I too am a pioneer but I second your opinions shared in this article. Most blockchain companies publish their code as open source so it can be validated which is not the case here. Alice you are wrong KYC is being done by a realiable third party Identification Verifier. One needs to be patient with this. I would like have your permission to share your link and have it translated into Vietnamese for my Facebook friends to read about Pi. if this were a scam, I don’t think so many things would have made sense, even considering that the whitepaper is light on technical details. Tất cả ý kiến đều có ý đúng, đều có ý sai. Stay well! How about Bitcoin, XRP, ether? BitCoin Currently has a 30k+ MV. Monolith is a DeFi platform built on Ethereum, so the card itself supports all ERC-20 tokens. I googled but couldn't find The Prophetic Nurse. Thanks for gathering all this information in one, concise article. I’ll wait and see what comes out of it. You started questioning the reason why the coin isnt public yet and thats all fine but you should then ask the users within the app for answers, dont come up with them on your own(you can get things wrong). You can't trust anything that elitists say. Do you believe the risk is greater than the reward on this application? These ideas can evolve in amazing project that can generate value or will just be a failure. At one point the leaders of this project made a video and they asked the app users how do we think that the app can make money for running costs and after some time they asked us to vote on the ideas they thought could bring the best results, we chose in app advertising(users can turn off ads in the profile). thats crazy. I was literally just invited to join by a friend and I recognize the desperation. I personally know that any online operation has lots of expenses so if we can help why not. FB, Twitter, Google… Or games on your phone. The value of such data is unlikely to generate significant wealth for the large user base. That’s it, I am also writing about this bee thing. crypto, great, hope has payed off. ❌ [The app does not provide any utility to its users. I kept thinking about it but was saddened that Dr. Vernon Coleman may…, Hi JReller - Thanks for commenting. Amazing article. “Guys, I just wanted to share I just woke up and remembered I had a dream in which ETN would go up to 56$ a coin. As for what Cem has written only time will tell that whether or not its a scam. Basically, it doesn’t seem like a good return to keep this facade going. To which, many had refuted and claimed that Pi Coin does not show any ads whatsoever. level up by inviting more users to the platform. The app also has a KYC process of collecting passport information. However, I think the core of the difference of opinion is your view that this app is generating value through surveys about COVID (feel free to correct me on what you mean by COVID research), forum discussions etc. But now, miners must use expensive GPUs for mining. I don’t know, why you don’t like pi and demotivate others. Pi is not mined currently, but pre-mined. What do you think? But at the same time you can turn it off. They had zero value by then. I respect your opinion but disagree with it. You can check the test net activities in Pi blockchain explorer here: We will do our best to improve our work based on it. Thanks! And if someone is clear and has nothing to hide why not send the id ? Continued reading the rest of the article, and what do I find below it? I am leaving out the negatives and want to mention few positives. Can somebody answer me why can’t I delete my account in the PI network app? But you are not doom and gloom. He describes himself as “Gamer, Traveler, Digital Marketer, self-starter. In the end it ended as a pyramid scheme. I published your article. For example, the node has been tested for nearly 9 months since its release in the early second quarter of 2020, but because it is an internal test, there is no public test, so only the node pioneer can see the micro changes of pi currently in the test network. If a clone is successfully launched and not shut down by the hosting company, it can possibly get some of the traffic of the original site by misleading users. It should be no. if they refer others you do NOT benefit from them. Cost of a thousand impressions (CPM) is normally worth a few dollars. This is a problem solved by many without generating significant value to end users. Das System erinnert an das uns bekanngte Schneeballsystem. Actually it can be scam. 370 + positive reviews and good response on google play store, I’m the most beginners among the the Pi app users who are dreaming a good future and perhaps I’m the few among thousands to write a book with the tittle, “How to get 1000 Pi Referrals in a day ?”. There is no other crypto you can mine on your phone, and it doesn’t drain your battery. feel free to read why we think it is likely to be a dangerous scam, read more about it to see how Pi Network could develop, follow our Linkedin page where we share how AI is impacting businesses and individuals, 4 AI Applications / Use Cases in Augmented Reality in 2021, Conversational AI / VoiceBots in 2021: Comprehensive Whitepaper, Voice AI whitepaper: Learn the latest in voice bots in 2021, Spotter is an anonymous Pi Network clone monetizing users’ time, Timestope is possibly a big waste of time for its users. Because you have to give them a real name, that’s what they say. It’s also a hint of the financial system to come and, ultimately, a scam.”, That was written on a website between 2010-08-01 and 2011-08-01. Could Pi Networks’ currency be valuable in the future? The date you see at the top is not the published date, it is the last update date. I am still not sure if Pi is a scam, but I haven’t seen any major red flags. 5. 2. But I don’t think pi network going to benefit those at the bottom, it feels like a pyramid scheme. Yes, missing out on the 2 waves of crypto value spikes makes people eager to look for opportunities. But for the fact that you only have to waste 2 seconds per day i think its not much to lose. I’ve known about Pi Network for years now, and the thing that jumps out to me is the neverending claim that the “launch” of mainnet is imminent, but it has still yet to occur. They use the money they get from the ads to maintain the app, give people free KYC which is $3 to $4 value. Each node can independently determine if a transaction is valid or not, e.g. Nice read, it may not be a scam, but based on their privacy policy, they are collecting data to create personas to sell for profit! but trying to mine is only hoping that it could be helping in our future if it is happen that it could converted to fiat. I see what you’re saying and I don’t disagree. I think we should be on the top upside-down top U somewhere. For us, the question is why they don’t already launch the blockchain and the exchange. Not saying that all the doubts have been laid to rest, but as time passes by, I get more confident about it 🙂, So you are ok with things that look like scams as long as they are well crafted. Their Covid Safe app is better than the one our national government in Australia released. .…, Hi Paul, I wanted to address what you said as it's true what I thought before about my dream was not correct. Pi uses the other type of consensus algorithms and is based on the Stellar Consensus Protocol (SCP) and an algorithm called Federated Byzantine Agreement (FBA). And the revenue would be massive for a few team of a few people but it would be cents if distributed over the entire user base, at least based on our high level calculation. James Bailey is a blogger, business owner, husband and father of two grown children. Considering our information is already required to be on social media… I’m not that worried about PI. Last time I had trouble with Kucoin, ETN went down further, so I guess the LORD sometimes has our best in mind even when things seem like they aren’t working out. Personally I find it an amusing concept. I need help please. I think you don’t understand what multi-level marketing is. Then you dont know how crypto currency works. This is because some pi pioneers like to invite new pi members to join pi in the safe circle. Bitcoin is even more difficult. many people are hoping to be change their lives in the future. – we have not found a publicly shared implementation of the Pi Network blockchain. This goes way beyond what Facebook, Google or any of their clones around the world do….. Just wait for the time, and let’s see. I installed the app. We do regularly update our articles. This is the entire reason why they want users to open application every 24 hours and click on the mining button because otherwise they won’t be able to show ads. One has to think and innovate on the fly when some problems arise, which is the case here as well. If you have anything to add to my views, welcome to discuss together. I wouldn’t know if you have actually been into selling solutions before? Sorry, that was too funny not to point out. Founders have no investment in infrastructure as they are using people’s mobile computing for cryptocurrency. They currently have a network of well over 10,000,000 verified, living breathing humans with cell phones. Instead, I think the ads can be explained by the company being forced to generate some sort of small income to keep the project going since they simply don’t make much from users. As is the case with any other project, creating real value takes effort and time, and things may seem bad till one sees some real value being generated. GVB’s manuscript which was published Feb. 26th, 2021 & is linked above in the article with multiple excerpts. I wonder why that’s the case…? I don’t think it makes sense to compare miner numbers though. There is an option to turn off ads in your profile. Torrent sharing was a no go due to piracy issues..If only I could turn back the hands of time!!! Even if you only spend one second a day, you are still remembering something every single day and probably talking to other people about it to get them to sign up and if you do that long enough, you have quite an investment in time and mental awareness. Nothing changed. After months using the app I was curious about the pi network and I searched for their source code and I found out it was not open, this to me is a red flag. Now once a lot of people are within this community then people can transact and exchange good and services using pi. I saw Kucoin got hacked twice in fall 2020, so when they reject my password and I couldn’t reset it because they don’t send activation codes, I gave up. But eventually the bubble will burst and people will realize there’s nothing special about Pi. The white paper says it at the beginning, “evolution of money”, “digital currency for everyday people”, in other words: another try to decentralize the monetary system. Also, we do not cover many such topics but. Large number of micro transactions stabilises the value. One is that you have very good TA skill. Doesn’t SoSnake’s dream feel like he saw the flash crash event of Bitcoin to $300? Pi is not open source yet, but the node is open source. Pi advertising is the most user-friendly. We pioneers will make it a success. It’s enough for me. Don’t be foolish and don’t sell your privacy and personality for nothing. Also, once the testnet phase is finished, when the mainnet is turned on (tentatively set for the end of 2021), all duplicate/fake account balances will be tossed. One of the projects they’re currently looking to (re)solve is how to do better/cheaper/distributed KYC. “In other words, Bitcoin isn’t just a currency, it’s a massive experiment in group trust. No other cryptocurrency has ever had this much of active supporters. If not, you’re likely swimming out of your depth here. But if that’s the true resolve of the founders…is to make millions of people feel like complete idiots .. then kudos to them. Who was the first confirmation? For example, in traditional industries, technology giants continue to exploit the interests of most people, including personal information and labor services, but most people will never be able to enter the upper class. The whitepaper is a design concept that does not confer any special value to users or to the system. Free mining on the phone If you stop mining because of this article then good bye but remember one thing “success is a choice”. You’re a smart guy so you already know the answer. Cem regularly speaks at international conferences on artificial intelligence and machine learning. Stanford uni hasn’t financially supported the pi however one of the founders taught of pi (kokkalis) taught defi apps on Blockchain class in Stanford uni also computer science professors of Stanford uni were the advisors for the project. Don’t even compare it with bitcoin. Also the reference system just used as a means of adding people to the network, though you will get a share of pi earned by them, if your referrals doesn’t prove they are real people or if your referral couldn’t complete kyc you wont be getting the pi you earned thru them. So why would someone want to take that away from them? I dropped Pi and deleted the app only after within a few days playing with it because the ads kept popping up and covered the screen which is every annoying. its a 1 to 1 referral. Happy to be corrected if my understanding/viewpoint is wrong here. I think in Pi, that is not the case. It is crazy how the people who use this app are so die hard loyalist . As I mentioned earlier, there has to be a balance between quick iteration, functionality, stability, bug squashing, UX, security, KYC, and developing a new consensus based algorithm. All these medical terms are a little hard to understand. Hi Roger, thank you for your comment. However, this would not generate even 1 cent/month for the users unless they find a way to generate more value. It’s likely that the more accurate number is on their about page where it states 2-10 employees: https://www.linkedin.com/company/pi-net/about/, FYI: the company behind Pi Network is SocialChain Inc., registered in CA and incorporated in DE. We follow the agile methodology, improving all our work continuously. Curious to hear when the ads start to be displayed. The fact that due diligence and a thorough research to understand the underlying framework and roadmap of this project is missing from your article (as proven by yourself, as you had to edit the article several times to include facts people have brought to your attention in the comments here) leads me to believe there are some highly subjective reasons behind it. – docker node’s source code (albeit a number of months old) is at https://github.com/PiCoreTeam/pi-node-docker. I get distracted, time-wise, way more from stupid social media platforms that always want my attention, my data, and my content. I briefly looked into it was stuck in the battlefield between skepticism and optimism. Bitcoin had complete transparency on its technology from day 1 and had the potential to enable novel, value adding use cases like free funds transfers. Today is the great day to buy Electroneum, Reddcoin & Stellar Lumens!!! though before getting here. There has to be an exchange of services or goods. (how much bitcoin could someone mine in 2010 and how much can they mine now with exactly the same equipment or the level of investment). I do not support your point of view, but I want to add your omissions in certain places: ①Pi currently has no value. Though after reading this I’m a little bit worried I have the app on my phone but the whole set up of it seems sus. 3. we had thousands of cryptos, but none of them actually worried about the utility part or the “currency ” part in its name for which it can be used for goods and services. We do not have access to your address book or location. information, connecting with friends etc.). First of all I’m a fan of your great site which gives actual reviews and pieces of information on researched based. I work minimum wage jobs. I learned the hard way. 2. Thankfully I fall into the super broke category, and if they want to steal my identity along with my student loan debt they are welcome to all of it haha. I know that it doesn’t make me biased. Maybe Pi team have thought about this and knew that their project / scam would be a success. See my thoughts about the KYC above. The promoter is a user in both MLM and Pi-Network but I agree that Pi-Network demands less from its users. We don’t see shortcuts but consistent effort by flexible and open minds tend to pay off. What is your opinion? I have my doubts. No one from the core team claims that this project will be a success. Time is money but for most people in the world those 20sec needed to send a ping to the server isnt a problem. That one never seems to sink in, LOL. We are working on it. There are only 2 levels as you dont benefit from people added by the people you added. It is VERY GOOD TO BE SKEPTICAL. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google, THE CLONE was copying our website immediately. Your statement is from somebody who did not read the white paper and does not do his own research. https://youtu.be/Ur43IQl53Y0 I find that unlikely to be true for most users since you seem to be the only one who mentioned this out of hundreds of users who commented here. They are solving this one: How can I make money by watching ads or using apps that monetize my data? I couldn’t edit my comment but I would like to say that I agree that scrutiny and criticism are both healthy and valuable for everyone involved, but to make a claim, especially these days, that a global corporation is to be trusted because of backlash or attention seems incredibly naive. Please leave a comment, we are open to all view points. One way or another..pi network will go down in history. Now picture a very smart and strategic company, say a major food chain, offering to accept PI coins as payment. The level of investment here is minuscule. all you guys have facebook right? Total ammount of pi noone knows maybe 1 trillion coins without value. Thanks for your input. But expensive stuff! As I am already into it for last 6 to 7 months I may continue with it on a device which has no apps and I don’t carry it with me. Thanks for the info, between I will dig deeper looking into your points. If I do not see any benefit in the next 10 years then people may move on to other no effort investments It specifically states that participants will not get rich. Instead of burning energy like in Bitcoin’s proof of work consensus algorithm, SCP nodes secure the shared record by vouching for other nodes in the network as trustworthy. In my meditative sta…, Remembering also that Satan HAS to announce his plans before doing them to give him legal authority to carry them out. I’ve listed above 10 ways to get free cryptocurrency in 2021. They wilm have your government ID you will NEVER EVER be able to get the PI tokens EVER its all a scheme to just get your personal data! I have downloaded it and for one I can say that there are no visible ads anywhere, even when you spend the daily 10 seconds to click the button. Just 12 hours ago, a Reddit user posted the following dream he received regarding a big move up in the value of crypto currency Electroneum (ETN). Kyc offered for 1,00,000 people free of cost, for that the founders need to pay the third party app yoti one euro per user. The next Facebook is now most likely to be Tiktok. Ever since the first days of the net, there are websites that offer people money to watch ads. Vielen dank! One of the first things you learn is datamining uses a lot of electricity. Sorry to say Cem, but seems like you’ve not read the whitepaper. If the author had actually read the pi white paper, he would have known that pi never promised anybody anything! So far, Pi is very easy, and all you need is a mobile phone. So that means that everyday 10 million people ( give or take ) are logging in and clicking a button that proves they saw an ad. Surely you’ve written something to back that statement or can at least point to another project with similar goals that have managed to do the impossible “in hours”. However, we have not heard any users complaining about battery problems so your battery should be ok. Just remember those days when Bitcoin was started..I got invites to upload & share torrents and earn coins. However, it is not clear whether that value is worth the investment in time for at least some potential users. But it was a yet unpublished perspective so thanks for contributing. I really appreciate your research it can give us the users an outside perspective on some points. – Wrong: “No other cryptocurrency has ever had this much of active supporters”. The safe circle has a function to add members to the safe circle with the address book. I am not a user so I can not confirm this but if it is true, this is a horrible practice. Thank you for writing this. By building , in this case, a Pi economy, people can use it to exchange goods and services in the daily life, using all the advantages of block chain and leaving behind all fees, comissions and risk of fraud that paper currencies have. And we do not promise to make anyone rich or give anyone virtual money. Thanks Jay, yes they could be making at least a few thousand per month from advertising. Skip, Having a hard time getting my comment to post/make it to moderation. ②The reason why it has no value and no application and economic system is because it is still in the process of developing and constructing the blockchain. your knee has jerked a bit too much when penning this article where a trivial amount of effort would have produced more fact and fruit upon which to place your opinion. As you can see the future is an unknown but vision and dreams fuel possibilities. The only value that paper currency have is that people “trust” them (or rather we are obliged to trust them). Instead of such schemes, you could look into learning new skills which tend to pay off better. Because many people have become millionaires just by getting tipped with bitcoin in the early days of its existence or by mining using just a laptop. And successful companies tend to speak about their business success rather than their founders’ academic credentials. I am not sure, still looking into it. 🤣 Of course you haven’t and can’t. Is there any proof that this app is in any way affiliated with the Pi-network? Yes, I feel pretty certain ETN is about to go up up up. To me Pi has divided all the people of the world into two sides of a picture. Stealing our data? Wir haben uns die Internetseite https://minepi.com/#home angesehen. I will continue mining though. What is your benefit here? Please read the part of the article on watching ads to make money (i.e. Just my personal viewpoint on the project. Your article has help me a lot in my research work. But users are not losing anything. That is a recipe for getting hacked. There is zero effort and risk involved with Pi, I am still using mine. I see, but I believe that it is absolutely reasonable to reward earlier adopters. Every app you use would ask atleast basic permissions. Takes me a couple of seconds to click my app each day so you know it’s not a massive effort to be part of what COULD be something like bitcoin. However, we constantly update this article so please provide a link back to this article from the translation. Thanks, true an ICO would be a far more effective way to monetize the interest in the coin. 💥💥💥.
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