A. Mathematical Functions      A. Kinematic and space charge theory May be repeated for credit.Expanded Course Description: N/A, Units: 1 (1 Seminar)Prerequisites: Graduate standingCatalog Description: Seminars on current research in systems and control by faculty and visiting experts. Analysis of Discrete-Time Systems      A. THz and mm-wave applications      B. Photovoltaics and Solar Cells 3. CA&ES freshman students will be registering AUG 3-5 and all transfer students will be registering AUG 10-12 and 17-19.            3.      B. Interrupts      D. Logical effort      D. CMOS processes, parasitics Probability Density Computer simulation and design III. Passive components, single-ended and fully differential op amps, sampled-data and continuous-time filters. Trellis-Based Decoding Algorithms for Convolutional Codes Characterization of Signals and Systems      F. Block diagrams      B. Comparators Surface States, Surface Charges, and Space Charges IX.      G. Phased array systems Coding for analog sources. Trends in IC Power Consumption Viterbi algorithm I. Overview of high-frequency integrated circuits A presentation of basic ideas and their applications.      C. Rates, sputter yields and uniformity X. Diffusion in partially ionized gases      A.      c. Feature Selection and Explainable AI Euclidean space This course will review from a device perspective the current and foreseen advances in this field.This course provides students with an overview of the field of nanodevices.      D. Full-custom circuit layout using MAGIC      D. Introduction to load-pull measurements Bulk MOS transistor fabrication (Offered in even years. Application to communication circuits. Wave Propagation in Anisotropic Media; Anisotropic Optical Elements      B. Optical coherent tomography The report will include a Future Work section. I. Energy Storage Elements In the second half of the quarter, switched-capacitor (SC) circuits are introduced and analyzed using the Z- transform and charge-transfer analysis.            4.      B. Ion Sources, Optics, and Interactions.      A. Students also work independently on a significant course project.      D. Surface and interface effects      F. Reciprocity      D. Optimized single mode fiber design The finite precision representation: quantizing the filter coefficients by truncation or rounding Krylov-Baguliubov method Fourier series and transforms. VII.      C. Parseval’s relation MEMS interfaces Digital Signaling over Fading Multipath Channels (optional) The DFT and its properties III.      C. Density matrix formalism-decay rates and dephasing      D. Equivalent input noise Complex numbers      C. Vapor-Liquid-Solid (VLS) Growth      B. Compilation and code generation      E. Phase matching Example systems: FFT, Viterbi, DSSS, CDMA, etc. Plant uncertainty, robustness, gain and phase margins Relation to Laplace transform      D. Large gain output coupling      D. The Delta function and its applications The first half of the course covers advanced MOS device modeling, passive components, and a number of CMOS operational amplifiers, both single-ended and fully differential.            2. Simulation-Based Design Verification Impurity level transitions Study of correlation function and spectral density, ergodicity and duality between time averages and expected values, filters and dynamical systems.      B. Spectral density and filtering      B. II. Examples will include bioimplantable devices for treating medical disorders.      C. Power amplifiers Micro- and Nano-Manufacturing.            ii.      A. Basic Physics of Crossed Field Devices, Hull Cutoff, Buneman-Hartree condition Review of linear power amplifier design techniques      C. Optical isolators      F. Frequency multipliers for mm-wave and THz signal generation. O.      C. Multiprotocol Label Switching and Optical-Label Switching, Units: 3 (3 Lecture) Prerequisites: EEC 140BCatalog Description: Physical principles, characteristics and models of various semiconductor devices including: P-N junction and metal-insulator-semiconductor diodes, junction and insulated gated field effect transistors.Expanded Course Description:I. Unipolar Devices X. Sawtooth instability Hot carrier degradation and practical solutions The course will discuss synthesis techniques for multi-element and cascade distributed structures.      H. Interconnection networks Introduction to the operational amplifier Students will learn basic knowledge of fundamental principles in communication networks and understand the architecture and underlying protocols along with scalability, complexity, and robustness of large-scale network systems. Techniques for Energy Transfer in Wireless Systems Combinatorial Optimizations      D. Output stages      B. Laser spiking, relaxation oscillations      B. Large-signal common-emitter gain Decoding Active High Frequency Devices Carbon Nanostructures (Carbon Based Fullerenes and Nanotubes), Units: 4 (3 Lecture; 1 Discussion) Prerequisites: PHY009B required; EEC130AB recommendedCatalog Description: Theory and techniques of optical imaging and microscopy. Example (1): Self Driving Cars      B.      G. Frequency Domain Design of Discrete-Data, Units: 4 (3 Lecture; 1 Discussion)Prerequisites: EEC 150ACatalog Description: Signal analysis and design. Individual project requirement.Expanded Course Description: The course introduces the key methodologies and techniques to (a) collect, visualize, analyze, and model empirical measurements, (b) test a hypothesis, (c) formulate and optimize Internet engineering solutions (e.g., applied to routing, load balancing, etc.
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