Big blue is acceptable (if the whole window is blue, you can get rid of one layer). * Unnecessary Background 5. This information, even though it’s generic, can sometimes prove useful to point you in the right direction and help you understand what part of the pipeline you need to focus on. On slide 23 we have that flat layout. Try to avoid bad performing patterns like doing work on the UI thread and learn how to write fast and responsive apps. My hope is that anybody who has never had profiled their code before will have the confidence to do so after they read this. For providing a smooth and seamless user experience and application performance, mobile app development companies focus on app performance optimization techniques quite conscientiously as well. The rest were eliminated by removing the extra depth created from the ViewGroups that weren’t serving any purpose. We already know that if the GPU isn’t ready when VSync pulse happens, then a frame is dropped and the same frame is shown again. Now that we know the basic causes of jank, how do we avoid them? Users can be forgiving of this if it’s a one-off that never happens, but if your application does this on a regular basis, be prepared for uninstalls and negative Play Store reviews. Hierarchy Viewer is used to detect rendering efficiency and remove unnecessary nesting. – EboMike Aug 23 '10 at 8:45 The file in our main layout is backgroundwhile, so you can remove the white background of ListView. The RenderThread will only be present on Android five and up. All the Modification codes are as follows: ok, and the last one, which is also very easy to ignore. Triangle This article describes and discusses these techniques. To understand how jank happens, we will review a few terms first: • Frame rate or frames per second is the frequency per second the device’s hardware can draw to a buffer. When a layout is include d as a sub-layout by other layouts, merge is used as the top node of the layout, so that when introduced, the top node will be automatically ignored, and all its own points will be merged into the main layout. My deeply nested layout example, I know it seems completely contrived in this context, but it’s really easy to end up with a view tree that looks very similar to that when you start reusing layouts with the includes tag. As you can see on slide 22, when I click on the RecyclerView node, there are 49 views; 48 child views plus the RecyclerView itself. What happens if VSync is turned off? The most common overdrawing is setting useless background colors!!! Subscribe for Realm tutorials, new features, and company announcements, You will be receiving an email shortly with details on your subscription, You will not be receiving an email shortly with details on your subscription, Build better apps faster with edge-to-cloud sync - Free Trial, "", setup instructions on, Hierarchy Viewer Walkthrough - Android Developer Docs, Huyen Dao - Loving Lean Layout - droidcon Berlin YouTube talk. But since this is a list row, our mistakes in the deeply nested layout get multiplied for every row displayed on the screen. On slide 13, you can see an example of a deeply nested layout. Here is the performance comparison between constraintlayout and traditional layout, relativelayout and LinearLayout. This buffer frame is commonly referred to as the “back buffer”. Sometimes we need to set the speakability of View to GONE according to the requirement. However, many of these tools seemed really difficult to use and they produced results I struggled to make sense of. The main.mxl code is as follows: The foot.xml introduced by include is at the bottom of the common page. Android performance optimization launch Optimization Practice. 24fps enables the human eye to perceive continuous linear motion, which is attributed to the motion blurring effect. Both are part of the canvas API. At this point, we’ve skipped a frame and a third buffer is allocated, and we can start drawing to it immediately. Much like Profile GPU Rendering on screen as bars, it displays the GPU rendering pipeline in colored sections and shows the green 16-millisecond reference bar. The video was recorded, produced, and transcribed by Realm, and is published here with the permission of the conference organizers. Green: It means overdraw twice. In this 360AnDev talk, I’ll explain what causes jank (dropped frames) to occur while scrolling, tips on how to avoid it and how to profile for problem areas if it happens. Seeing here, students may ask: why is it that 16ms rendering once, and what is the relationship between 60fps? Fluid UI also uses a number of third party services providers in order to provide the Fluid UI service: Google If you have clicked on one of these ads (on or on one of Google’s affiliate sites), this information will be tracked so we can attribute your purchase correctly. Brenda is an Android Software Engineer currently working as a consultant. 1, it has basically reached the optimal state. So there will be no redundant Relative Layout nodes. When optimizing the UI, one of the first things you should look at is your view hierarchy. It extracts a specific function into an independent component, which can satisfy different requirements as long as the parameters are controlled. On slide 47, we have a highlighted area, and then I clicked on the section Draw on the UI Thread, and then hit the M key to mark it. That gets handed off to the GPU to draw to a buffer. I hope that if you haven’t done that already, you will do it today. Change Relative Layout to merge in foot.xml, as follows: After running, use hierarchy viewer again to view the main.xml layout as follows:  Always remember, premature optimization is … Most Android devices refresh the screen 60 times a second (there are undoubtedly exceptions—earlier Android devices were sometimes in the 50 or less fps range). Both are well above that 16 millisecond reference bar. Another big chapter in Unity Android Optimization, is the UI optimization. You’ve optimized as much as possible and you’re still experiencing jank. Since then, she has been developing for Android for close to five years and dabbles in other technologies including IoT. But as long as we extract the title bar layout that needs to be used many times into a separate xml file, and then use the < include > tag to introduce it where needed. Most of the attributes of the viewstub tag are similar to those of the include tag. The challenges aren’t any less of the same. Dark red: It means overdraw four times. At the same time, don't let the animation execute too many times, resulting in CPU or GPU overload. If you’re using an emulator, then you’re already good to go. I specified that I want the results output to a file named mytrace by using the -o tag. Once the system is doing a time-consuming operation larger than 16 ms, the system will not be able to respond to VSYNC signal and perform rendering, resulting in frame loss. Android Performance Optimization. Despite optimizing our layout and removing overdraw, we still have some performance problems, as can be seen by the red dot on slide 48. Notice here that I made a non-null judgment on the instance of ViewStub, because the id defined by ViewStub in XML is only valid at the beginning. What does it mean having performant UI? You definitely want to look at what you’re doing in that area. Anything that falls outside of this area will not be drawn, and quickReject returns true if the area is completely outside of the clipping rectangle. 2, memory optimization. There’s not really any documentation that I could find for that, but at least now there are labels next to it if you’re looking in the Android studio monitor. You can see some screenshots on slide 18 on how to obtain a capture. What users are seeing is code. However, it can sometimes be difficult to track down and fix these issues. Especially shades of red, which are bad. Author: Dashengdai. This background is hard to find. Next, there are some unnecessary backgrounds. Time:2020-6-3. How often do you perform rendering to make the interface run smoothly? As with desktop machines, assuming space isn't an issue, you should prefer double to float. Light red: It means overdraw three times. If this orange section gets tall, then that means too much work is happening on the GPU and the CPU is sitting around idle. To navigate Systrace output, you can use ASDW on your keyboard, kind of like playing a game. That is the tree overview of that deeply nested layout that I showed earlier. It’s more complicated than that, but this sums it up into one oversimplified sentence. A vertical bar represents the entire rendering pipeline, and each color is a phase of it. You can see an example on slide 9, where we have frames 0, 1, and 2 displaying on the screen when a VSync pulse happens. Also if there’s no color, it means that there’s no overdraw occurring at all. Now let's look at the final Show GPU Overdraw and compare it with the original one. Performance Optimization Related Examples The purpose of is to extract the common parts of the Layout for other Layouts to optimize the Layout. The RAM and CPU varies and if you want a reasonable performance and user experience on all the devices then you need to fix this thing. Using include may result in too many nested layouts, too many view nodes and slow down the parsing speed. view is just a FrameLayout, so you can use merge to eliminate only one. You’ll see each frame represented as a colored dot; either green, yellow, or red (see slide 46): • Green is good. Optimize hierarchy and layouts: Layout is an important part of an app that, if applied poorly, can result in an application that constantly exhausts the phone memory by its sluggish UI. You can also use M to highlight a section or an entire frame. Most of the time here was spent on the RenderThread, issuing draw commands, as can be seen by that light green bar labeled DrawFrame. Unity Optimization refers to the process of making your game run better. Android apps are designed to run at 60 FPS but are the apps running at FPS? To enable profile GPU rendering, go into: Settings, Developer Options, and then select one of the two profile GPU rendering options. On the other hand, don’t think your app has to be so perfect that it never drops a frame here or there. The problem here is that the UI update is performed in the main thread, so when the initialization task and other time-consuming operations occur, the UI will get stuck. What this effectively does is it disables that heartbeat that syncs up your GPU’s buffer swap to your screen’s refresh interval. Performance optimization of Android UI in real-world recognition rendering In fact, due to different configurations and long iteration history, there may be many time-consuming operations in the UI thread in the code, so we hope to have a simple detection mechanism to help … In order to better understand the role VSync plays, we need a basic understanding of how frame buffering works. You can see an example on slide 39 displaying memory, CPU, and GPU monitors running. Thus, the analysis time of layout is accelerated and hardware resources such as cpu memory are saved. There are many techniques for increasing the performance of applications built with Xamarin.Android. This XML achieves the exact same results as the one on slide 13, but with a very shallow layout: You can see a side-by-side comparison of the design view screenshots for both layouts on slide 16. By default, it will not be parsed. The red section of the bar represents the time spent by Android’s 2D renderer issuing commands to OpenGL to draw the display list. When I was preparing this presentation, I kept those early struggles in the back of my mind. Videos you watch may be added to the TV's watch history and influence TV recommendations. This citation is from: Google releases Android Performance Optimization Model - Open Source Chinese Community. In comparison, you can see on slide 20 the tree for the flattened version of the layout. Vity calls getWindow().setBackgroundDrawable(null); ok, a simple listview shows item s. We have identified six unnecessary backgrounds. As a rule of thumb, floating-point is about 2x slower than integer on Android-powered devices. Profile GPU rendering is a great first place to get a holistic overview of UI rendering performance. (I just feel that the picture given by google is wrong, clearly 32ms, how to mark a 34ms, is there any other implication that I did not understand?). There are a lot of useless ViewGroup parents in this that are serving zero purposes, but have a negative impact on the performance by contributing to the measure and layout time required to render this list route. If you can't smoothly express the gorgeous picture content, you need to use 60fps to achieve the desired effect. For example, we often need to add a title bar when editing the Android interface. You can’t completely avoid overdraw, but you want to minimize it as much as possible. This talk was delivered live in July 2016 at 360 AnDev. We have more or less encountered the perceptible interface cartoon phenomenon in the development of applications, especially in the case of too many nested layers of layout, unnecessary rendering, or too many time-consuming operations in onDraw method, too many times of animation execution, it is easy to create such a situation. However, the problem is that the so-called 2-3 years of work experience, so that recruitment units mistakenly believe that: 2-3 years of development experience and just concluded training experience, basically equate. Use setHasFixedSize. There is no need to draw the background with the avatar. Pixels are drawn five times or more. Since these images are much larger than the images are actually drawn on the screen, a good optimization would be to resample these images so that we’re pushing fewer pixels through the pipeline. Well, the main reason is that there are many unnecessary backgrounds in the layout file. ViewStub is often used to introduce layouts that are not displayed by default and only appear in specific situations, such as progress bars, prompt layouts for network connection failure display, etc. Therefore, developers must pay attention not to nest too many layers in the design of layout, and use include method to introduce layout. If a 60 Hertz display, we have a display that can update 60 times per second. 2. setWindows Background (drawable); then we can use Acti. It is measured in Hertz. A and D, left and right. To use Hierarchy Viewer, you need to follow the setup instructions on Also on slide 28, you may notice that the upper part of the cat images are darker than the lower part. Performance matters if you want to be able to provide buttery smooth, exceptional user experiences. For the meaning of each color block, see the following picture: Blue, light green, light red and dark red represent four different degrees of Overdraw. So we have the same layout as we did directly in main.xml, except that there is a problem mentioned above where the more layout id is covered. There’s Glide, Fresco, and Picasso, to name a few. Take the code example in Label 4.2.1 as an example, and use hierarchy viewer to view the main.xml layout as follows: You can find an unnecessary layer of Relative Layout. On the left is the deeply nested, and on the right is the optimized layout. This helps to see the depth of the selected child view and where the container views begin and end. Space-wise, double is 2x larger. The same goes with linear layout regarding the weight attribute. Or you can lean on a trusted image library where these things have been taken into consideration before. So if possible, you should generally display some content as soon as possible and delay the background checks and updates a bit. xml If you enable everything and you’re still not getting output, make sure the DDMS device monitor is not running. On slide 34 you can see a side-by-side screenshot with Profile GPU Rendering on screen enabled, running on a Marshmallow device. As shown in the figure above, the Android system sends a VSYNC signal (VSYNC: vertical synchronization vertical synchronization, frame synchronization) every 16 ms, triggering the rendering of the UI. It’s the pixel crossing guard and it operates like a heartbeat. She is a former Network Engineer specializing in Cisco Networking and Security Appliances who made the leap into software in 2011. Android,iOS At the same time, every major training institute in China trains thousands of developers with 2 to 3 years'working experience every month. NOTE: I'm leaving the previous code example up for historical reasons, but as of Unity 5.5, they've changed the way this works.Apparently the previous behaviour was a bug, and the #define now needs to be set where you *call your method*, not where it's declared. Medium-sized green areas are acceptable, but you should try to optimize and reduce them. If your vertical bar goes above that line, then things took too long. Your Apps performance is a crucial element of the user experience. On the Android side, that would mean an Android phone such as the Nexus One, or most phones that run Android 2.3 Gingerbread. It is essential for the mobile developer to handle memory related issues and optimize an application so it can process large data (for example, a web request that downloads hundreds of photos and alike).
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