The challenges include rising backlogs, poor cost recovery, a pervasive culture of non-payment for water services, and huge and unsustainable water deficits. and the navigation of the complex challenges they face. One way we hope to achieve this goal through the Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Upgrading (WaSH-UP) Programme. coaching programmes from various sources. Access to water is a human right  and it is the responsibility of governments to provide it. need active participation of both sectors. Eco-Environmental Sciences, Since the program was introduced in 1994, around four million houses have been built and allocated to needy families and individua… Since access to sanitation (understood in this paper as the ability – and the right – to enter and to use the toilets at the time of need) is recognized as a human right in South Africa, all informal settlements … Partnerships established with the private sector, the establishment of dedicated funds for target groups, The Government has initiated various measures to increase, organisations committed to the promotion and advancement of wom. 1-11. understanding of the challenges faced by young informal traders, drawing on their everyday experiences South African Journal for This right and responsibility is directly linked to the science-based statements made by the international organisations and government leaders about cleaning hands and surfaces frequently to achieve safe hygiene and limit chances of transmitting the threatening coronavirus. Findings and implications: The case study of car guards confirms that the dual labour market theory can also apply within the informal sector on the condition that it is expanded to make provision for a further segmentation of the periphery sector. The area was chosen because of its accessibility to the researchers and its potential to provide relevant and accurate information for the research project. It is difficult for residents of informal settlements to follow guidelines to prevent Covid-19 transmission, such as hand-washing, in the absence of access to water. She also serves as a visiting researcher at the University of Witwatersrand’s School of Architecture and Planning. South Africa’s housing problems also have a peculiarity resulting from the Apartheid legacy, three aspects of which may be noted. It is, therefore, important to interrogate the responses of the different actors to the pandemic in relation to this call for solidarity. Street vending and hawking is assuming increasing dimension due to paucity of formal job opportunities in Ghana. This paper discusses the challenges of providing water and sanitation to urban slum settlements in South Africa. This fund epitomises solidarity efforts. Its policy makers and entrepreneurs have a growing influence on other African countries, particularly in southern Africa. The problem that confronts researchers is that even within informal employment, further segmentation is possible. households who live in informal settlements should therefore be regarded as indicative as there is insufficient data in the surveys to determine whether these households do, in fact, live in informal settlements as defined by local or provincial authorities. Consultancy Africa Intelligence, pp. One strategy to enhance the accessibility of condoms is to promote their informal distribution outside of health facilities through existing social networks. 70 Africa’s Public Service Delivery & Performance Review. We find a positive and robust impact of backward linkages, whereas the degree of informality of the enterprises in our sample seems to affect firm performance only indirectly through their linkages to the formal sector. The article strongly challenges the view that the cause of informal settlements in EMM and other parts of South Africa is predominantly the apartheid government and agrees with literature which provides evidence that to a larger extent, the present government, not the apartheid government, is one of the dominant causes of informal settlements. Formal versus Informal. It seems people living in informal settlements understand that hand- and surface-washing is an important practice in a world devastated by the pandemic but conditions restrain their compliance. procuring condoms at 12 public health facilities in four regions of South Africa. The model finally shows that there is a proportional relationship between the agent’s welfare and the size of the informal sector. 2005. Fifteen (15) youth participated in the study. Although science plays a critical role in responding to the pandemic, people’s responses are an indispensable element in navigating uncertainty and fighting a pandemic successfully, as shown in the work of Hayley MacGregor. Of the 554 individuals interviewed, 269 (48%) reported either giving or receiving condoms informally in the month before the study. 44, pp. She is also a visiting researcher at the University of Witwatersrand’s School of Architecture and Planning. Informal settlements are inherently unstructured in nature, lack adequate services, regularly have high population densities and can experience social problems. It is therefore in the light of this that this paper provides a deep insight into the nature, characteristics and significance of the sector in the Nigerian economy, with a view to attempting the possibility of broadening the Nigerian labor relations system beyond the formal employment ( to embrace the informal sector). For example, under the Kenya Informal Settlements Improvement Project, the National Hygiene Program was initiated to address COVID-19 through cash-for-work activities for youth, with more than 25,000 jobs created in informal settlements since April. In comparison with the private sector, a lower efficiency in public sector is still noticeable in the world. It used youth hawkers operating at Okponglo and Dzorwulu junctions. 4(2), p. 659. Business dynamics of the informal business sector, Chenga, N. (2013), Business dynamics of the informal business sector, Business Horizons, that policies and strategies are sensitive to gender issues. Approach: To determine whether the dualism, that described by the dual labour market theory, is also present within the informal sector itself, available data on a typical informal sector activity, namely car guarding, is analysed. In this context this paper attempts to examine the structure of employment in tea plantations in terms of employment, wages and earnings and therein understand the role of the Plantation Labour Act (PLA), 1951 in fostering inclusive growth. The call for solidarity, therefore, evokes the question of how to catalyse informal settlements to be part of this solidarity; how to reinforce interventions such as increased hand-washing, physical distancing and self-isolation given their current poor conditions — water shortages, poor sanitation and waste management, and households sharing one-roomed shacks. 2.1. Therefore, the study concludes that the lower social and economic development can be explained by not exploiting the opportunities emerged in the last decades, due the lack of alignment between municipal public policies with state and federal ones. But nongovernmental organisations (NGOs) executing interventions such as capacity-building, social audits and litigation against municipalities for evicting residents of informal settlements, are aware that this messaging presents a dilemma for these communities. The training they receive should be tailor made to, legislation to the traders, so as to improve their safety and s. The informal sector and skills development. (2008). conditions under which the informal traders operate. Water Research Commission (WRC) on the challenges of providing services to informal settlements in South Africa. the challenges facing the informal sector in south africa General challenges facing the informal sector According to S aunders and Loots (2006:92) one of the key challe n g e s f a c e d b y t h e Zulu land body in limbo: Who becomes Ingonyama trustee? London Metropolitan University, pp. On its turn, the population of Taquara has shown a slight growing in the last few years, as well as its PIB. Between 1994 and 2005, the government had built 1.8 million brand new basic government houses as a part of the program. Human Resources, 5 (4), p 45-49. While promoting mismanagement of waste at a household level, the practice results in an increase in illegal dumping sites, which are common in high-density formal and informal settlements. Access to safe sanitation is a growing challenge in informal settlements where over 65.0% of the residents have inadequate sanitation (UN-Habitat 2014), and this has been identified as one of the biggest social issues of post-apartheid South Africa . African governments are responding relatively swiftly to the coronavirus pandemic; some have developed Covid-19 country preparedness and response plans. Yet a study conducted by Jiangzhuo Chen, Shuyu Chu, Youngyun Chungbaek et al, “Effect of modelling slum populations on influenza spread in Delhi” finds that ignoring the influence of slum characteristics may catalyse the speed of an outbreak and result in inappropriate interventions. Join ResearchGate to find the people and research you need to help your work. Community-led Practices For Upgrading 40 Traditional dual labour market theory maintains that jobs can be roughly divided into two groups: those with low wages, bad working conditions, unstable employment and little opportunity for advancement; and those with relatively high wages, good working conditions and opportunities for advancement. The article reports on the study that was conducted at Greater Letaba Municipality in Limpopo Province. From a government viewpoint, numerous factors add, processes within municipalities, each using its own, rate and how this unemployment rate crisis is taking its toll o, which the practitioners in the informal economy find, in the suburbs, where officers’ wives or relat, 66 Africa’s Public Service Delivery & Performance Review, women find it difficult to operate because municipal by-laws ma, the common biggest fears for both men and women street traders, well as information that could help them improve their business. During a two-day WHO forum for health researchers, Ghebreyesus remarked that: This outbreak is a test of solidarity — political, financial and scientific. The lesson we are learning during this challenging time, which governments need to build on, is the necessity of directing significant efforts and resources towards providing inclusive urban infrastructure and basic services. Climate change slightly more of a priority for chief executives,... Hlophe did not apply corruption law properly in Bongo case,... Impeachment inquiry against public protector initiated. Further, an increased use of piece-rated women workers, whose wages were lower than the time-rated workers, was observed. At the time 61 coronavirus cases had been reported in South Africa. A basket of policies is needed to address the problem of unemployment as effectively as possible. Further econometric analysis corroborates the importance of the degree of informality for the existence of linkages and shows various enterprise characteristics to be significant determinants. The ISULabaNtuproject was established in response to these challenges. Deploying a qualitative research approach with But such efforts are also needed in the post-coronavirus era. Informal settlements in South Africa 26 2.2. This is an area that requires a lot of attention, given the importance of the informal sector in South Africa and Africa at large. informal sector, traders, small businesses, entrepreneurship, developing, ter Letaba Municipality in Limpopo Province 59, ter Letaba Municipality in Limpopo Province 61, ter Letaba Municipality in Limpopo Province 63, ter Letaba Municipality in Limpopo Province 65, ter Letaba Municipality in Limpopo Province 67. This paper explores entrepreneurial opportunities among youth engaged in vending and hawking on the streets of Accra, Ghana. : This text focuses on the complex challenges--from poor living conditions to troubled health care options--faced by those living in informal settlements in countries such as South Africa and Brazil, as well as by local and national authorities around the world seeking to … with the rest of Africa, while both its public and private sectors provide a number of models for potential development. This finding presents several important policy implications. The informal sector is a highly diversified segment, and street trading is one type of survivalist activity. This paper investigates the degree of congruence between three definitions of informality based on employment contract registration, on social security protection and the characteristics of the employer and employment using Brazilian household survey data for the period 1992 to 2001. The first section provides some background on the economies of Africa, a short discussion on the causes of poverty, and a description of the informal sector. This measure was followed by a countrywide total lockdown on March 27. informal settlements in the Western Cape Province. This article explores the nature of street trading undertaken in the Johannesburg CBD, characterised by poor working conditions, low income, extremely long hours and overcrowding. Our descriptive analysis shows that formal backward linkages are much more prevalent than formal forward linkages, and that linkages vary with the degree of informality, occurring less frequently if firms have no ties to the formal sector at all or low-capital stocks. . The following are the findings of the study: safety issues more than their male counterparts. © 2008-2021 ResearchGate GmbH. (DTI). The specific practices involved in giving or receiving condoms differed between males and females, with women more likely to involve family members and men more likely to involve friends. Revista Brasileira de Gestao e Desenvolvimento Regional. The Reconstruction and Development Programme (RDP), introduced by the ANC government in 1994, set up a government-funded housing programto house low-income residents. For instance, President Cyril Ramaphosa declared a national state of disaster on March 15, and tightened measures to fight back the coronavirus. And according to South Africa legislation, a municipality can’t install fixed infrastructure where they don’t own the land. This study, carried out in Kisumu’s informal settlements, had two aims: to describe living conditions and to propose areas of improvement within the settlements. All rights reserved. It is generally held that though the Indian economy has been experiencing high growth in the post-reform period, it is not inclusive and that certain sectors, regions and population of the country are being excluded from the benefits of growth. Undoubtedly, interaction between governments and the communities has become a pressing point as some communities grapple with adhering to the solidarity message in practice. • The informal sector is linked to the formal economy • Produces, distributes, and provides services to the formal economy • The taxi industry which is mostly unregulated has close linkages with the formal vehicle companies, petrol and insurance industries • The paper company Mondi owns 117 waste recycling centres in South Africa The aim of the study was to investigate the challenges that were faced by informal traders in Greater Letaba Municipality in Limpopo Province in South Africa. Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta did not wait for an increase in the number of cases, but instead put the country into a partial lockdown immediately after the first case of coronavirus was confirmed. (2007), The informal sector and skills development. In South Africa, high levels of unemployment and poverty have pushed many of the unemployed into self-employment activities in the informal sector. ... By 2015, a study by LEDRIZ (2015) showed that the number of young people and women in the informal sector continued to grow, eclipsing the numbers in the formal sector. www.oecd-org/sti/young-sme, Trade and Traders: A Dynamic Factor in the small and micro, South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences, 7 (1, firm creation in the informal sector? If South Africa and global curve continue to ignore the pleas of the disadvantaged communities on lack of water access, water scarcity will increase causing droughts and floods. Researchers concur that these settlements are highly susceptible to communicable disease because of their poor infrastructure. South African Journal for Human Resources, 2 (4), p 248. It also emerged that the youth have plans to innovate and grow businesses, but the high cost of credit is a barrier. These are unprecedented times, and the role of media to tell and record the story of South Africa as it develops is more important than ever. In addition, United Nations general secretary António Guterres, launched the $2-billion Global Humanitarian Response Plan to combat Covid-19 in vulnerable countries. As the health guidelines dictate, this is critical in slowing the transmission. A final section also raises some research questions. All rights reserved. (2014). An increase in informal and self-employment was experienced during the last decades. Guibin, J. All material © Mail & Guardian Online. Her interdisciplinary research focuses primarily on Africa and is concerned with sustainable development, land tenure, informal settlements, gender and local government, A lack of precedent has raised concerns about the future of the Ingonyama Trust after the death of the king, its sole trustee, The National Assembly’s decision will be at once about the future of the public protector and about the street fight for power in the ANC, The cops accused of killing Mthokozisi Ntumba during the Wits student protests last week will spend another week in custody as the NPA opposes bail, But 27% of the chief executives canvassed report being ‘not concerned at all’ or ‘not very concerned’ about climate change, Bongo dismisses the state’s application as a waste of money, driven by ‘dark forces’, The National Assembly has adopted a report finding prima facie evidence of misconduct by 275 votes as an ANC caucus revolt is contained, local forms of engagement at community level, especially in these informal settlements, advises governments to work with their residents, declared a national state of disaster on March 15, devised a comprehensive and proactive response, Effect of modelling slum populations on influenza spread in Delhi, please consider taking out a subscription, Local government elections: Covid-19 adds to IEC’s challenges, Crafting credible election commissions in West Africa, ‘We can’t afford to become the Covid continent’, What South Africa’s universities have learnt about the future from Covid-19, Celebrate the matric class of 2020 for their resilience and perseverance, Dreams of Covid recovery dashed by rising unemployment. Each settlement, however, has unique living conditions which require improvement efforts that are specifically tailored to the settlement. Nevertheless, this sector is plagued by a number of challenges which this article presents. Access to water is emerging as a key breaking point to the Covid-19 response. Conclusion: The South African labour market is fragmented, consisting of a well-paid formal sector and the periphery that consists of workers in the informal sector, subsistence agriculture and the unemployed. Steady compositional changes have been taking place amongst informal workers, conditional on definition. they do not have to contribute towards tax revenues. A range of alternative empirical definitions of informal activity have been employed in the literature. Vote on Mkhwebane shows a divided ANC caucus, CCTV footage used to nab Mthokozisi Ntumba’s alleged killers. the government of South Africa to demonstrate, private sector which was supported through formal and informal, cities, informal traders are constantly harassed by policemen a, infrastructure such as ablution facilities or child care facili, Empirical evidence has also revealed that the informal sector i, the same vein, the economic slowdown of the formal sector affec, even by candle light. Participation is central 38 3. The informal sector of the Nigerian economy, which is characterized with heterogeneous set of small-scale activities that are barely affected by state action(s), could be regarded as a ‘safety net' for low-income workers without regular employment or social security. Indeed, many of the youth-led informal enterprise operators seem to lack financial literacy to grow their enterprises successfully. The Mail & Guardian is a proud news publisher with roots stretching back 35 years, and we’ve survived right from day one thanks to the support of readers who value fiercely independent journalism that is beholden to no-one.
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