing me out. Required fields are marked *. Seeking a Financial Coach? In fact, at first, all he told me was he was a personal trainer and he taught martial arts. When he was around… it was 1000% attention… and he always asked what made me happy. Plus considering the circumstance, it’s a little more challenging discussing certain things so far away. It is very difficult to adjust being without him. I find it extremely difficult to talk to him about it because i get overly emotional and just don’t want to lose him so early stages! Me and my boyfriend are very encouraging for one another. Enjoy the journey I’m sure you have many good memories ahead. Depending on his location and level of training he may even eventually get his phone once a week for a few hours once he gets farther in. I don’t know who else to ask about this. I’m so young at the moment and have spent my entire life in New York. My mom tries to be supportive but it’s hard because her situation was so different from mine. He was on leave and decided to let me know he was in town. I know those fears are never really going to go away so long as he’s in the military. I'm almost 20 and my girl is 19,we met around two months ago when my best friend invited me over to thanksgiving dinner. Embrace your time as a military girlfriend. Sby My boyfriend Mando, is in the marines. Especially since you two just recently connected and started going out. Sometimes I feel like I am the only one keeping this relationship going. I’m only 18 and he’s 19 and I feel like this can work as long as we do the right things! Since he’s left people all around me tell me that I won’t last. Anyways since then I have two sons their fathers are not involved. Every time I ask him what is wrong he just says “Nothing I’m okay, I just have a lot going on right now.” Am I overthinking things? Hi my girlfriend is in the navy I’m concerned because she was suppose to graduate the beginning of October I got a phone call where she might graduate late ….. idk if I should keep sending cards to her division I haven’t heard from her but how many weeks do u think they are going to held her back. I don’t know if I could deal with not hearing from him for months on end. Hi, all. It sounds like a number of us are either new to the life and/or managing a relationship during deployment. Me and my boyfriend started dating a few months before we graduated high school. Both of us had this amazing connection right away. I often think of the Danes, who are touted as the happiest people on the planet, and how they seem to find the positive in every situation imaginable. His smile waiting for you after all that time takes away the pain from those months, If you love him and he loves you then ask him where he see’s you two going! Totally understand how you feel, I feel alone a lot too. Another thing is his company is being sent on a mission in another country and hes told me that they aren’t necessarily sending him unless a few people gets hurt then they will send him. I had no clue what to expect until I started reading these posts. But being separated we still need support. The entire month of February, and 3 weeks into march (more, depending on the work load and all that.) Now I can not talk to him at all for two weeks. Please help me on how to cope with him being gone for a year. Hi,im.Siena,, dating a military man online,,just two months ago we met,,,just reading all mssgs. Keep writing. i know how you feel im engaged to a man in the uae and waht to hold him real bad and touch him. Lived and survived it!! I love him and if this is just him being worried about moving/deployments I want to know how to support him and ease his mind about us. I’m new to the military boyfriend thing. If I knew where he was going to be stationed, I could go ahead and move there so I could get everything set up for us. I myself am not a confident cookie, I have self-esteem issues at times which I know is bad because I need to be confident in myself and but nonetheless I get crushed every now and then. Can anyone relate to this? Thank you so much for this post. We’re still in the early stages of our relationship although we’re very much committed to each other. I’m still in college at the moment and working- full time student/full time worker. He believes I need that attention from other guys that he cannot give me. The separation will be hard for you, don’t doubt it.but it’s important to focus on your education and yourself. I love him so much and I want to spend the rest of my life with him and be there for him as much as I can. We’re currently having a long distance relationship because I live in Ireland. And yet when I’m with B, it makes no difference.. Our relationship has hit a rough patch because the distance is putting a lot of stress on us. I met my Marine online, thus beginning our long distance relationship. I lost my husband before.. and it’s possible i could lose B one day. It’s only been about a week but it’s been the hardest week of my life. I got word Friday evening that while in combat, he had gotten shot twice and required surgery. I really appreciate your post. I do not know what to do because this is taking a greater toll on me than I had expected and he did not even leave yet. I’m pretty patient and caring when it comes to him having a rough day but sometimes I feel as if he doesn’t care about me back here… I do have to say though a few weeks ago he got a 4 day leave and decided to come see me and meet my family. My boyfriend and I are from Georgia went to school together known him for years in 2015 I left and moved all over ended up in Alabama 7 hours away with my mom hadn’t talked to him in forever while living in Alabama we reconnected and I figured out he’s stationed in Florida 2 hours away and we started talking and are now in a happy relationship crazy how things turned out he gets deployed in 3 weeks and I already know I’m gonna bawl my eyes out I do see myself marrying this man he said he’s proposing the day he gets back and I yelled at him cause he’s not supposed to tell me that haha but he is my rock and I will stay strong for him I will be waiting here for him when he gets a back . Researching this post, I found much of the advice for military girlfriends discouraging. We’ve been together for 5 years, and this is his dream. I’ve been honest with him about everything, but I don’t really know if he’s ready to take such big steps. My boyfriend is in the army and we started dating long distance 3 months before he left for Poland for 9 months. Hi Meghan! someone help . I think we have a lot in common. It’s great to have you as part of the community! Even now, almost 3 months past basic, it’s still a new-ish adjustment and there’s not really a lot of support for anyone who isn’t either a spouse or a family member. I turn to touch him or hug him in our bed and he isn’t there. I am on a new provider and I feel like that is the reason. It’s been the hardest, most rewarding thing ever. I know it’s been only a week but I just can’t get used to how drastic the change in our relationship is. I know many of you have already gone through this and I just want some advice. When we met we kissed and he said that he likes me too, he also said that he doesn’t want to rush things but after that, he just asked me to be his girlfriend and I couldn’t resist ?, I felt like I had to be with him.
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