You can use the links below to explore the historical work completed by the commissions. the creation of Barts Health NHS Trust, now the largest in the country). Members of the public are often able to ask questions during these meetings, but this is at the discretion of the chair and depends on the agenda. Residents are also welcome to attend the Living in Hackney Scrutiny Commission meetings on Tuesday, 21 September and Tuesday, 12 October 2010. For further information on how the Hackney Design Review Panel operates please visit: Council aims to have a panel that best reflects the … Tom Thorn. Please refer to the work programmes on commissions’ agendas for the dates of sessions. The governance and resources commission reviewed the way the Council operates, including how the budget is prepared and agreed. However, we are happy to take suggestions throughout the year, which we will ensure are raised when the discussion are held about the next round of reviews (usually in May). The living in Hackney scrutiny commission suggested part of the work should look at whether or not the kids formed gang connections before or after their exclusion. They then decide who they want to talk to, what sort of information is needed and the timelines to get it all done. Below are links to the previous review pages for the scrutiny commissions, our annual reports and special projects reports. A ‘Scrutiny Commission’ has been set up to handle the consultation. Living in Hackney Scrutiny Commission - 09/03/2021 - YouTube Hackney's Children and Young People Scrutiny Commission. We also respond to any urgent issues which might arise and invite key officers from the Council or our partners to attend meetings to answer Members’ questions. Health Scrutiny committees across the country have particular responsibilities, as laid out in the NHS Act 2006. A Hackney perspective registers more.” The 10 December meeting of the Living in Hackney Scrutiny Commission heard from a range of different partners within the IGU, which was set up in 2010 to respond to the escalating serious violence linked to gang criminality in Hackney. Opened 17 Sep 2014 Contact. Information about the law relating to overview and scrutiny can be found in the Centre for Public Scrutiny’s publication pulling it all together, and also on Wikipedia. See the latest updates and what support is available, subscribe to our newsletters for the latest updates and news from Hackney services, View agenda papers for scrutiny commissions, Mayor, 9 cabinet members and 2 mayoral advisors, skills, economy and growth scrutiny commission, community safety and social inclusion commission, children and young people commission meetings, skills, economy and growth commission meetings, call-ins, councillor call for action and calling to account. Inner North East London Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee New Housing Development in Hackney - the Living in Hackney Scrutiny Commission are seeking residents' views Closed 11 Dec 2014. This follows the Living in Hackney Scrutiny Commission investigation which reviewed the management of privately let accommodation in 2013/14. looking into the issues identified from a Care Quality Commission inspection of the Homerton Hospital including issues relating to their maternity services, ensuring that the Council and its partners were prepared for the implications of the new Care Act, investigating the closure of the Median Rd Resource Centre, which provided intermediate and interim care for patients being discharged from hospital. Hackney are considering moves to implement a licensing scheme within the entire area that would require private landlords to register their properties in a bid to tackle poor … For the remainder the commission considers regular updates from the following local NHS bodies: Members of Healthwatch Hackney are regular attendees at meetings, contributing fully to discussions and reviews and provide 6 month updates on their activities. commissioning. View agenda papers for scrutiny commissions. At the Hackney Council Election on 22 May 2014 the Labour Party were returned with 50 councillors; a notional increase of one seat. This petition follows a review by the Living in Hackney Scrutiny Commission which found that the number of privately-renting households in Hackney had doubled in the past decade, up to 32,000. The town hall's Living in Hackney Scrutiny Commission heard from gangs experts. Issues falling within their remits have transferred to other commissions and the scrutiny panel. The town hall's Living in Hackney Scrutiny Commission heard from gangs experts. The committee also considered the emerging proposals from the NHS called ‘Transforming Services Together’ which aim to re-shape NHS services across east London. If you are involved in an organisation or service that you think relates to a current review, you can suggest that the commission visit and see how you operate. You can contact us or complete the form below: Please feel free to attend one of the 10 meetings commissions hold each year. HQN has been appointed as an independent consultancy to carry out stakeholder engagement, looking at how the increase of PRS properties is affecting the wider local community. The Council takes lots of decisions every day about how to provide public services and spend money. When Cllr Sharon Patrick, who chairs the Living in Hackney scrutiny commission, noted the inhospitable conditions offered by the private rented sector to residents in Hackney, housing needs director Jennifer Wynter responded that they are finding landlords who have undergone a “complete U-turn” in preferring tenants who receive housing benefit as a more sustainable option than those in work. The commissions talk to the people who use the services they are reviewing, and the organisations that represent them. Overview and Scrutiny has other powers that councillors can use to influence decision-making locally – call-ins, councillor call for action and calling to account. See the latest updates and what support is available, subscribe to our newsletters for the latest updates and news from Hackney services, View agenda papers for scrutiny commissions, ​​​​​​​terms of reference and scope of the review, digital first primary care and implications for GP practices report, Homerton University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, East London Foundation Trust (for mental health services), City and Hackney Clinical Commissioning Group, City and Hackney safeguarding adults board, our health and community services directorate mainly on the transformation of adult social care. Less than half the commission’s work is taken up with reviews. The community safety and social inclusion commission reviewed issues of crime and community safety. During 2014/15 focus was largely directed towards strategic level scrutiny of Barts Health NHS Trust, which was placed into Special Measures in March following failing a series of CQC inspections. Overview. The living in Hackney commission have a remit for all housing issues, as well as leisure and culture, planning, sustainability, waste and street cleanliness. View agenda papers for scrutiny commissions. They also looked at support for the voluntary sector, community cohesion and adult learning. Picture: Ken Mears - Credit: Archant Drivers and passenger escorts on Hackney’s school buses for disabled children will strike for four days in the coming weeks over split shift payments. This is how we get the most honest picture of how the council and our partners is doing. These usually take place at 7pm in Hackney Town Hall, but occasionally these are held  in locations which relate to the topics on discussion. Most scrutiny reviews involve site visits. Due to software issues, the Council calendar and committee pages are currently offline. Increasingly service change proposals cover an area wider than the borough and in this case Hackney collaborates with neighbouring boroughs to consider these proposals at either the standing Inner North East London joint health overview and scrutiny committee or as part of any wider pan London committee which is created for that purpose. To make sure these decisions are taken fairly, that local people get a say on how policies are produced, and that services are provided in the best possible way, many of the councillors sit on scrutiny commissions. Picture: Ken Mears - Credit: Archant Council tenants may soon be evicted if they are convicted of serious crimes around their homes. The scrutiny panel enables coordination and oversight of the work of the different commissions. ... Commission Members spent the day based at the Urswick School. Ann Munn, chairman of the Health in Hackney Scrutiny Commission, has written to Neil Roberts, head of primary care for NHS England (NHSE), asking for redacted data about how many City and Hackney GP surgeries will lose out in each year of the seven years of the withdrawal of the Minimum Practice Income Guarantee (MPIG). Find and participate in consultations run by Hackney Council children and young people; health in Hackney; living in Hackney; community safety and social inclusion (disbanded) governance … Every year around June, each commission picks two or three topics they want to review. Health in Hackney Scrutiny Commission Hackney Council Room 118 Town Hall Mare St, E8 1EA Reply to: 19 June 2017 Dr Clare Highton Chair City and Hackney Clinical Commissioning Group Governing Body By email Dear Clare Creation of single Accountable Officer for East London Health and Care Partnership This is how we get the most honest picture of how the council and our partners is doing. Every year around June, each commission picks two or three topics they want to review. The concerns over contractor behaviour stem in part from evidence coming out of a review of the Town Hall contract with specialist electrical services provider Morgan Sindall, carried out by the Living in Hackney scrutiny commission last year. The commission is very keen to hear tenants’ experiences of living in social housing. Scrutiny Commissions actively welcome involvement of the public and seek the views of members of the public on topics that are under review. Speaking at a Health in Hackney scrutiny commission meeting, Griffith accepted that the targeting of “the right types of people to use the system” needed to improve, while accepting that people will still continue in the end to present themselves directly at A&E when seeking urgent care. Hackney Council's position regarding PSPOs following scrutiny commission report In response to questions about a recent draft report produced by the Community Safety and Social Inclusion Scrutiny Commission, Hackney Council has clarified its position regarding Public Space Protection Orders. During 2014/2015 these one off items included: When the NHS wishes to make a substantial variation to the way it provides services in the borough there is a formal requirement for them to consult the commission and seek its advice and endorsement.
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